Chapter 877

The family members always feel that they are the ones in the family who take advantage of the whole family.Chu Dashan felt aggrieved: In fact, that was not the case at all. He, Chu Dashan, has been sticking to them all these years.

"Anyway, now the Shan people don't want you to continue to be the patriarch. You have to give up the position of the patriarch, and give up the assets of the clan in your hands, those fields, those workshops and houses." Chu Shiguan Said sharply. "By the way, you have to hand over your qualifications for the order of Xianyang City."

"The family property can be handed over to you, but the Xianyang City Order cannot be handed over. After all, there are regulations in the main line, whoever earns money to build the city, who has the qualifications for the hereditary city order. Xianyang was built with my own money, and you all Not qualified."

" got your property through the family property?" Chu Shiguan said angrily.

"Boy, since you are a junior, I don't care about you. Hmph, according to what you say, it's because your ancestors are incapable, and you won't be able to make a fortune even if you get the family property." Chu Dashan's tone was full of malice, and he looked at him with forest eyes .

"Sorry, Uncle Dashan, my brother said something wrong, please forgive me."

Chu Shiqing quickly pulled his cousin behind him.

The family property may help Chu Dashan make a fortune, but Chu Dashan's fortune mainly depends on his magical planting technique.

The name of Chu Dashan, husband of Lingzhi, is well-known throughout the Northwest Region.

Chu Dashan snorted coldly and continued, "You all know how many houses and land the main line gave us back then, and you all signed and stamped your fingerprints back then. So these things are all in the booklet, and you all have all the hands Alright, let's hand it over."

Chu Dashan didn't care about Chu Shiguan, a little baby, and said to the elders of other clans.

The old people in the clan all looked a little out of control, and they were also stiff and dull. In fact, they knew about how many families and properties there were in the clan. "Other places in the clan?"

"When the city was built, the main line was taken away. Xianyang City was established here, and the land on our original site nearby is under the management of the main line." Chu Dashan was speechless, as if they were in charge of it themselves. ?
"It turned out that Xiantao Village was our site, but now that Xianyang has been built, we have nothing left." An old man complained unwillingly.

"Is there still land in Xintangzhuang? Why is it not enough? The young people who settle there can easily obtain new land when they grow up." Chu Dashan said.

"Over there will also be changed to Xintang Town." Another old man said, "You don't know?"

"Then he has a large population, so what can we do if we don't change it into a town?" Chu Dashan said immediately after finishing speaking, "As far as our family is concerned, in the future, within the scope of the main line of the Five Elements Spirit Mountain, the control will inevitably become stricter and stricter. Those islands and other external sites are loosely managed, if you want to be a local emperor, it is more appropriate to place your family business there."

"Not as much money as you." An old man said angrily.

Chu Dashan suddenly stopped humming, his family's money was earned through hard work, and it won't be blown in vain.

Those who can spend money lavishly regardless of whether they will starve and become beggars in the future are either the rich second generation who have never had the hard work of starting a business, or the chic school who has no worries in body and mind.

People like him who have descendants and want to be worshiped after death, and those who have descendants will try their best to leave all kinds of family property and successors to their descendants.

If you want to eat for free and pick up ready-made ones, you can't let him take advantage of it.Not even a little blood relationship.

The old man saw Chu Dashan's look of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, and he became even more angry, "You are a person who is mean to the tribe and has no mercy. We don't want you to be the patriarch. Hurry up and hand over the patriarch's seal and clan property."

"Hand it up! Dalang, you go to the officials on the main line who took over our land to be a witness. I will hand over all the family's property to them. In addition, the old people in those clans You also call them over.

None of us can be missing.What should I do if I don’t want to submit it this time?
Where do I have so many things to hand over. "

Chu Shiluo nodded and went out.

"Okay, I'll ask you to take you to the west hall, where you can rest for a while. I need to tidy up here." After speaking, Chu Dashan didn't want to continue to take care of them, so he ordered his servants to take them away.

It was Chu Dachuan who ran over urgently.

"I heard that many patriarchs in the clan have come here, are they going to change your position as patriarch?"

"En." Chu Dashan said concisely.

"Then you agreed?"


"How can you agree? If you are not the patriarch, who in the clan will be the patriarch?"

"The old patriarch's grandson, that kid Chu Shiqing."

"Does their family still bring a comeback?"

"They are all relatives. My patriarch can't satisfy them. They can naturally find others who can satisfy them."

Speaking of this, he had to admire the Patriarch of his main line.This woman is really terrifying.

As long as you have a large population, you will naturally have to build a small town and then expand it into a small town.But when you expand into a small city, it will naturally gradually get on the right track and enter the management category of the main line.Otherwise, you don't even have that many people to manage the town yourself.

Then one year or two years, within three to five years, you will become a city directly under the main line, because everything in your city follows the main line.Officials are also drawn from the main vein.Perhaps you sent some heirs in the guard.

But the guards in various towns are transferred every three years, and once your heirs leave, what else can they do to help you?

So gradually the city was taken down.

Therefore, even though the powerful branches still own the city's taxes and property in name, they are controlled by the main line in terms of management and armament, and become toothless tigers, almost no longer fighting for the main line. ability.

Unexpectedly, you still have hardships to say, you can't say that we also want to control the army, right?
Why should I give you control?You are not the Zhuangzi who is facing the threat of monsters, so they need the guards.Like the guards of their original village, they have all joined the city guards now.

Do you still want to split?

A few words will block your way to become self-reliant.

The more Chu Dashan tasted it carefully, the more he felt that the Patriarch hung chains called rules on everyone almost when everyone was ignorant.

This kind of rule has advantages and disadvantages for the clansmen, but it avoids the formation of some divisions and internal friction.

"It's really scary, patriarch, they changed as soon as they wanted. Have they ever thought about our feelings?" Chu Dachuan said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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