The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 897 Is it a vassal or a cooperation

Chapter 897 Is it a vassal or a cooperation

Shen Shuyi was directly amused by her own Patriarch.

"Okay, I'll put stealing people first."

Jiang Yizhou looked at Shen Shuyi and accepted the task gladly.

After seeing them off, Tao Hua was summoned by Brother Chun.Chu Shinian was also called away by Chu Ziyan to work.While reviewing the urgent mail that Chu Ziyan transferred to him, Chu Shinian asked questions related to the urgent mail.

But there was nothing to ask about the urgent matter later, so he didn't speak.But Chu Ziyan obviously didn't want to stop talking. "Head, tell me, can Elder Shen and Elder Jiang still be together?"

"Why are you so idle?" Chu Shinian asked speechlessly. "How about I give you more errands."

"No, no, I'm already too busy to die now." Chu Ziyan hurriedly pretended to be dying.

Chu Shinian: "..."

"I'm just curious. I think Elder Jiang is pitiful, and seems to be very reluctant to part with Elder Shen. As for Elder Shen, it seems that he really doesn't want to be with Elder Jiang anymore."

"You kid is too gossip."

"What's wrong with the gossip? Don't say you're not curious, everyone is curious. It's really not easy for them to separate and reunite for decades."

When Chu Shinian heard this, his expression froze slightly.

"It's really not easy. Elder Jiang is a rather hesitant and weak person emotionally, and Elder Shen is a bit stupid."

"Cough, cough, cough." Chu Ziyan was almost coughed out of tears.He looked at his boss in shock.

"Fortunately, Elder Jiang is not too stupid. He still has a chance. If he meets the right opportunity, he will probably be able to win back Elder Shen's heart. If he doesn't have a chance, then he is unlucky." Chu Shinian ticked slightly after thinking. Hook the corners of your mouth.

"Boss, don't keep saying things without making sense. Can you explain in detail?"

"I think you're too busy, why don't you give me a reply to all the urgent items on my desk."

"No, it's not my job, and they can tell by my handwriting."

"It's okay, I'll leave your private seal to you. With my private seal, you can take care of it for me temporarily, and they won't say that your handwriting on the approval document is poor." Chu Shinian immediately dug a hole for Xiao Yanzi.Anyway, when he needs to go to Anxia, ​​he has to find someone to work for him temporarily.

He originally wanted Chu Xinjia to do it.

But he has already promised Chu Xinjia that he will be given a long vacation recently, so that Chu Xinjia, who is tired of work, can have a good rest.

So Xiao Yanzi will work.

If it doesn't work, there are Zigong and Zixian to help.

Chu Ziyan didn't know that his future had been clearly arranged by Chu Shinian, and he was still struggling desperately not to approve the stack of urgent mails on the table for Chu Shinian.

The problem is that everyone is here, how could Chu Shinian let him go.

So being forced by Chu Shinian, Chu Ziyan could only bury his head in depression and work.

Chu Shiqing came again, this time he brought two men in.

One of these two men is a middle-aged man with deep eyes, and the other is a very stern young man with aloofness in his bones.

"These two Guanghan Sword Sects are said to be from the upper realm. They asked to see the Patriarch." Chu Shiqing took the initiative to introduce Chu Shinian and Chu Ziyan.

The two people who came in with Chu Shiqing looked at Chu Shinian and Chu Ziyan together, and then gasped in surprise.

"It's rare to see such good qualifications." The middle-aged man said first, and he looked at Chu Shinian and Chu Ziyan to get more points.Especially Chu Shinian.

"Is the little guy interested in joining my Guanghan Sword Sect?"

Chu Shinian was puzzled by his question.

"I'm the son of the Chu family."

"I know you are a member of the Chu family, but in my opinion, the entire Chu family is not worth as much as you. Are you interested in joining my Guanghan Sword Sect? If you are interested, I will give you an inner sect." The number of disciples. When your cultivation level increases in the future, you will not be able to capture all the true disciples and core disciples."

"Second Uncle?" The young man beside the middle-aged man asked in surprise.

"This little guy has excellent cultivation aptitude, somewhat better than you."

The young man immediately looked at Chu Shinian in shock. "You have to be careful in the future. Because of my outstanding talent, I have been assassinated more than a dozen times in recent years, all of which were done secretly by some shameless old monks."

Chu Shinian looked at him in astonishment.


"Plundering aptitude. Although the upper realm strictly prohibits it, there are still many people who have learned this method of the magic sect to quickly cultivate the disciples of the sect, and plunder the living people with good aptitude, and then sacrifice them to the formation. The formation method extracts the aptitude of these living people and makes up for the caster. Then the innate aptitude of the caster will be enhanced, and the bottleneck that was originally difficult to break through will also be broken through."

Chu Shinian felt chills when he heard that.Now more and more monks came down from the upper realm, if they all had this idea, then the human monks in the lower realm would be really dangerous.

"What kind of formation to use, what will happen to those who have been robbed of their aptitude?"

"It will turn into a mummy." This time it was the middle-aged man who answered. "Under our Jianzong rule, even though the guards are stricter, there are still mummified corpses appearing every year. It is almost impossible to guard against. Even my nephew must be prepared to be assassinated and attacked at any time."

The young man nodded in agreement with his second uncle's words.

"Will they come to the lower realm to do this kind of thing?" Chu Shinian asked.

"It's needless to say, maybe it has already come down, but you haven't seen it yet."

Chu Shinian had to say that what he said was quite right.

Nowadays, the mortal world is full of smog, even if people continue to disappear and turn into mummies, there will be no forces that will pursue such things on a large scale.However, this kind of thing should not have happened under Chu's rule.

After all, Qianniuwei's sincerity was not given for nothing.

Even if you can't find the person who did the bad thing, but if you find a dead body or something, it's still okay.

"So you have to be careful yourself. I still suggest you join our Guanghan Sword Sect. With my Great Sword Sect as your backer, at least some small forces and small organizations dare not touch you." The young man said again.

"Let me think about it. By the way, why did you two come to my Chu family this time?" Chu Shinian asked.

The two of them invited him to join their sect as soon as they came up, which made Chu Shinian think that he had guessed wrongly about their purpose.

"We're here to discuss cooperation with your Chu family." The middle-aged man gave Chu Shinian a meaningful look.

"Cooperation or vassalization?" Chu Shinian asked again.

"If the Chu family doesn't have you, then it's about vassalage. Now that the Chu family has you, let's talk about cooperation. However, with the size of our Guanghan Sword Sect, even if you are a mere Chu family, you can't occupy it if you talk about cooperation." What an advantage. It's just that the name is better than the vassal."

(End of this chapter)

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