The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 892 The Hot Fish Skin Armor

Chapter 892 The Hot Fish Skin Armor
Longshan's own air fleet is divided into short-distance and long-distance. The business volume developed by short-distance is almost catching up with Chu's income in Longshan.Not to mention the long-distance, although there is no return fleet for the time being, the Chu family dares to send out a fleet every month.

Many merchants assembled their own goods and took their fleet to go out for long distances.

The longest long road takes more than a year to come back, but the income is estimated to be expensive.Chu's long-distance fleet has already been teleported back from other cities in the mainland, mainly to send back various precious resources and a large number of spirit stones and crystals earned.

By the way, transport some high-value goods here, and then sell them.

This time the new Longshan opened, the main products are almost all kinds of high-quality magic weapons and elixir under the rule of the Chu family.Fish skin armor is thin, cheap, and has the function of moisturizing.It is simply the latest favored item of the merchants in Yunzhou mainland, which has many deserts and hot areas.

There are also people making fish skin armor in the Yunzhou mainland, but it is far less colorful and exquisite than the workshops of the Chu family. The various runes carved are also very practical and artistic.

Understated and gorgeous, it's very distinctive.

Especially the cyan, black, and silver fish skin armors, which are simply fish skin armors among fish skin armors.For the merchants from Yunzhou Continent and Beiming Continent, the price of the fish skin armor they got was lower than the price of raw materials in their local area.

That is a complete set of fish skin armor, and it is also a full body armor.

The only thing that can be disliked is that no matter what style of fish skin armor it is, it is a light armor type with limited defense.And the defense against various poisons is relatively poor.But the problem is that unless it is a specially made poisonous leather armor, no matter whether it is light armor or heavy armor from Haihui Temple, they are not anti-virus.

Fish skin armor is actually used as the standard light armor of light cavalry, but it is actually useless at all.It is much cheaper than the light and heavy armor made of demon cowhide or demon pigskin.

The price is only about a third to a quarter of others.

This time, a large number of fish skin light armor appeared for the first time, and it caused a sensation in Longshan as soon as it went on the market.Many merchants from other continents purchase [-] sets or [-] sets.The orders for each workshop are directly scheduled until next year.

In fact, apart from the merchants from the outer mainland, many local forces also took a fancy to the strange light armor made of fish skin newly produced by the Chu family.

The problem is that their order prices are lower, so whether it is Chu's own family business, personal business, or scattered workshops of the same kind, Qi Qi chooses merchants from outside the mainland.

The owner of the northwest building, the deputy owner and several sub-owners gathered together again.

Everyone looked at the large number of brand-new leather armors piled up on the table, and everyone was silent.The main reason is that everyone doesn't know what the landlord is doing all this for.

"Take a look, this is Chu's new fish skin light armor. It's a complete set. It has a helmet, a full body armor and leather boots. It's really well made." Xie Chaosheng said with a gloomy face.

Chen Dazhi also remained silent.He was a little surprised why Xie Chaosheng was so excited.

"As soon as this kind of leather armor comes out, the business of the demon cow leather armor in our Northwest Building will be ruined by them."

"We still do leather armor business in Northwest Building?" Chen Dazhi asked strangely.

"Yeah, why not do it, military supply is the most profitable business." Xie Chaosheng said.

The problem is that we have never seen a leather armor workshop? !

Chen Dazhi looked at him speechlessly.

"Ahem, I have placed the workshop elsewhere. What I want to say now is, now that the Chu family has directly disrupted our leather armor business, what should we do?"

"The quality, durability, wear resistance, and defense of demon cowhide armor are higher than fish skin armor, right? Even if someone buys fish skin armor, it shouldn't affect the business of many cowhide armors, right?" a young branch The landlord asked subconsciously.

"No, it has a big impact. The defensive armor of monks is generally refined metal armor, which has amazing defensive power and can also increase the master's persistent combat power, explosive power, spiritual power and use of ultimate moves. Leather armor is generally for Used by low-level monks. What high-level armor does the cannon fodder corps need?
Cannon Fodder Corps has basic defense enough.Our cowhide armor used to win with its low price and good defense.But when the fish skin armor came, the price was so low that it made people hairy.The defense ability is not much worse than ours.At least [-]% of the defense of our cowhide armor.

The most important thing is that the fish skin armor is light.Worn on the body, it breathes and stays wet.

For the monk legion in the arid desert area, this is simply a small top-quality armor, which is more popular than any metal armor by the lower-level sergeants.

The Yunzhou Continent and the Beiming Continent both have that kind of terrain.

They are simply leather armors that started specifically for those two continents. "Xie Chao said angrily with a miserable life.

"Xiao Wu, your branch building is in the Chu family's rule area. The Chu family has such a thing, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I don't know that our building is still engaged in leather armor military supplies business? Besides, the Chu family researched the fish skin armor a long time ago. Not in recent years, but very long ago. About eight or nine years ago." A certain little Wu said speechlessly.

Xie Chaosheng: "..."

After hearing this, the other branch owners also went to see Xie Chaosheng.He looked embarrassed.This time, Xie Chaosheng was really annoyed by Xiao Wu, who had no eyesight at all, and who didn't know how to advance or retreat when speaking.

"Even if the Chu family already had fish skin armor, they didn't sell it in large quantities in Longshan before. If they no longer sell it in Longshan, will it affect our business?"

"How do I know this? I don't have a shop in Longshan?" Xiao Wu felt that he was wronged more than Dou E.

His appearance made the other branch owners laugh.

Although Xie Chaosheng is the landlord of the Northwest Building, he is really unreliable in his work.

This is the impression of many sub-owners on their own landlords.

"Shut up. I asked you to talk to let you think of an idea to save the loss of our Northwest Building." Xie Chaosheng became even angrier when he heard the laughter.

"Then why don't we send people to learn how to make fish skin armor? Or simply recruit some craftsmen who can make it?" Xiao Wu asked for everyone's opinions.

"That's a good idea."

"It's ok, if you hire Xiao Wu, I'll pay for the workshop and materials, and I'll give you a [-]% bonus if you sell the leather armor." A veteran sub-host said.

"Oh, Grandpa Xi, are you going to partner with the kid to make money? Yes. I'm in charge of stealing people, cough cough cough, poaching people."

"You kid can do this black job."

The veteran laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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