The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 888 Mountain System

Chapter 888 Mountain System
Now that he had made up his mind to build an island in the nearby waters, Chu Shinian summoned a fleet to plow the nearby sea beast colony.At least those who are threatening must be driven away.

During the process of expelling sea beasts, at least 30 schools of deep sea monster fish were found.These schools of fish are huge in number and unique in taste, which monsters and humans love to eat.When the monks of the fleet drove away the slaughtered monster group, they took the initiative to let them go.

But mark their swimming areas, and wait for the cubs of the fish in autumn and winter to come and harvest after they grow up.

The monster fish obviously have no intelligence, the monsters that often eat them ran away, they lost the natural enemy monsters that kept them down all day, and finally let themselves go.Work harder to eat and multiply.

Anyway, this sea area is really very vast, and the sea water is deep enough, which is especially suitable for the life of large groups of demon fish.

Zhuang Zihan knew that the Patriarch was here, so he personally led the team here.After confirming the swimming sea area of ​​the demon fish, he standardized the fish schools everywhere on the big chart of his own marine resources.

Taohua and Chu Shinian discovered that this guy had almost covered the entire main cabin of the flagship with his ocean resource maps.

There are maps hanging on the walls around the nearly [-]-square-meter large cabin, all of which clearly indicate various marine resources.

"You did a good job in the deep sea survey." Taohua nodded in satisfaction.

"It's not bad. Who doesn't often play a game with their family?" Zhuang Zihan said very Versailles.

"Yeah, apart from most of the islands, reefs, and deep-sea tribes, there are actually various deep-sea mineral veins. This is well done. Some mineral veins are up to standard, as long as the sea tribes are not allowed to secretly mine them." Taohua said .

"Have we never picked?" Zhuang Zihan asked curiously.

"I don't even dig my own. But everything in our territory will eventually be assimilated by our family's Lingshan. In the future, it will belong to our family's family land. In the future, these small veins have the possibility of evolution and mutation. What to dig? ?” Taohua said.

Zhuang Zihan was surprised and said, "Is it still possible?"

"Of course, if I don't have this ability, wouldn't my troubles be in vain?"

Zhuang Zihan directly gestured to Taohua with a gesture of "you are awesome". "Then our land on the ocean side?"

"As long as it is within a radius of [-] nautical miles around the island, it is our family's own. If we find that the mineral resources in that place are good, we will take the initiative to ask the family to apply for building an island nearby." Taohua said with deep meaning.

So it was so, Zhuang Zihan suddenly understood.

"Our site is also based on the island?"

"Otherwise, how can we determine the territory. The island can actually be regarded as a spiritual mountain born from the bottom of the sea."

Zhuang Zihan: "..."

"As long as a mountain system is formed, it can be merged into the range of our family's Lingshan in the end."

"Patriarch, I don't understand. Even if our family has its own spiritual mountain and its own mountain system. But will the forces above this clan's land Shenting finally admit it?" too much.Sometimes he finds it too garish to look at.

"Let's put it this way, Lingshan is not an ordinary thing. It has its own defense and attack power."

"Really?" Zhuang Zihan asked strangely.

"When you have a normal contact with the power of the spirit mountain in the upper realm, you will know what it is." Taohua laughed.

Zhuang Zihan was thoughtful.

When Zhuang Zihan came, Chu Shinian simply took Tao Hua and led the team to hunt down the monsters.

With a large group of warships, they kept sweeping away the monsters like plowing the courtyard, and the monsters ran away in the sea.There are constantly powerful monsters attacking the battleship.

Some monsters that reminded them of a particularly huge size rose directly from the deep sea in an instant, and then directly capsized the floating warships into the sea.

The monks flew into the sky in panic or rescued their comrades who were thrown into the sea by the big ship.However, some monks were eaten by the sea beasts who were still waiting when they fell into the sea.Of course, there are also powerful monks who can also kill the squatting monsters after falling into the sea and hunt them instead.

The struggle between man and monster, man and the sea was staged right in front of Tao Hua, Chu Shinian and the others.

Some people lost their lives, and some awakened into powerful warriors.

The battle killed the nearby sea area bright red, and the broken limbs and arms were left on the sea.It's like a sea of ​​blood is churning.

Chu Shinian kept issuing orders to mobilize warships and monks to deal with the struggle and counterattack of powerful sea beasts and herds of sea beasts.

The racial war between humans and orcs is like two elite armies colliding. When they meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. It doesn't matter to anyone.The other is to see who can afford to lose, whether it is a monster or a human.

In the end it was the loss of humanity that reached the tipping point.Chu Shinian ordered the troops to withdraw.The battleship group he brought this time was obviously a bit hard to eat the huge herd of beasts on the opposite side.It is not his wish to lose too many elites, so let's retreat first.

After the human fleet withdrew, countless sea beasts gathered together, continuously sending out wails that shook the surrounding sea area! ! !
Many humans who survived the war listened to the wailing in their ears with indifferent expressions.

If human beings want to expand their living space, they must die!

If they survive, humans must die, this is the way of the world! !
The human monks who used to live on the extremely prosperous human continent only truly experienced the cruelty of race wars when they went to the sea!
To them, if monsters are not eaten as conservation animals, they can only be executioners who kill their parents, wives and children.

"The group of sea beasts has become more and more powerful, and they all know how to gather their hearts. It seems that a more intense and cruel battle is about to begin again." Tao Hua said in a cold tone.

"Although the overall intelligence of sea beasts is slightly weak, their population is huge. Recently, we have awakened a little bit of fighting consciousness, and they are no longer as easy to deal with as before. They will soon evolve into real fighters. It's not the original cannon fodder on the battlefield." Chu Shinian said very objectively.

After Taohua heard this, she nodded in agreement, and suddenly laughed inexplicably.

"Let them always want to live in the deep sea and be alone. I ha ha." Tao Hua suddenly said with a tone full of sarcasm.

Chu Shinian glanced at Tao Hua inexplicably, and said, "Are you talking about the deep-sea humans? I thought you had a good impression of them?"

"Good impression? They don't think they are of the same race as us, our continental species, and they are deep sea species. How can I have a good impression of them?"

"You use monsters to continuously sharpen our fleet and monk army, and constantly promote the awakening of monsters. Isn't it just to cause trouble for the deep-sea humans?"

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

After hearing this, Chu Shinian silently lit a candle for the deep sea humans.

"There are many human races in the deep sea!!"

(End of this chapter)

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