The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 861 Dongtian, Yan Dao Realm and Divine Formation Master

Chapter 861 Dongtian, Yan Dao Realm and Divine Formation Master
This place where the pulses of the earth are concentrated, after being gradually transformed by the earth masters and formation masters of the Chu family using the formation method, the nine earth veins gradually merged along a certain circular formation and nine streams, and finally became a huge earth vein eye.

Earth eyes like this will eventually hit the ground and form various natural landscapes.

ah ah ah...

With the shouts of the underground masters and formation masters. "Run..."

"Run, run fast..."

With the eye of the earth as the center, a huge yellow dragon of earth and stone grew out with lightning speed.The earth masters and formation masters ran out one by one in extreme embarrassment, and as soon as they ran out, they jumped onto the flying boat that had been waiting on the ground for a long time.

Then the flying boat ran quickly, and the huge khaki-yellow mountain swelled fiercely like a monster, chasing their flying boat with claws and teeth.

For a moment, the flying sand and rocks flew, and the flying boat was bumped violently in the sand and rocks. A group of earth masters and formation masters could only support each other to barely stabilize themselves from falling off the flying boat.

When they took out the area where the earth dragon was boiling, sand, stone, soil and foam were flying around, they saw a huge yellow mountain piercing the sky.

The area of ​​this mountain looks small, but it also has a radius of hundreds of miles, thick at the bottom and thin at the top.

The peak pierces into the sky and cannot be seen at all.

It's even more frightening than my own third-order spirit vein and five-element spirit peak.

"My God, what did the Patriarch do? A pillar piercing the sky?"

"It's the Chiatian Mountain Peak, okay?"

"Why are you so tall?"

"Does it feel like it's going to grow out of the world?"

"Probably not? I have never heard of the existence of mountains that grow out of the world."


"I always feel that the Patriarch is getting more and more demonic. Why is what she does so weird? A big pillar?"

"It's a mountain!!!"

The evacuated Earth Masters and Array Masters looked at the terrifyingly thick Pillar Mountain, while discussing enthusiastically what the Patriarch was going to do this time?
The violent air of the earth veins formed a visible storm scene on the surface of the pillar.In the future, let alone mortals, even monks, with a weaker cultivation base, will find it difficult to climb such mountains.

"What do you think, why do you think this pillar is so weird?" People from the Chu family also rushed to join in the fun.

Whether it is the main line or the branch, they all came here when they heard about the changes here.

Even Chu Dashan brought Dalang and his wife over.

"What the hell is this?" Chu Qi asked curiously, looking at the pillar-like mountain.

"Ask Xiao Liu later, she must know." Chu Dashan said confidently.

Chu Shiluo also nodded.

"Brother Shiluo?"

"Brother An Zhen?"

A young man walked over quickly with several other companions.

"I didn't expect to see Brother Shi Luo here again? Are these two uncles and aunts?" Chu Anzhen asked with a smile.

"Father and mother, this is Brother Anzhen, the heir of the Green Bamboo Branch. I met him when I was checking out my shop on Xianyu Island." Chu Shiluo said.He also knew through Taohua that Chu Anzhen had also personally formed an underground black market organization, and it was developing very well.

It is comparable to his Liu Yaohui.

"Chu Anzhen, it turns out to be Dalang from the Green Bamboo Branch. I have met your father and fought with him in the lake of fire." Chu Dashan said with a silly smile.Chu Anzhen's father is a well-rounded man, who likes whoever he sees.

An Zhen quickly grasped the topic, and soon chatted with Chu Dashan's family.

Everyone chatted about homework, the situation and anecdotes in the clan, and a lot of time passed.

The stone peaks are no longer thickening so scary and fast, and the earth system storms on the mountain are not so scary like flying sand and rocks.The craftsmen who had been waiting for a long time began to go.They were sent by flying boat to the point of the mountain.

The flying boat flew higher and higher, and the runes on the robes were automatically activated one by one.Not only was the wind strong in the sky, but the temperature also dropped sharply.

Soon the flying boat really climbed into the clouds.Only this time did everyone see clearly where the peaks of the mountains were.Sure enough, he didn't run out of the world.

It's just that there seems to be something wriggling on the top of the mountain range, which is a bit strange.

"That's not something weird, but a newly born cave." Taohua who came up with Feizhou said very calmly.

Chu Shinian, Chu Ziyan, Chu Zifei and others who were beside her almost fell over.

"Cave... cave sky?"

"Yes, it's just the Dongtian corresponding to the blessed land." If the blessed land is just the luck gathered in one place, then the Dongtian competes for the luck of a world.Furthermore, the monks on the earth can only borrow and absorb the energy of the spiritual veins.

And in the sky, Dongtian can unscrupulously absorb the surrounding aura, the aura of the vitality tide.Yuan Qi is one of the most original energies in a world, even more manic than the earth energy of the earth veins.It will not be easily absorbed by living beings.

And Dongtian can absorb and transform the vitality of the Nine Heavens, thus condensing various auras and treasures.

"Our Chu family can still create a cave?" Chu Ziyan almost dropped his jaw in shock, he laughed in shock at this moment.

"It's just been born, the cave at this time should not be too big. Let's go in and take a look." Taohua greeted everyone and flew directly to Shifeng.But it didn't fly directly to the top of the mountain.Instead, after about a mile or two from the top of the mountain, they got off the flying boat and boarded Shifeng.

"Everyone, follow closely. The current cave is still very fragile, it has just been born. So you can't directly use airships, airships and other large objects to enter. Follow me, let's go in."

Everyone behind Taohua is honest, Emma, ​​alas, I have never seen it before.

As the group of people walked, the Shi Feng under their feet disappeared.

A desolate barren land with strange rocks appeared in front of everyone.

"This is the cave?"

"I thought the caves were created by the monks themselves?"

"I used to think so too. The books I collected from the ancient monks all recorded that the great monks were all slashing into the sky!"

"It's very troublesome to open up a cave by yourself." Tao Hua explained after hearing what they said. "First of all, the cultivation base must be able to reach the Taoist realm, which in itself blocks most of the big monks. Secondly, the butcher can't open up the cave, and he needs to collect a lot of treasures. After consuming a lot of treasures, Only then can they have a chance to open up caves. Finally, and most importantly, this person must be proficient in formations. The cultivation base of formations must be able to reach the realm of a magic formation master who creates something out of nothing."

Everyone in the Chu family looked ashen.

What is Dao Dao Realm, what is a magician who is born out of nothing?
Listening to it makes them feel too slim, is there any reason?
(End of this chapter)

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