Chapter 889

"So don't move if you don't get mixed up. If you get mixed up, don't move." Tao Hua said with deep eyes. "Continue to expand the size of Chu's warships and the size of the monk army. One day, I will stir up the entire deep sea."

"When they find out that they are dead, they will break down and cry." Chu Shinian pursed his lips and smiled.

"I don't like to sit back and watch." Tao Hua said. "They lived in the deep sea and watched the human race on land struggling in the hands of the upper realm monks. I dragged them into the water. Want to take advantage of it, or have they already planned to surrender to the upper realm? No matter what they think , I will let them idle."

"Although the people on the bottom of the sea are very weak due to the oppression of the sea people, in the deep sea, their combined strength cannot be dealt with by the people of a single continent. Our Chu family is even smaller." Chu Shinian reminded.

"What does it have to do with our Chu family? We are just a poor family that keeps fighting sea beasts for territory over waterway issues." Taohua smiled like a delicate flower.

Chu Shinian: "... also."

After Chu Shinian and the others returned, they went to collect the sea beasts the next day and it became another fleet.

In the entire Chu family, the patrolling guards had the highest death rate in battle.Of course, the fastest promotion is also the patrol guard.After several battles, the small soldiers became corporal leaders, captains, hundred masters, battalion masters, and school lieutenants.One school for ten thousand people, this is the basic configuration of Chu's army.

After Chu Shinian and Tao Hua died, all the threatening herds in the nearby waters had been driven away or directly slaughtered.

The Chu family also lost the lives of hundreds of warships and thousands of monks.

The dead monks are basically low-level monks.The third level of Tongmai Realm is the cannon fodder in the monk army.How many are there, how many are recruited.During the battle, they were the first to die.Whether it is monsters or monsters, they also specifically look for these soft persimmons to attack them.

"Legion cultivator, the cultivation base of the third floor of Tongmai Realm is a bit too low. It's not conducive to fighting." Chu Shinian said to Zhuang Zihan before leaving.

"There is no way to do this. In fact, everyone knows that the proportion of monks in the human race is not very high. Only the monks of the lower three realms of Tongmai can achieve it by using pills. Therefore, it is easy to achieve. If we do not accept monks of this realm , our legion is facing a large-scale lack of personnel.

Unless their own elixir is upgraded again, they can directly shape them into monks in the three realms of Tongmai Realm. "

"It's a bit difficult." Chu Shinian said.

"The cost is too high. Whether it is the development cost or popularization cost of the basic elixir to improve a level, it has to catch up with directly building a 1000-member golden elixir team." Taohua said with an ugly face after calculating in a blink of an eye.

"One thousand golden elixirs, when everyone's cultivation level has improved, what is the use of a thousand golden elixirs. It is the most useful if the number of basic legions is large enough and the cultivation level is enough to adapt to the battle." Zhuang Zihan said.

"Your butt is sitting sideways again." Tao Hua complained angrily.

"I'm not the leader." Zhuang Zihan smirked.

"I'll go back and do some calculations." Taohua thought for a while and said.

"First equip everyone with more combat weapons and battle armor," Chu Shinian said.

Zhuang Zihan looked at Chu Shinian gratefully.

Speaking of which, Chu Shinian looked ruthless, but every time he would take action to improve the combat power of the fighters at critical moments, or he would give more subsidies to the pills.The main reason is that this guy has never believed that the soldiers died in unnecessary battles.

"The overall combat power of the sea beasts has improved, especially some individually powerful sea beasts. The destructive power they create is too strong. You should pay more attention when you fight in the future. Those are particularly large in size, extremely powerful, and super fast. If you have supernatural powers, you need to set up a special slaughter team, and don’t let them go if you see them. You have to kill them even if you chase them into the deep sea, and you can’t let them continue to grow, and turn them over. You understand?”

Zhuang Zihan nodded seriously.

"After we leave, it won't take long for a team to come here to build an island. You can also look at other suitable places nearby. It is best to build a few more small islands. Let them practice together, support each other, and defend It will be strengthened. If it is a single island, it will involve too much fleet power, and you have to bring people to wander around if you have nothing to do.

That's hard work. "

Zhuang Zihan nodded again.

"Finally, the fleet should not go deep into the deep sea alone, no matter what the reason is. That area is the discovery of a new continent." Chu Shinian solemnly warned Zhuang Zihan, "The situation is complicated now, and we will not drop the Yaozu. After all, those clans have been revived. .

Don't fall into their trap lightly.You have to know that the sea is the home of the demon clan, not ours. "

Don't look at the fact that the Chu family now occupies a large amount of sea area, has its own waterway, and has an arrogant and domineering fleet.But in reality, they are walking on thin ice at sea.

In the sea, most of them are water.

Whoever can manipulate water is the boss.So in the sea, who is more capable of manipulating humans or the sea monsters?
It's the monster race in the sea! !

Zhuang Zihan was too aware of his strengths and weaknesses.

"I will be very cautious."

"The Yaozu has been waiting for us to show our own flaws. Zihan, you must be patient and cautious. Don't give the Yaozu any chance." Taohua said.

Zhuang Zihan listened and nodded again.

"Patriarch, Grand Commander, there is an urgent message." A dark guard boy rushed over in a hurry.

Chu Shinian quickly received the urgent mail to open it. "Something went wrong. The forces from the upper realm attacked and destroyed Longshanfang City, directly destroying one-tenth of the defensive formation in Longshanfang City, and destroyed 40.00% of the shops."

"To destroy so many shops at once, this is a self-directed and self-acted combination of inside and outside." Tao Hua said.

Chu Shinian was taken aback when he heard it. "That's right, if we didn't cooperate with the inside and the outside, and took advantage of the fire to rob, we would definitely not be able to destroy so many shops. I think they are targeting our shops this time."

"Yeah, we are the ones who have lost the most this time." Taohua thought for a while, and immediately said, "Let's hurry over there and see what they want us to do with it?"

Chu Shinian nodded.

The couple took Brother Chun to Longshan again.

Longshan was in a mess at this time, the original Chu Clan service area and the concentrated area of ​​several shops where the Chu Clan people gathered were all looted.In addition to their own shops, other shops from various houses were also damaged.

Some shops were directly burned to the ground.Looking at the damage on the ground, it was obviously a good thing done by a one-time explosive magic weapon like Tianleizi.

Zhu Kangnian's eyes were bloodshot.

The loss was too great, and he was about to apologize with death.

"Patriarch, I'm sorry, I'm not optimistic about Longshan."

"It's not all your fault. They've thought hard and designed a routine for us. This time, everyone recalls and recalls what happened. We can't lose in vain, we have to find out the loopholes."

Tao Hua's voice was condensed with a mask, and with the power of comfort, many Chu family members in Longshan found their backbone at once.

"Patriarch, we have lost too much this time." An old man said weeping.

(End of this chapter)

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