The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 865 The Influence of the Yellow Sand Gale

Chapter 865 The Influence of the Yellow Sand Gale

"Even if we insist on not moving, we can't let them take advantage of this for nothing."

"That's right, as long as we squat on this earth vein node, the Chu family won't be able to give birth to another small cave."

"Yes, we can't just let the Chu family take advantage of it."

"Death will not move away."

"It's here."

"Stay the course."

Many elders suddenly became excited again.

"The problem is, as the Five Elements Spirit Vein grows, when it advances to the fourth level, whether we want to leave or not, it will have the ability to move us away." Patriarch Qingyang said worryingly while supporting his temple.

Many elders fell silent again.

"What will we do when the time comes? Who knows where we will be transferred maliciously? If it directly transfers us to the depths of the Wanji Mountains, it is not certain whether we will be able to come out."

Patriarch Qingyang, don't be so alarmist, okay?

Many elders looked at each other in blank dismay, and the heart lake was very restless.

"How did the Chu family cultivate the five-element spirit vein that grew to the peak of the third rank?" Elder Qingyang Pingyun said again. "Is it also man-made?"

"What do you mean?" Qingyang Bo immediately looked at him sullenly.

"I just want to ask, could that Patriarch of the Chu Clan also be the reincarnation of the former Great Cultivator?" Qingyang asked calmly.


I can't bear to say this!
"Could it be a reborn person?" Patriarch Qingyang asked again.There is a biological daughter of a reborn person by his side. The Qingyang family was born so early. On the one hand, it is because the Chu family has grown too fast; on the other hand, it is not the result of his own daughter's instigation.

"You mean the reintegration of the Three Realms that Xiao Ning talked about?" someone asked.

"Yes." Patriarch Qingyang knew that her little girl used many methods to win over the elders in order to make more people obey her words.

"Even if we are in the period of the reintegration of the Three Realms, what does the Patriarch think? People from the Chu family can create five-element spiritual veins? Can they create a small cave?" Qingyang Pingyun's elder brother, Qingyang asked angrily.


"Even if it's rebirth, where did she find the method that the descendants of sects like us don't know?" Elder Nuyun said with a gloomy face, "It's the reincarnation of a great monk, so it's more reliable."

"It's a pity that I didn't meet each other. I'm pretty good at physiognomy. If you let me look at the other person's face, maybe I can guess the little guy's heel." .

"Elder Pingshan, why are you being modest? Everyone doesn't know that you, an old guy, are a master in physiognomy, and you rarely miss things." Some elders scolded with a smile.

"No, no, my physiognomy is average." Elder Pingshan said politely.

"Why don't you find someone to negotiate with them?" A female elder who usually doesn't talk much said at this time. "It's okay to talk for a longer time, as long as the time is delayed as much as possible. It's okay to wait until we have chosen a way out, and then decide how to talk in the end."

"Hmm, that's an idea."

"You can also try."

"Who is going?"

"I'll go." Elder Pingshan took the initiative. "Nuyun, let's go too. After staying in the small world for a long time, I feel that my old bones are stiff. How about we go out for a walk together."


"Then I'll go too." The female elder who gave the idea before also said. "I'm very curious about that Chu family, and I want to go out and have a look. Besides, I'm an old lady, and the troubles of negotiating are all over."

"Yes." Patriarch Qingyang made the final decision.

Just when the Qingyang family decided to send people to the Chu family again, the big power organizations in the upper realm and the big indigenous power organizations in the lower realm in the entire Yun'an continent were blown up.

Everyone looked deeply shocked, too broken.

A small clan in a little-known remote area actually gave birth to a small cave for himself, Emma, ​​why don't you go to heaven?

Chu, very good, you finally let me remember you.

Chu, very good, you finally caught my mind.

Chu Shi, you did a good job, I finally engraved you in my heart.

Mrs. Chu, just wait for me.

... All of a sudden, various forces, big and small, all put their realization on Chu's body.This small family that doesn't even occupy a small country, what did they eat to grow up?Why is it so demonic?
Especially for a new Xiaodongtian, many big monks who were hiding in their own small world couldn't help but seal their cultivation bases and organized a group to watch the new Xiaodongtian.

In fact, there is really nothing in Xiaodongtian, there is only a small team of Ling Zhifu, who is responsible for studying the soil, when can we plant spiritual food and so on.

Xiaodongtian has only grown to the size of four acres after these days of growth.

It will take a long, long time to grow into a hole that some big monks can use.

Of course, these are the thoughts of those great cultivators who secretly came to watch the small world.

Anyway, Taohua never expected Xiaodongtian to grow up on her own.If you really rely on yourself, this little hole will take at least tens of thousands of years to grow into a usable hole for beginners.The problem is that she doesn't even know if she can live to be [-] years old! !
Besides, this small cave is actually used by Peach Blossom as an accelerator for the Five Elements Spirit Vein.

From the beginning to the end, Lingshan is what Taohua pursues.

Step by step, she paved the way for her Xiaolingshan, pushing her Xiaolingshan towards the real Lingshan! !

On the mainland, Taohua doesn't care how many eyes are cast on the Chu family from outside the mainland.Anyway, if there are too many lice, don't bite, and if you have too many debts, don't worry.After Taohua settled Xiaodongtian, she brought a large number of earth masters, formation masters and craftsmen from the Chu family to arrange a larger formation to fix the scope of the earth veins leaking and eroding the surrounding mountains.

The erosion in some directions is directly blocked, and the erosion in some directions is directly released.The erosion of the air of the earth veins at will.In this way, the lush vegetation on both the southeast and southeast sides of Lingshan City were protected by formations, and the northwest side facing the Great Wasteland was simply eroded.

This caused a large amount of earth energy and spiritual energy of the earth attribute to vent towards that side.

Shizhu Mountain is like a huge fountain.Most of the fountain sprayed into the sky and entered the small cave, and the remaining earth energy that fell or scattered on the ground was also violent and unruly, but because it was blocked by the formation, it poured out in a certain direction. .

So, in a desolate area at the border of a certain mountainous area and the great wilderness, the yellow sand is more and more prosperous day by day.

This large-scale yellow sand windy area has gradually spread to the neighboring Xichang country.

Their country originally had many manors planted with drought-tolerant crops here.After all, there is a not-so-small river here, which irrigates many areas on both banks of the Yanhe River.This is also one of the main grain producing areas of Xichang.It has always been known as the jasper pearl of Xichang country.

But I thought that the yellow sand was buried layer by layer.Before the farmers could rescue their crops from the yellow sand, more yellow sand came and buried the crops deeper.

Is that still alive?
In the end, many farms had to be abandoned and closed.

(End of this chapter)

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