Chapter 872
Chu Shinian thought about Chu Ziyan hearing the news that the Bloodline Pill was about to be mass-produced, jumped up and down happily like a big horse monkey, and smiled with his lips pursed.

"Chu Ziyan heard that the blood pill was about to be mass-produced, and he almost went crazy with joy. He said that he wanted to have a more powerful battle body for a long time."

Taohua was very speechless and said, "What kind of combat body can be developed, doesn't it depend on character? Can he do whatever he wants?"

"Ha ha."

After hearing her husband's laughter, Tao Hua knew that Chu Shinian didn't believe it either.

"However, there are not many blood-origin fruits even now. Several Lingzhi husbands who mastered various small spells personally took care of the blood-origin fruit, and they could barely bear fruit once every three years, with 180 fruit at a time. The number is limited, so blood Even if Dan can be mass-produced, there will not be many."

"That's not bad. I heard that you have nothing to do to give the blood-source fruit tree a small spell. It's enough to harvest a wave of fruit in three years. I read the records of the ancient monks who cultivated the spirit tree. In 70 years, 80 600 years, and [-] years, there are many mature spiritual trees.

Every few hundred years, the sects of other families hold an alchemy meeting based on the fruit period. "

"Haha, isn't there a lot of husbands in our family?" Tao Hua thought, and Qi Tianjian is also in charge, otherwise there is no one who harvests a wave of fruits so quickly, it is a fourth-order spiritual fruit.

Chu Shinian nodded directly, there are indeed many benefits to having more husbands.At least the Chu family has never had to worry about food.

"There's news from the Beiming Continent. Monsters have also changed on their side, destroying a lot of fertile fields. They are short of food, and the food that is about to be harvested has been destroyed. It's a sign of a great famine. has appeared.

Grain prices have skyrocketed everywhere, and grain shops in cities and towns are afraid to open their doors. "

"Moxiu is not good at managing population, they know how to kill them." Taohua sighed.Even the various elixir that grew lushly on the side of the flying boat couldn't make her happy.

The people born in this era are really lucky. They have a glimmer of hope for success, but life is also a real life. There are all kinds of moths in this era.The monks in the upper realm have never seen the ants in the lower realm as human beings.

Those living people are nothing but materials! !
"Due to years of wars in Beiming Continent, barren fields, and the disaster of monsters and beasts, the available land is less than one-fifth of what it used to be. The population has dropped even faster. It is said that it has dropped from 500 billion It dropped directly to more than 370 billion.

That's a whole continent.

Because the population has dropped so fast, it is said that the upper realm demon forces entrenched there have all received warnings from their superiors. "

"People in the Demon Sect are greedy by nature. Even if they are warned, they probably won't restrain themselves much. We will continue to fight with them. We still have to fight for more population." Taohua said.

"We have people picked up from two small worlds, and some abducted from Yunzhou Continent. You are still staring at Beiming Continent. With such a large population, where are you going to resettle? Do you want to continue living in the sea?" Are you building islands among them?" Chu Shinian asked amusedly.

"I read from ancient geography that there were not only ten continents in our world at the beginning. There were more than 30 continents at the beginning. But later, due to various natural disasters, it became what it is now." Taohua said to Looking at Chu Shinian, he blinked and said.

"Wait..." Chu Shinian almost dropped his eyeballs in surprise. "You don't think those continents that have sunk into land will appear again?"

"The spiritual energy has recovered, who knows if the mainland will recover?"

Chu Shinian was extremely speechless.

"I only know Yunzhou, Yun'an and Beiming in mainland China. There should be no other continents near us, right?"

Taohua smiled and said nothing.

At this moment, their spaceship had already seen the Flame Mountain.

Huoyanshan, like a round of flames burning in the sky.In fact, those flame-like auras that flow around the mountain are all fire-attribute auras.It was tens of miles before they could enter the Flame Mountain, and the surrounding air was already heating people up.

blah blah...

All kinds of flames and sparks were constantly rubbing against the surrounding air around the magic weapon flying boat.

If you don't wear a robe when you get here, your human skin will be scorched.

As soon as it landed on the berth of the flying boat near the Flame Mountain, a sergeant from the Chu family came to check it.

Seeing that it was Chu Shinian himself, he let them go.

There are various arrangements on the Flaming Mountain, which can assist monks with fire attributes to linger, and there are also underground palaces and other buildings in the mountain.High-level monks prefer to practice internally.Both the periphery and the surface of the mountain were given to low-level monks.

All kinds of spiritual plants are cultivated on the Flame Mountain, and are taken care of by low-level monks.

Of course, if you practice here, you can also plant some in your yard or in the open space around the cave.

As long as you don't take the family's.

Among the monks, the Leihuo monks with strong attack power are generally very popular.So as long as the two spiritual roots are not too bad, they will choose these two exercises.In particular, there are many fire attribute exercises, and there are resources and holy places for cultivation like Huoyan Mountain.

Therefore, the number of monks of the Chu family who choose to practice fire attribute exercises is generally too high.Just looking at the contiguous camps stationed around the Flame Mountain and the Lava Fire Lake, you can see how many fire-attributed monks there are.

It was even said that Chu Shinian himself was a monk of the fire attribute.

However, unlike other monks who are all hot-tempered, he has an extremely calm personality, and he likes to strike in an instant.Therefore, it is more inclined to the fire of silence, which is difficult to speculate, terrifying and terrifying.

"Should we go directly to the underground palace?" Chu Shinian asked.


The Flaming Mountain Underground Palace has a special teleportation array.It can be teleported in the garrison hall outside.

As soon as he entered the underground palace, the temperature immediately rose steadily. Taohua resisted with magic power, and the temperature on the body surface dropped.

The Flame Dungeon is completely rooted in the fire-attributed Explosive Earth Vein.Next door, separated by a wall is the upwelling of the roaring magma waterfall.Even with the help of formations, the stones used to build the underground palace were also the most durable materials. Taohua also has a feeling that the flaming underground palace is melting at a very weak speed.

Although she couldn't see what was going on outside the underground palace, just because of the strong fire-attribute aura inside, the underground palace wouldn't be able to last for many years before it was designated for major repairs.

Outside the underground palace came out a certain piece of wall that was burnt red and seemed to be melting at any time, but other places were normal.A large number of large crystal stones and spirit stones are randomly scattered on the ground.

On the altar in the center of the underground palace, a strange ball of basketball-sized air that looked like flames was constantly beating.

"I think you can just stuff your little spark into that ball of flame air."

(End of this chapter)

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