Chapter 866

"Despicable and shameless Chu people."

"Chu people with bad morals."

"Destroy our manor, destroy our food."

"Hate is mortal."

Ever since Xichang Kingdom discovered that it was all because of the Chu family's formation that caused their grain production area to be buried in yellow sand, they have been spreading the word that the Chu family is vile and despicable.It aroused the enthusiasm of the people in the country, and they wished to be conscripted into the army as soon as possible and kill the Chu people on the opposite side of the mountain.

As for Chu's side, they were quiet and didn't care about Xi Chang's propaganda at all.

However, their silence does not mean that the Northwest Aboriginal Forces Alliance is silent.

A certain old Zi appeared in front of Chu Shinian again. "Hand over the little cave in your hands?"

Chu Shinian looked at him with mockery.

What are you thinking?Can my things be delivered to you?
"The Xiaodongtian can remain in your hands for support, and you can also use the Xiaodongtian, but its control must be handed over." Elder Zi said with a serious expression, "This is not my decision alone, it is the decision of the entire alliance."

Chu Shinian continued to look at him like an idiot.

" your Patriarch come to see me."

"It's useless to call anyone, you think we don't know the value of a small cave? I leave it to you, I don't think you look very good, and you think quite beautifully."

When Zi Lao heard this, he immediately felt overwhelmed.

"How can you know the true value of a small cave? With that kind of thing, you will never be able to keep the future if you get it. You can only hold it if you give it to us."

"Don't pay, don't give, it's impossible."

"Chu Shinian!! Do you know that many forces in the upper realm have received orders to take the little cave in your hands?"

"So what, if you want to come and grab them, cut off their hands."

"Chu Shinian, don't be ridiculous. How can a small family of yours withstand the many forces from the upper realm? Hand over the control of Xiaodongtian."

"No. If it doesn't work, just blow up the little cave, and whoever will blow it up will die." The expression on Chu Shinian's face was particularly calm and calm.

Seeing Zi Lao felt chills in his heart for a while.

"Then you hand over the method of how to make a small cave."


"Chu Shinian, you are taking death." Elder Zi said maliciously.

"Then why don't we try and see who dies first?" Chu Shinian suddenly pulled out the long knife hanging from his waist.

Zilao smiled miraculously, that smile was full of evil.

"Okay, then I will see with my own eyes how the future of your Chu family will perish." After speaking, his whole body suddenly disappeared.

It turned out to be another fake body.

It's just that this guy uses a fake body every time. Is he really afraid of death, or is there something wrong with his real body?
Chu Shinian frowned again, thinking that the current situation was getting more and more complicated.

With Chu's tiny land, it is indeed a bit too eye-catching to have so many things that make people covetous.

Just when Chu Shinian guessed that there might not be another war in the near future, several empires in the central part of the mainland joined forces with outside forces and directly divided up the ancient power, Snow Sword Sect.I heard that they robbed the small world where Xue Jianzong was located.

Too many good things were stolen, and it took three days and three nights to finish pulling.

The small world where the Snow Sword Sect's mountain gate was located was also directly taken over by a big force in the upper realm as its own base camp in this realm.

As soon as Chu Shinian received the news, he went to see Taohua.

Taohua is also reading the news.

"How could this Snow Sword Sect be so poor, so easily divided among several families?" Chu Shinian asked in confusion.

"Actually, this Snow Sword Sect has not always been hidden from the world. Its disciples have been too deeply entangled with those empires. It's just that no one deliberately publicized its existence to the outside world. In fact, it has been hiding behind the scenes of several empires. But probably It's too complacent to manipulate behind the scenes, let them have many conflicts with the royal families of several great empires, and they don't even know it. Coupled with the bribes and win-wins of the forces of the upper world, this Snow Sword Sect has been deeply infiltrated, so it will be the first to be killed. Death is not too surprising."

"You mean, those imperial powers have produced the main force?" Chu Shinian was thoughtful.

"For sure. For some people, the Supreme Emperor standing on top of their heads is really disgusting. And the Snow Sword Sect may also have conflicts, so the forces of the upper realm chose them as the target of their prestige. Taohua said, "This should be for us to see."

Chu Shinian was silent.

"Since we can attack Xue Jianzong, who has a huge background compared to us, it is possible to attack us."

"I'm here, and I will never let anyone hurt you." Chu Shinian said to Tao Hua resolutely.

"No, we don't need to fight this time." Tao Hua smiled slyly.

"What?" Chu Shinian said.

"Our Chu family has cultivated the Five Elements Spiritual Meridians and Xiaodongtian. Our Chu family is so useful, so the upper realm forces are closely related to us, and if they are powerful, we will rely on whoever they are." Taohua said.

"You mean...surrender?" Chu Shinian blurted out in astonishment.

"That's right, the Chu family doesn't have high-end combat power at all, not even a big monk. This is also the main reason why both the upper and lower realms look down on us."

Chu Shinian nodded.

"But our Chu family is useful. Our Chu family is good at cultivating spiritual fruits and elixir. Our Chu family is good at growing spiritual food. Our Chu family is also good at formations, building islands on the sea, building continental cities, and we can also build Small cave.

How could such a useful vassal family not be remembered at all? "

Tao Hua's words completely exploded Chu Shinian's thoughts. "Oh, so that's the case. I understand. Leave this matter to me. I will handle it well."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you. Remember that no one should be completely offended, but no one should take refuge easily. We just want to put on a posture that is up for grabs. Anyway, there is indeed no reincarnation of a great monk in our family, and there will be no reincarnation in the future. What unpredictable high-end combat power will appear.

Although this is a disadvantage, sometimes it can also be turned into an advantage! !

However, if anyone wants to take over our small cave, then kick out the spokesperson of that power directly. "

"Then if someone wants to build a small cave?" Chu Shinian asked.

"This can be given." Tao Hua said, "They can make it themselves. But they can't give it for nothing."

Chu Shinian nodded.

"The rest is up to you. In short, try to delay as much as possible, and give the family as much time as possible to develop. In fact, as long as we finally forge Lingshan, then even if we become a subsidiary force of a certain force at that time, we still have a certain amount of time." Independence." Taohua told Chu Shinian the escape route she had thought of for a long time.

Chu family, she will take it to work hard to develop, but if it fails, she will let it show its greatest value and take refuge in a good master.

(End of this chapter)

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