Chapter 899
"What kind of talent, peerless talent?" Chu Shinian smiled comfortably.

"Ah bah, you are so narcissistic." Chu Ziyan complained speechlessly.

"Whether my talent is recognized or not, I don't know. But that Guanghan Jianzong, we need to inquire more about it. It is said that the dark guards have been inquiring about the forces of the upper realm for several years, and this Guanghan Jianzong seems to know the name head."

"Maybe it was hidden too deeply before?"

"I don't know what's going on, let's look it up first," Chu Shinian said.

"it is good."

Looking back, Chu Shinian told Tao Hua about this.

"Guanghan Sword Sect?" Tao Hua felt fluctuated in his heart.In the previous life, it was the five coalition forces that occupied Yun'an Continent. Could it be that the world has re-integrated, and the declining forces have also been reshuffled?

Well, there is also this possibility.

But Guanghan Sword Sect, the reputation of this sect is not very good.However, in the previous life, I have seen a certain sect with a great reputation but did such nasty things, this Guanghan Sword Sect, it is better not to just hear about it, but seeing is believing.

"I don't know what big world they are conquering? Why do they need so many low-level monks?" Chu Shinian was confused.

"I don't know." Taohua has never seen how the forces of the upper world conquer the big world.

Inside the city of Anhua Prefecture.

Fu Luyi, Yang Xianzhi and others gathered together again.

"I heard that the Guanghan Sword Sect went to the Chu Clan in person?" Meng Zan's face was full of gloom.

"Where did the Chu Clan come from? How did it attract the attention of the Guanghan Sword Sect? It hasn't been long since their people came down, right? In the past, several other forces were responsible for the exploration and development of this continent. .” Dong Ce was also very confused.

"We said that the Guanghan Sword Sect came not kind." Yang Xianzhi said at this time.

"The visitor is not kind?" Fu Luyi asked in confusion.

"It is said that this world remains one of the three avenues of the Taichu Sword Sect back then, Qingxiaodongtian. There are rumors that an entrance to the remains of the Taichu Sword Sect was found on Yun'an Continent. Now the top ten sword sects rank first The Absolute Beginning Sword Sect sent a large number of disciples down as soon as they heard the news.

Presumably Guanghan Jianzong sent people down quickly because of this news, right? "Yang Xianzhi said.

"The ruins of the early days, Qingxiaodongtian, my God, what a great opportunity." Fu Luyi's eyes were eager to try.

"It is not yet confirmed where the entrance and exit are. Moreover, the entrance and exit on Yun'an Continent are just rumors, and there are similar rumors in many places. The most likely entrance and exit should be in the sea. Therefore, many tribes of the seabed humans There are monks from the upper realm who have descended. The Absolute Beginning Sword Sect dispatched hundreds of true disciples to lead the team down to search for the Absolute Beginning relics." Yang Xianzhi said.

"Then let's look for one too." Fu Luyi said, "I think this entrance may be in the Chu family's territory, otherwise how could they develop so fast? It must have obtained the legacy of the beginning."

Yang Xianzhi looked at her as if she was looking at a mentally retarded person.

Meng Zan quickly calmed down and persuaded, "We can release this rumor and force the Chu family by the way. As long as the Chu family attracts everyone's ideas, it will be impossible for it to continue to tell the development quietly and quickly."

Yang Xianzhi was silent for a while, and said, "Yes, I wish you to release the news immediately." Even if you hook up with Guanghan Jianzong, let them see if Guanghan Jianzong can withstand so many hungry people. Wolves covet you.

When Brother Chun was finally able to walk a certain distance on his calf, a pure and lovely female guard with a round face ran in in a panic.

"Madam, it's not good, something serious has happened. Commander, please go over quickly."


Taohua handed Brother Chun to her mother and nanny, washed and dressed before going to Chu Shinian's office.

At this time, the top management of the Chu family were already there.

Taohua simply walked out the back door and put on a mask.When she reappears, she is the head of the house.


Everyone bowed down.

Sit in your seat.Taohua asked lightly, "What happened?"

"There are rumors outside that our Chu family has obtained the legacy of the beginning, which is why we have developed so well. Early this morning, there were already a dozen local forces and seven upper realm forces asked us to hand over the legacy of the beginning."

"What is the legacy of the early days?" Taohua asked.

"It is said that in our world, there is the No. [-] sword gate in the upper world, one of the three avenues of Taichu Jianmen, Qingxiaodongtian. This Qingxiaodongtian is in the ruins of Taichu. There are rumors outside that my Chu family obtained This relic of the beginning has inherited the relic of the beginning and has achieved considerable development." Chu Xinjia stood up and explained to the Patriarch and everyone.

"Just for this." Tao Hua said lightly. "That's fine. Immediately send a message to Guanghan Jianzong, saying that our family bought a treasure map during the latest transaction with the Haizu.

We didn't know what the treasure was at first, but later someone rumored about the Relics of Absolute Beginning, and we realized that this might be a treasure map about the Relics of Absolute Beginning.It's a pity that our Chu family can't enter the place marked by the treasure map.

If Guanghan Jianzong is interested, then we will hand over this treasure map. "

"What?" The surrounding senior executives of the Chu Clan turned pale with shock. "Is there really a treasure map?"

"Yeah, the painting is abstract. But... now I can't take it out and read it. After all, this picture has been discovered by someone who has a heart. It's better to send it to the people of Guanghan Sword Sect to investigate .

For the time being, our Chu Clan doesn't have the ability to find any relics of primordial beginning. "

"It's not a rumor, but someone leaked the news of the family's purchase of treasures. What a bastard. Who did this? Wei Fanyu, what do you Qianniuwei do?" Where the fish.

Wei Fanyu rolled his eyes angrily, "I'm not idle now, I'm already investigating. The family has bought a lot of treasures, and there are hundreds of treasure maps. When I find out who passed through these treasure maps hand, we will naturally know who betrayed our Chu family."

"Okay, just take this opportunity to clean up the family." Taohua said.

"It's a matter of convenience." Wei Fanyu bowed in response.

A certain middle-aged man brought the young man over again with a team of about a dozen monks.

They came in a hurry, and they arrived just as night fell.

It should have rushed here with people just after getting the news.

"What picture?" The middle-aged man asked anxiously upon seeing Chu Shinian.

"Treasure map." Chu Shinian said.

The middle-aged man was speechless, "When did the ruins of the beginning become a treasure map?"

"Are you sure it's the entrance and exit of the Ruins of Absolute Beginning?" The young man also asked solemnly.

"It wasn't long before we got the blueprints, and we didn't understand much. But someone with a nose and eyes said that we got the Relic of the Beginning, and said that we got it from some treasure blueprints. Recently, the family asked someone to help analyze the blueprints. There is only this one, so we have to send you a message, after all, we will definitely not be able to go to that kind of deep sea."

(End of this chapter)

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