The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 871 Bloodline Pill and Blood Origin Fruit Tree

Chapter 871 Bloodline Pill and Blood Origin Fruit Tree

"You mean, your supernatural little spark not only has spirituality, but you can also remotely control them?" Taohua asked with surprise.Then this supernatural power is a bit miraculous.

"Yeah, isn't it quite special. When I first awakened this supernatural power, I thought it was a bit tasteless. But after careful study, I have some other ideas."

"Yeah, I think such a little spark is a bit miraculous. You can take good care of it and see what it can become!"

"Okay, I will send one of them to the Flame Mountain tomorrow."

"Okay, let me go with you. Just to see how the spiritual veins are growing over there?"

In Chu's territory, there is actually only one real main spiritual vein, which is the five-element spiritual vein at the peak of the third rank.If this spiritual meridian was on its own, it would definitely not be able to develop so fast!In just a few years, he has grown from a non-advanced level to a third level.

It takes thousands of years to grow from the first level to the second level, not to mention the promotion after the third level.

The fact that it can grow so fast is related to the fact that there is a large earth spirit array underground in its core body, which allows it to devour the power of stars from the outside world.The power of the stars is a kind of energy higher than ordinary aura that swallows them, and it can naturally transform into more aura.Of course, it is also related to its own five-element foundation.This kind of foundation makes it easier to take root in the ground veins and grow and develop than ordinary spiritual veins.

Besides, the five elements circulate and form a spiritual vortex, which has the advantage of gathering more spiritual energy.

This is also the reason why the Five Elements Spirit Veins are very advantageous and are often chosen as the foundation for casting Lingshan.

In order to grow as soon as possible, the Five Elements Spirit Veins also used the same method to link and merge the surrounding large and small spiritual veins, and took the opportunity to unite the earth veins and spirit veins on the entire territory of the Chu family through the abnormal movement of the earth veins.

The growth speed of these branch spirit veins can be fast or slow, but the growth of almost all the spirit veins will be fed back to the main body of the five element spirit veins, accelerating its growth and development speed.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, which is why the Five Elements Lingfeng has become more and more miraculous in the past two years.

The spiritual pulse grew too fast, and its vision was naturally revealed.

Every time the spirit breath of the five-element spirit vein starts from the core of the body and circulates among all the spirit veins in the entire territory, it will grow a circle.It will also promote the growth of branch spirit veins.

It's like a big tree, the trunk is the body, and the branches and leaves are the branches and spiritual veins. Everyone is integrated into a whole. The bigger the body, the faster it develops.

Those private spirit veins that are not integrated with the five element spirit veins can absorb a lot of spiritual energy under Chu's rule, but the growth rate cannot catch up with other spirit veins.

It can already be seen now that some miniature spiritual veins held in the hands of people, even if the owner often feeds them with spirit stones, the growth rate is far slower than the growth of the miniature spiritual veins placed by Chu himself and his family during the same period good.

The same section was only one foot long in the past, and the miniature spiritual veins that were as thick as chopsticks, the Chu family's miniature spiritual veins had grown to tens of feet, and it would be good if the private ones could grow to five or six feet long.It's even more rough than that.

The problem is that the investment is huge, and the spirit stone is like no money.

Many people have regretted why you were so wary back then, and didn't use a formation to link up your own spiritual veins with the Chu family.

Now the Chu family's spiritual veins float and take root in the surface mountains like the blood of the earth, winding and winding throughout the entire five-element spiritual vein domain.

Because there was nothing urgent, Chu Shinian sent his eldest son directly to the Chu Qi family.He and his wife leisurely watched the scenery while flying towards the Flame Mountain.The flying boat they made.

Although slow, it is suitable for sightseeing!

Brother Chun is getting bigger and bigger, and there is no room for him in his own house. Every day, as soon as he opens his eyes, he wants to go out for a stroll.Both parents are busy, so he said that it is more acceptable for grandpa and grandma to hug each other.

Anyway, we won't talk about it, but if you hug us out for a stroll, we'll be happy.

It's impossible to like Chu Dashan and Chu Qi's. Recently, they come to help take care of the children every day.

Yi Taohua's idea is that although Brother Chun is still so naughty recently, he is not so annoying.

Walking around with someone else can solve most of the problems.

Please, little troublemaker, Tao Hua immediately felt so relieved.

"I saw a lot of medicine gardens along the way, some in the mountains and some in the valleys, and they are all doing well." Tao Hua looked at the tunnels blocked by formations passing by quickly on both sides.

"Actually, the mountains here are especially suitable for the growth of medicinal materials." Chu Shinian said, "The soil in some places can actually be used as medicine. Last time I went to Mingyue City, it was the first time I saw a group of pharmacists processing some soil. "

"Some soil can indeed be used as medicine." Tao Hua said. "There are also some ores that can be ground into powder."

"Yeah, I heard that there is another powerful potion to be invented in Mingyue City recently. It's called Bloodline Pill." Chu Shinian said.

"Ah, I know that bloodline pill. It is made by imitating the medicine that stimulates the awakening of bloodlines by the monks in the upper realm." Taohua said. "Not only can it induce spiritual roots, but it can also stimulate combat bodies, and it is also very useful for human races.

It turned out that the blood-origin fruit tree was too useful for the monster race, so I hid it. I didn't expect it to reach the fourth-order peak so quickly. "

"I heard from Chu Moyan that when you first knew about it, it was almost at the second level, and it still bore fruit?"

"Yes, it was Chu Moyan who found it, but unfortunately he couldn't afford to feed it, so he had to send it to me." Taohua laughed. "This tree only produced six fruits in the first year. In the second year, there were more than eight. In the third year, it was raised well. It was promoted and became a second-tier tree. Only then did it begin to bear eighteen fruits.

Because there are too few fruits, I don't know where to use them, so I can only seal them up in the end.

Unexpectedly, the pharmacists became interested in it later, and even took away all the fruits I had sealed up before. "

"Is it true that this blood fruit tree cannot be transplanted?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Impossible, this is a kind of tree that can only exist in one area." Tao Hua said to Chu Shinian with certainty.

"Then this Bloodline Pill will be a precious item from now on, so let's put it in the secret vault." The Chu family's clan treasury stores more common materials, and the secret treasury stores more precious resources.

"It's enough to increase some exchange points. The blood pill can not only awaken the spiritual root, but also awaken the combat body. It is estimated that it will be attractive to many clansmen."

"Hehe, it's a huge attraction. I heard that the spiritual root induced by the blood pill is better than the blood spiritual root produced by Xue Linglu out of thin air."

(End of this chapter)

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