The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 862 Craftsmanship

Chapter 862 Craftsmanship
"If you can't do the above points, it's better not to pursue your dream of breaking the sky. If you have that time, it's better to work hard to find some deserted or dilapidated buildings hidden in the sea of ​​clouds above the nine heavens." Cave."

Tao Hua's words completely caught everyone's attention.

"Patriarch, how did those great monks get their caves in ancient times?" Chu Zixian asked curiously.

"There are several sources of caves in ancient times. Similar to ours, which is natural and has a long history of ordinary formations!"

Still natural?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Of course there are also caves that were born completely naturally. Naturally born caves are all weird. Some caves don't even have the earth. The entire cave is empty inside. Or there are some weird things.

There are also some deserted people splitting the cave, or the deserted cave transformed by the ancient monks!
Of course, at this moment, the only thing we can see is the small cave made by our family.As for those ancient caves, they will probably not appear until the spiritual energy continues to recover to a certain extent. "

"Will there be humans in the cave?" Chu Ziyan, who was the fastest again, asked in surprise.

"Not sure." Taohua said, "There are too few ancient books, so it's hard to tell whether there will be human beings." In her previous life, she had only seen four caves.She used the earth veins to build this small cave belonging to her own family in front of her, which was also a large number of jade cocoons found in a dilapidated cave in one of the deserted caves in her previous life.Those jade cocoons are all talking about one thing, that is, how to use the veins of the earth to create a naturally born cave.

"Speaking of which, the family will still need to collect a large number of classics of various ancient monks in the future. If we collect more, maybe we will know whether there are any human beings left in the cave."

Tao Hua's words immediately inspired all the men and sisters of the Chu family present.

"Speaking of which, we set up a large city protection formation, built islands in the Taihai Sea, set up Flaming Mountains, and the Five Elements Underground Palace, built Longshanfang City, and this time we used the land nodes to make use of it. It seems that our family has been collecting ancient treasures. Monk books have a lot to do with it."

Chu Shinian also interjected, "I myself like to read all kinds of books written by ancient monks. I also read a lot of Yu Yu. But I prefer to read books. Yu Yu's head hurts after reading too much. "

"Me too." Chu Xinjia pursed her lips and smiled.

"Me too." Chu Zixian smiled in agreement.

"Everyone is." It seems that Chu Zifei also saw it.

"Should we let the caravan go to other continents to collect?" Taohua thought for a while and asked.

"I think it's okay." Chu Shinian agreed immediately.

"Where the Hai Clan can collect some from the high-level Chu. I heard that there are also humans under the sea. Maybe they don't have many books written by ancient monks." Chu Ziyan said again.

"Okay, the book will be done later. Craftsmen, let's start preparing. Geographers, start to calculate the location."

This time it was mainly craftsmen who followed, and there were only a dozen or so earth masters and formation masters.

Xiaodongtian is really small, not even the size of three mu of land.

But it has just been born, and it is so big, which is already very good.

This is still the blessing of entrusting one's own earth vein node, which is the unity of the nine veins.

The geographers calculated for nearly half an hour, finally selected the location of the altar, and then began to draw pictures.The craftsmen also began to follow the diagram to build.The altar is not a formation, but a combination of formation and stone.

Before the craftsmen came up, they actually carved and carved pieces of stones of various sizes and shapes according to the requirements.

As soon as the drawings came out, they began to build the altar according to the drawings.

In order to make all the stones fit perfectly with the formation patterns on it, the craftsmen built the altar, and there should be no deviation between the stones.But the craftsmanship of the craftsmen is not at the same level.

The worst carved stones are basically useless.

Medium can use a few pieces.

Only those who are powerful can make it possible to perfectly fit the stones next to them no matter where they are placed.

The master-level technique is beautiful, but the scumbag technique cannot be inserted.Or just leave a big slit for you to leak your eyes at the last minute.

I couldn't help but cover my eyes when I saw the peach blossoms.

Chu Shinian laughed angrily at that big seam.

"Is this still called an official craftsman?"

"Cough, cough, cough... Recently, the assessment of craftsmen has been a little loose. We must train them more later." An old craftsman walked up to Chu Shinian and his wife embarrassedly and said.

"You can't relax the requirements on craftsmen just because they work hard." Taohua pointed to the big seam and said, "Just like this seam, I saw several seams there, and there, and there, even though It's not as big as this one, you can put your fist in it, but it's definitely a seam, you can definitely put your fingers in it.

Is it just a formal craftsman who can do the work like this?Not even a senior apprentice, right? "

"Cough cough cough" the old man's face flushed red when asked.In fact, although they relaxed the assessment requirements a bit, the new batch of craftsmen are still quite capable.However, the altar built today must be extremely high and perfect.

Thousands, tens of thousands, and tens of thousands of yuan of stones are all required to be perfectly assembled, and all the formation paths must be connected well. This requires too high technical requirements, and the requirements for proficiency are also scary.

So my own rookie craftsmen made a fool of themselves.

"I will definitely let them practice well later."

"Basic skills are bad." Tao Hua complained angrily.

"No one is perfect. Who didn't grow from a rookie to a veteran?" The old man coaxed and licked.

"I remember that craftsmen are the professional group with the largest number of families. Your monthly salary alone will catch up with the upper immortal guards every year. I spent a lot of money and ended up cultivating such a group of small craftsmen. Do you think you are worthy of me? Sorry Those resources that I paid for?"

"Ahem, Patriarch, in fact, we don't want to relax the craftsman assessment requirements. The key is that the family atmosphere has been too bad in recent years." The old man suddenly said aggrieved.

"What do you mean?" Taohua was puzzled.

"The craftsman is working hard, not to mention being dirty and tired, and not staying at home all year round. We are very dissatisfied with the family members. The monthly allowance and benefits are not enough."

"What are you talking about?" Under Tao Hua's menacing eyes, the old man was speechless.

"At the beginning when you were asked to build Longshanfang City, Longshanfang City gave you [-]% of the annual dividend. When you were asked to build Huoyan Mountain, you were also given [-]% of the annual dividend of Huoyan Mountain. Other construction cities will be given to you. I won’t talk about the shop to the house, how was our island built, did you leave anything on that island?”

(End of this chapter)

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