Chapter 898
Guanghan Sword Sect...?
Chu Shinian was a little confused about the sudden appearance of the upper realm forces, but this did not prevent him from making more observations.

"How to cooperate, how to cooperate? Let me tell you first, our Chu family can provide some resources. But it is absolutely impossible for you to take whatever you want. We are not your sect's pocketbook or your sect's private family." Workshop."

"Have you ever come into contact with other upper realm forces? Impossible! Yun'an Continent is the back garden of our Guanghan Sword Sect. Even if other great forces come, we will dare to contact you after we choose." The middle-aged man is domineering. Said.

"It's a local force."

"Rebel forces? It's just a small role." The middle-aged man said indifferently. "You Chu family is quite smart. You didn't get involved with those small characters. If you get mixed up with them, you can only die together."

Chu Shinian looked at them calmly, there were already countless doubts rolling in Chu Ziyan's heart.Especially the guy in front of him is too loud, right?
"As far as I know, the entire continent in the lower realm is only ten yuan. Could it be that your Guanghan Sword Sect is already one of the top ten powers in Shenting, and you can actually use Yun'an Continent as your back garden?" Chu Shinian asked.

"You little guy is really careful. My Guanghan Sword Sect is not one of the top ten forces in the upper world. But it is also one of the top ten sword sects in the upper world. My Guanghan Sword Sect came from behind and is now ranked eighth. The first-class force in the upper realm.

In addition to the three super powers, our Guanghan Sword Sect is definitely a first-class power in the upper realm. "The middle-aged man said proudly.

"Then how can you turn Yun'an Continent into your own back garden? There are not many forces like yours in the upper realm? Or are there not many coming down?" Chu Shinian asked puzzled.

"None of them. We occupy the entire Yun'an Continent not by relying on other things, but on the share obtained. After more than 800 battles, the share obtained by killing more than 1000 disciples."

Chu Ziyan couldn't hold it back, and took a deep breath.

"In the upper realm, no matter what you want, you have to give. The sect protects you, and you have to go through life and death for the sect." The middle-aged man glanced at him and smiled indifferently.

Chu Ziyan felt a chill run down his spine when he saw it.

"Ten continents, ten shares. We occupy the Yun'an Continent. After all, other upper realm forces want to descend to the Yun'an Continent with our consent. Anyone who descends without our consent is a stowaway. We can Kill them directly." The middle-aged man continued.

"Guanghan Sword Sect, is it actually a demon sect?" Chu Shinian asked with a frown.

"Hahaha... You will know when you reach the upper realm. There are very few large sects that do not have magic skills. Sometimes magic skills are also very useful for us monks to break through the bottleneck. The law is all inclusive.”

Chu Shinian nodded.

"This is the condition of our cooperation, you have a look." The middle-aged man handed a jade cocoon to Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian took the jade cocoon and stuck it on his forehead.Soon he put down the jade cocoon, frowned, and fell silent.

"Do you even want people?"

"People are also very important resources. In particular, I see that your family is able to cultivate a large number of low-level monks around the third level of Tongmai. These low-level cannon fodder are just right for the big world we are conquering."

"Cannon fodder means you can't come back after sending it?" Chu Shinian asked with a frown.

"Cannon fodder, don't you just lose it." The middle-aged man said seriously.

"300 million per year? We don't have that many people," Chu Shinian said.

"We send people here, and you are responsible for training them into an army, providing grassroots officers, pills and equipment, and you must raise their cultivation to about the third level of the Tongmai Realm within three months. At least the combat power must reach .

300 million people a year, you train a good batch, we take away a batch. "

"If we provide junior officers, they cannot be cannon fodder. After a year, send them back on duty."

The middle-aged man thought about it.

"Are you going to send the disciples of the Chu family to sharpen their will? In that place, falling down is a very common thing."

"But which great monk doesn't have a will as hard as a rock honed from childhood?" Chu Shinian asked back.


The middle-aged man suddenly laughed. "You are indeed very good. Our Guanghan Sword Sect also has excellent disciples who went to sharpen it. But whether they can survive a year or not depends on their fate."

On the contrary, Chu Shinian didn't worry much about this.Think about that pagoda at home...

"Don't you need to provide other things?" Chu Shinian asked again.

"I don't need it for the time being. There are not many people in your Chu family. I want you to provide some monk cannon fodder, but you are definitely not willing. I can train those 300 million people to me." The middle-aged man said.

That's 300 million, and year after year.Not just one batch.

From pills to equipment, even if the Chu family had some money, it would be enough for the Chu family to drink a pot if they spent it all year after year.

Hearing that there were no other requests, Chu Shinian's eyes relaxed a little.

If this Guanghan Sword Sect is shameless and insists on dragging down the Chu family, then no matter how good they say, Chu Shinian will not agree to cooperate with them.

"If you have no problem, then we will sign the contract." The middle-aged man said decisively.


After the contract was signed, the two agreed that the young people around the middle-aged man would bring the first batch of mortal young adults and a group of sect monks over in a few days.

During this period of time, the Chu family has to prepare a number of large camps, a number of teachers, medicine pills and equipment, etc.

When the middle-aged man left, Chu Ziyan said worriedly, "We only agreed verbally to the Northwest Alliance back then. But we signed a contract directly with them. Will there be any bad influence in the future? For example, those local forces Hidden sect, all the aristocratic families are partnering against us?"

"If we don't sign a contract with the Guanghan Sword Sect, can those hidden sects and aristocratic families let us go? As long as we develop, it will affect their interests. They will first find a way to join forces to get rid of us."

Chu Ziyan: "..."

"Besides, it's just a cooperation contract, and it's not a reliance or subsidiary contract. Could it be that they haven't hooked up with the forces in the upper realm secretly? Don't laugh at fifty steps. It's like the words of Guanghan Jianzong According to the person in charge, this cooperation contract should not be available to any force."

"That's right, people valued your talent at a glance. Talking about it, what is your talent? Why didn't I see it?" Chu Ziyan said sourly.

(End of this chapter)

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