Chapter 900
"Isn't it really a deceptive blueprint?" The middle-aged man frowned.

"Look and see." Chu Shinian simply took out the blueprint.You can tell it's old just by looking at the leather.

"This is Feng Kun's skin. It's a good thing." The middle-aged man touched the treasure map and couldn't put it down immediately.

Chu Shinian: I'll let you see the treasure map, but you're interested in my Pizi.

The young people beside the middle-aged man also moved their faces away in embarrassment.

"Uncle, look at the picture, look at the picture." A handsome young monk next to the young man urged wordlessly.

"Cough cough..."

Everyone looked at the treasure map, it looked like a child's scribbled drawing, no matter how you looked at it, it didn't look like a treasure map.

"How did your family figure out that this is a treasure map?" the middle-aged man asked.In fact, I just wanted to find out how the Chu family identified it.It's not that someone fooled their family into saying it was a treasure map, so the Chu family took it?
Chu Shinian asked someone to unfold a larger blueprint of the deep sea.

This large image is entirely hand-drawn.It can be seen that it didn't take long to hand-paint it.

"This is the skin of the deep-sea silver collage fish, which is the most suitable for drawing. Your geographer is so good, how can you draw such a deep-sea drawing so beautifully?" The middle-aged man's eyes lit up, and he stared at the deep sea again. drawing.

"This blueprint will be given to you later." Chu Shinian didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Boy, you know how to be a man." The middle-aged man had an expression of admiring the boy's way.

"Can you give me a copy?" You young man who followed the middle-aged man asked immediately.


"Then can you give me a copy too?" The young man who urged me just now also said.

"Why don't you send one to each person, but this one can be taken away immediately, and the others need to wait for half a month. My land masters will redraw some, and then I will send them to you."

"Thank you, thank you."

Many disciples of Guanghan Sword Sect happily cupped their hands in thanks.

This kind of deep-sea map really solved their big problem.If you really get lost in the deep sea, having this map can save your life.

"These deep-sea maps are all provided by the Sea Clan. Some places may be a bit surprising. Don't rely on them completely." Chu Shinian warned in advance.

"As long as there are pictures, we generally don't get lost."

"Right. Right."

"Just have a location."

Those of you who are often on business trips, you all know how to read a map.

"Then let me explain first, how our geologists determined that it is a treasure map. Everyone, please come and take a look here. This corresponds to the small hill on the map, which is actually a large submarine mountain range. Here, this small river is actually the corresponding deep sea icy cold current, because the current is dark and deep, so the small river here is completely black.

And here..."

Chu Shinian's corresponding distances one by one.All of a sudden, the abstract maps that children scribbled at random corresponded to the topography of the deep seabed.

"Finally, it is confirmed that it is in a trench as deep as [-] meters. We monks can't go down. The monsters and monster races here are stronger. As long as our fleet gets close to this position, we will be beaten back."

The middle-aged man held the treasure map in one hand, while looking at the map of the sea that Chu Shinian and the others hand-painted, lost in thought.

In addition to his accident, some of the sword sect disciples he brought also thought about whether it was true or not.

"I still have to go there. If there is nothing wrong with the map, it is likely to be a real treasure. As for whether it is the relic of the beginning, we have to go in." It was the young man who urged the middle-aged man .

He glanced at Chu Shinian, and thought that this kid was really experienced in his work.

This hand-painted map of the sea alone is amazing.

Moreover, the other party's explanation just now really cleared the fog, and everyone immediately understood the true meaning of the drawing.This is much better than asking them to get the drawings and analyze them carefully.

"Have you bothered to study this blueprint?"

"No, I've been studying it for four or five months." Chu Shinian admitted directly. "If someone hadn't leaked the news about the ruins of the beginning, we still wouldn't be able to guess what kind of treasure this is."

"We warned that force when we came here. It's just a middle-level family force." The middle-aged man said with a reserved and arrogant tone. "They may also have been used as guns, and it was said that someone told them."

Chu Shinian smiled bitterly and said, "Our Chu family is still short-sighted, otherwise, no one would have discovered the treasure map and spread the news."

The middle-aged man nodded. "Your family's rise is too short, and it is inevitable that there will be such mistakes due to lack of foundation. When the family has existed for a long time and the foundation itself, this kind of thing will not happen again."

Chu Shinian could only smile wryly again.

It was the other Jianzong disciples who felt a little sympathy for Chu Shinian.

"Well, uncle, let me take a few people down to have a look first. I brought the deep-sea boat." The young man who urged me just now said again.

"Okay, be careful."

The young man left with three classmates, and returned early the next morning.

Not long after he came back, the middle-aged man sent Chu Shinian to the yard where they stayed temporarily.

The second floor of the attic.

"Xuanyuan took a few brothers to Nanli. The ruins arrived early, and the emblems and items of the Sword Sect of the Absolute Beginning were found in several places. However, the monster race and giant deep-sea beasts there are also very difficult to deal with. So I also have to pass.

You, the Chu family, contributed the treasure map. If you are also successful in this expedition, you will take away [-]% of the treasure you obtained and keep it for yourself. "

Is this someone taking a group to brush the big map?

Chu Shinian's thoughts changed, and he immediately said happily, "We can also follow? How many can we go?"

"Wait to bring ten people at most."

"Okay, that's enough. We just went to pick up the treasure for nothing. Thank you very much." Chu Shinian sincerely thanked the middle-aged man.

"Hahaha." The more the middle-aged man looked at Chu Shinian, the more pleasing it was to his eyes.This kid is really good at talking.Contributed the treasure map, and didn't ask for this or that for five degrees of greed.

So the Taohua couple who originally planned to go to Anxia's simple and simple, because of an unexpected change, boarded the deep sea ship of Guanghan Jianzong.

After the middle-aged man notified Chu Shinian, he waited for another ten days and gathered a lot of people to sail out.

Of course, the reception staff and the supplies for the big ship were all spent on the Chu family's money.

Taohua has secretly decided to get back the lost spirit stone this time.The Chu family used both food, drink and housing, and the middle-aged people also allocated four spacious cabins to ten people from the Chu family.If they hadn't gone to the deep sea this time, and the time was tight and the tasks were heavy, the brothers of Guanghan Jianzong would have planned to bring Chu's cook with them.

They are so good at cooking that their stomachs will burst from eating all kinds of spiritual meals.

(End of this chapter)

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