Chapter 876

"Actually, there's really no need to get the spirit stones, or I can pay for the spirit stones." Chu Dachuan said.

Chu Shiluo looked at his uncle in surprise. "Then why don't uncle come to be the patriarch?"

"Dalang, I didn't mean that, don't always misunderstand me." Chu Dachuan said in a rare serious way. "Your father and I are brothers who grew up dependent on each other."

"Uncle, I don't mean anything else. In fact, our family, as you know, is so huge that it is no longer limited to the things inside and outside Xianyang City. We built another big city on Yutu Island by ourselves. It is completely our own. It has nothing to do with our clan.

This year and next year we also plan to build the second and third new towns.

We have a huge territory over there.At least eight cities can be built.

You said how do I have time to manage the family.Besides, let's talk from our hearts, the branch of the Chu family probably eats and drinks a lot with our family, and is a bit too greedy. I don't talk about their so-called poverty, you know how poor they are. There are shops that say they are poor.He also said that he couldn't afford to raise children, should they be raised by our family? "

Chu Dachuan was speechless after being questioned.

The two remained silent until they saw Chu Dashan holding brother Chun, and Chu Qi holding the little girl from his family's Sanlang family.The two little dolls babbled and greeted each other in the air.The little girl is still big enough to go to Brother Chun's side.

The main reason is that Brother Chun is holding a fluffy new little fire spirit in his hand.It's the size of a palm.Because he played well with Little Huoling, Brother Chun is very fond of new toys, and he takes them with him wherever he goes, even if Little Huoling is there, he will take them both to play.

"Ah ah ah..."

"Father, I'll let Chu Zhen deal with those people outside," Chu Shiluo said.

"How did you handle it?" Chu Dashan asked hastily.

"Drive away, if you don't leave, you will be expelled from the family tree." Chu Shiluo said.

"Then I guess there will be trouble later." Chu Dashan said clearly.

"Then let them elect a new patriarch themselves." Chu Shiluo said.

"That's enough. Ever since your sister married Chu Shinian, they always wanted to take advantage of it. If they haven't taken advantage of it enough, how can they let me go?"

"Cough cough cough." Chu Dachuan was speechless after hearing this.

"It's not that I'm arrogant, brother, that's what they think." Chu Dashan said. "I heard that the newly added land near Wuxing Peak has been taken away by the main line, so it is no longer distributed to our tribe members?"

"Xianyang has built a city, so where is the land that our branch has the final say on. After the city was built, it didn't mean that we were given a lot of land for nothing to build yards. I also distributed it to everyone at the beginning. The land books were all taken by the main line people took it.

Except for the family sacrificial land, the two thousand-odd acres, the rest of the land was taken away.There are also city officials who are responsible for dividing the land and finding errands for the new-age clansmen. "As long as the members of the Chu clan reach their age, they will be given a field. It is your own family's business to sell it yourself. The clan will give it to you.

If your branch family is divided for you, then the main line will no longer be given to you.

Anyway, the big guys are all the same, and now one person is given three acres.

"I feel that it is better not to build a city after building a city." After building a city, the rights are much reduced.Chu Dachuan thought secretly.

"The city has been built, and we have so many more houses and workshops all of a sudden. Where would there be without the city?" Chu Dashan looked at him speechlessly.

"Cough cough cough."

"My lord, those people were all driven away by me, but it wasn't just me, the city guards also came. But when they left, I didn't look very well, and I thought they hated me." Chu Shizhen When he ran back to report, he was still a little shy.

"What are you afraid of? You belong to me, not theirs." Chu Dashan said angrily.

"Try it if you dare to play tricks. I really think that I, Chu Dashan, are easy to bully."

But what is unexpected is that they really played a big game this time. The reason is that someone had to commit suicide because of a moment of anger.

Chu Dashan didn't know what to say, although the man was rescued in the end.But this matter is easy to say or not.

What patriarch is unqualified, why Chu Dashan is inhumane.

What Chu Dashan has long forgotten his roots...

In the end, Chu Shiluo asked someone to investigate what happened to the suicide, but the results of the investigation have not yet come out.Most of the elders of their clan came together to find Chu Dashan.

"We want to change the patriarch. You must hand over the position of the patriarch."

Both brothers Chu Dashan were shocked by their unanimous decision.

"Why?" Chu Dashan asked calmly first.

"You still have the face to ask why? You're not fair, it's good to always be yourself, don't you know the things that are not good for clan division?"

"What did I do that is not good for the clan?" Chu Dashan asked puzzled.

"Do you dare to say that you did the right thing about Zutian?"

"Yes, why raise the land rent?"

"It's family land, so there should be no land rent."

The old men said in a hurry.

Chu Dashan finally listened to the music.The family land of the Chu family is the source of the family property.It should be interesting for him to rent it to the tribe at such a low price these years.Does this group of guys know that the family property that the family urgently needs has not increased by almost a cent in the past five years.

A group of blood-sucking worms who know how to take advantage, do they really think that they are willing to pay them back every year?
"Then who do you plan to change when you change the patriarch?"

"Shiqing, come here, Shiguan. We have unanimously decided to support Shiqing as the patriarch. Shiguan is responsible for assisting him."

"Okay, Shi Luo, come here, and you take these clan elders, Shiqing, and Shiguan to hand over the general affairs of the clan. Hand over all the books to them clearly. Including our family, you pay them three thousand spirits every year. Shi's specific accounts are handed over to them."

Chu Shiguan, who had a happy expression on his face, and Chu Shiqing, who was calm with joy in his eyes, were both stunned.

Many elders in the clan who were originally arrogant were also stunned.

"Everyone is invited." Chu Shiluo said indifferently.

Chu Shiqing and Chu Shiguan, aren't they the grandsons of the former patriarch?Haha, sure enough, they are back again.

"What three thousand spirit stones? Why do you post so many spirit stones upside down? Every year? Where does the clan need to spend so much money?" Immediately, an old man in the clan asked.

"Don't ask me to tell you the specifics. You ask me to pay for the food and wine every time you celebrate the New Year, and then take a lot of wine and meat back. You say that you are responsible for sharing the ancestors. And the land rent is so much, you don't think it's enough. I either give the children cultivation resources for free, or I give the poor children [-] spiritual coins as a cultivation subsidy every year. There is also a red envelope for the New Year's day... Whatever the patriarch says, we should make us happy."

"Wait, that's not what we insisted on you, isn't that what you're willing to do?"

"If I'm not the patriarch, do you think I'd be willing to go out?" Chu Dashan said angrily. "Shouldn't all the money come out of the family property? If I didn't think the family property was too small, it was still not enough to support me. I would also like to save some assets for the next patriarch, so as to save some face. What do you think? Am I willing to give it?"

(End of this chapter)

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