The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 891 Opening of New Dragon Mountain

Chapter 891 Opening of New Dragon Mountain

In addition to the underground palace, the Chu family also built 48 whale suction pillars made of spiritual gold that are as thick as two people hugging each other underground.

As soon as this formation was activated, the aura in the entire Longshan became six times stronger.

This made many people who worked on Longshan feel refreshed immediately, and the mana in their bodies was ready to move, as if they were about to break through at any time.

This is also the first time that the Chu family has created a whale suction column array that does this.

The shops on Longshan also began to be rebuilt.The original cave area was directly erased.All changed into shops everywhere.The Dongfu area was directly changed into a palace suspended over Longshan Mountain.There are not only penance-type caves for retreat and practice that are rented by tenants, but also courtyard-type caves that are convenient for everyone to discuss and gather.Of course there are more guardian palaces.A large number of large-scale attack magic weapons are installed on it.

What destroys thunder and fire, what one-yuan heavy water, what cold soul and absolute light... all added.

Coupled with the various updated magic weapons on the ground, the layout of the magic weapons is almost armed into a military fortress.In the future, it will not be the Longshan guards recruited by Longshan himself who will be stationed on Longshan. Instead, a legion of 10 people will be stationed on the mountain by drawing out the immortal guards alone.

The Dragonscale Land near Longshan was simply remodeled.

A more subtle formation group is directly arranged on the ground of the dragon scale.Raised the entire Dragonscale Land Spiritual Land by one level.It has been promoted from the first level to the second level spiritual land.He smoothly pushed the entire dragon scale towards the side of the small wasteland.Directly transform the small wasteland into an animist land that is one or two levels higher than Longlin land.

This sudden expansion of the scope of the spiritual land has dozens of times the original.The fan-shaped small plain that originally connected Longshan to the Northwest Great Wilderness was wrapped in it.

The change of the overall underground formation not only raised the spiritual land, but also allowed dozens of spiritual springs to appear in the entire Dragonscale Land.

There are several places where the Lingquan springs have formed a Linghu lake with an area of ​​tens of acres of water because of the excessive water used.With the water from the spiritual spring and the spiritual lake filled with spiritual energy, if food and herbs are planted in the various spiritual lands, the production will inevitably increase by [-]% to [-]%.

The original building of Longshanfang City is a small and fresh line that is graceful and economical.Although the scale is outstanding, it can also surprise people, but in recent days when there are new cultivation cities all over the world, it is not so pleasing to the eye.

However, in the newly built Longshanfang City, the shops built here and there are very grand and sparse.Each of them looks like a very delicate palace.Some families read the blueprints of the shop provided by the Chu family, but still felt that they could not satisfy their plans, and continued to build on the fairy palace.

Those pavilions are tall, unique and majestic.

There are also some direct requests to build a floating palace for us. Our shop must go to the sky, and it must not be put together with ordinary small shops.

Well, if you fall in love with the sky, you will go to the sky.

It is not cheap enough to build a floating palace.

The floating palace requires a large amount of Tier 600 ore gray stones.A party of gray stones costs [-] yuan of spirit stones.To build the center of a floating palace, at least forty or fifty square gray stones are needed.That is to say, to build a floating palace, the cost of gray stones would be [-] spirit stones.

But only [-] spirit stones can show our cards, right?
Repair, must repair.

As a result, some shops on the mountain in Longshanfang City have not been completely repaired, and hundreds of floating palaces, large and small, have been suspended in the airspace around Longshan.

This is really super plausible.

This kind of floating palace was loved as soon as it was born.Many people can't help calling their friends to go up to the party.Invisibly, the popularity of Longshanfang City was once again gathered back.

While compensating for the loss of normal shops, the Chu family also listed some problematic shops and their affiliated forces as refusal accounts.The store not only refused to pay, but also pursued the responsibility, asking them to compensate Chu's losses.

If they do not pay, they will not be allowed to continue operating on Longshan.

Payouts are impossible.Those forces not only refused to admit that they robbed Longshanfang City, but also fled Longshan one after another and settled in other Fangshi.

Their departure also attracted a large number of merchants who originally belonged to Longshan.

Longshan didn't care, and continued to recruit individuals or forces who were willing to come to Longshan to operate.Anyway, as long as you can afford the rent or transaction price of the shop, let others rent or buy it.

On the first day Longshan released the new shop, it was blocked by a sea of ​​people.

Little is known about other places, but the small forces under Chu's rule, individual high-level monks don't know how profitable Longshanfang City is.Chu's own various workshops are in full swing, and there are as many people who follow their family as workshops.Among these people, there is always a little one who is exceptionally good.

These small families, small forces and individuals took advantage of this opportunity to intervene in Longshanfang City.

After the reconstruction, Xinlongshan not only has more shops, but also the shops are all big and spacious, which makes the old and new shop owners very satisfied.In the old shop, a couple of spiritual fruit trees were also donated by the Chu family.

There are chestnut trees, jujube trees, pomegranate trees, pip trees and other low-level spiritual fruit trees.Even the worst living tree has a market price of more than three thousand spirit stones.

This is free.

There are two big shops and one small shop.

Therefore, the old customers who stayed in Longshanfang City are very happy and satisfied.

Although there is no new shop, you can apply to the Chu family to sell trees.

Some are willing to buy it, and some are not. It is also possible to cultivate the fruit tree seedlings brought back from the place where they were taken.

In short, Fangshi reopened in less than half a month after the reconstruction of Longshanfang City was completed.

As soon as Xinfang City opened, it began to dump a large amount of various low-level cultivation items, various low-level refining materials, magic tools, talismans, talisman treasures, jade talismans, wooden talismans, vestments, robes, and various hair crowns , jade hairpin, jade hairpin, head face, jade pendant, jade card and so on.

In the past, there were many such things in the Chu family's territory, and they were laughable.But they think their profits are meager, so many shops in Longshan are not willing to operate them.Therefore, similar small things in Longshan are more expensive.

But because of the newcomers, the low-priced gadgets from various workshops under the Chu family also began to rush into the Longshan market.

In fact, Dafang City has developed all over the Yun'an Continent, and Longshan doesn't have much of an advantage. Even though the living things here are still the most complete, don't go out of Dafang City to manage these.In other words, Longshan's location is very good, and it is the most suitable foothold for cross-continental transactions.So I was able to maintain my position for a while.

However, the operation is also declining year after year.

In order to expand business, Longshan has started to operate his own air fleet business.

(End of this chapter)

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