The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 870 Supernatural Power: Spark

Chapter 870 Supernatural Power: Spark
Moreover, Jindan monks are also the main force of the Divine Court monk army. Those who are too low in cultivation can hardly overcome the harsh battlefield environment. Survival is a problem.

Besides, the combat power of the established Jindan Realm cultivator corps is quite terrifying.

With Chu's current strength, the Bodiless Pill and Jinchen Yuye Pill cannot be said to be sufficient, at most they can still be supplied.

As for the Jin Yuandan that will break through the Jindan realm in the future, that is something to be discussed in the future, but the Chu family has already started planning.It is also a long way ahead of many families and forces.

Although there are still some problems in the supply of high-level elixir, the Chu family can still satisfy the population of the low-level elixir.

From all kinds of cultivation pills to all kinds of miscellaneous pills for whitening, body shaping, weight loss, freckle removal, etc., from all kinds of advanced pills to all kinds of non-advanced pills and medicine bags, Chu's can be said to have everything.According to the statistics of the Chu family themselves, more than [-]% of the various workshops of the Chu family are medicine refining workshops.

And it is the kind that basically makes money every time you open one.

Except for Longshanfang City, which really can't fit so many various workshops, there are only shops.Of all the medicine shops in the city under Chu's rule, the medicine refining workshops and medicine gardens are the most.Some retail investors also do it themselves, and then sell it in the market.

In the Chu family, as long as it is a town, you can see all kinds of medicine shops and medicinal material stalls.

There are all kinds of elixir, spirit insects, spirit ores, spirit jade, etc.

Some people find some strange branches, leaves, seedlings, seeds, etc. that they don't know, but when they meet someone who knows them, they can call them names and tell them their uses, and they basically give them a cheap price.

It's very peculiar, isn't it delicious to sell to the Chu family?Why do you still have to put up a stall for sale?

All kinds of shops in the Chu family collect strange things.

They also wantonly collected all kinds of ancient books and jade cocoons.It doesn't matter if it's broken.

Therefore, the large-scale attack by sea beasts caused the Chu family's sea power to rapidly expand.All kinds of trophies are pulled by boats. Sometimes even one boat can't be pulled, so send a few more boats.

All kinds of cheap sea animal meat poured back into the land market again.

When the Chu family was attacked, the forces on the mainland were also attacked. The powerful forces took the opportunity to strengthen themselves and annex the weak forces around them.

This kind of reorganization of forces is happening on the mainland almost day and night.

All kinds of small organizations once again started to hold together in all kinds of ways! !
Large and medium-sized forces have also begun to stage the Warring States Era, all kinds of tricks and conspiracies are on the stage, and all kinds of shocking news of mergers have also spread rumors in the entire continent. Today this country merged with that country... tomorrow that family will join that sect Sect, the day after tomorrow, that sect has joined a certain family...

The exciting and lively atmosphere makes Taohua enjoy watching all kinds of confidential documents every day.

Chu Shinian was very speechless.

"By the way, I suddenly awakened a supernatural power yesterday. It's called sparks."

"Ah? Sparks?" Taohua raised her head in astonishment and looked at her husband who was sitting next to her. Although the jade couch under their buttocks was not ten thousand-year spiritual jade, it was a soul-nourishing jade of excellent quality.If you don't have anything to do, just sit and sit, and you can subtly increase the total amount of spiritual thoughts.

"Well, look at this." Chu Shinian stretched out his hand, and then one by two, three small sparks the size of a small broad bean appeared.

"Only three?" Tao Hua asked in surprise.

"That's right, just three flowers. But this supernatural power can still grow," Chu Shinian said.

"Interesting, I haven't heard anyone say that the awakening of supernatural powers sparks? Then do these three little cuties have any special abilities?" Tao Hua looked at the three little flowers with a smile.

"I can condense three at a time. These three small sparks are somewhat spiritual, but if they want to exist for a long time, they must be supported by other flames." Chu Shinian said.

Peach Blossom was very surprised when she heard that, "Then if you put one of them out, can you continue to condense a new one?"

"No, at the level of the Purple Mansion, I can only condense three flowers. I condense them out, and if I absorb them back, I can re-condense them. If I keep one flower outside, then there will only be two flowers when I condense it again. Unless it is stocked in The one outside has disappeared." Chu Shinian had already tested it himself yesterday.

"So interesting?" Taohua smiled in surprise. "Are you devouring the two thunder and punishment flames our Chu family received?"

"Yeah, you guessed it right. When I saw the two sealed boxes, I felt that I could eat them. After eating them, I had another adventure, which actually made me awaken my supernatural power. Haha, this is amazing. What a surprise." Chu Shinian said with a smile.

"Isn't that right? I heard that monks will gradually awaken their supernatural powers after they have cultivated to the Golden Core Realm. It's good of you. You have awakened your first supernatural powers only at the Purple Mansion Realm."

"It should be that the "Fire Origin Sutra" that I discovered by myself has some characteristics."

Before the spiritual energy began to recover, Chu Shinian harvested a strange ancient book during an interception, which was the "Fire Origin Sutra".Ordinary means could not destroy the book at all, which made Chu Shinian want to collect it.

When the spiritual energy recovered, he immediately realized what he got.

"Yeah, it's also possible." Taohua has also seen the "Fire Origin Sutra", but unfortunately she doesn't have the best fire talent, so she can see the cultivation method of the "Fire Origin Sutra".If you turn back, there will be no words on the white pages.

Even though Chu Shinian had read the "Tai Yin Jing" in her hand, this guy was able to see the Golden Core Realm.Then there is the white page.At the beginning, Taohua really thought that this kid might have higher cultivation talent than her.

Of course, this is just speculation.There is another possibility, that is, Chu Shinian's physique and comprehension ability should be more suitable for the "Taiyin Jing" in the early stage of cultivation.But just like her, Chu Shinian is not suitable for walking that road, if you don't look behind, you can't see it, the road is broken.

"Then why don't we raise a spark and have a look?" Tao Hua asked with interest.

"How is it?" Chu Shinian frowned.

"Use the ground fire."

"You mean they are kept in the Flame Mountain?" Chu Shinian asked after thinking for a while.

"You actually want to put it into the Flame Mountain, will there be any danger? The spirit vein of the Flame Mountain has evolved for a long time, I am worried that there may be spiritual creatures over there, and what if the little spark is swallowed up by then? Will it? What adverse effects will it have on you?" Tao Hua was a little worried. "I just wanted to keep it on a ground crater. Just put it in our backyard."

Chu Shinian shook his head.

"It's okay to keep it on the crater, but it's meaningless to keep it around us. It's better to keep it on the Flame Mountain and see what it will look like in the end. If it is eaten by something, I can sense it at this distance , when the time comes to see if I take it back directly, or just give it up, it's up to me."

(End of this chapter)

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