The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 901 Fire Marrow Liquid

Chapter 901 Fire Marrow Liquid

One day after the Chu family boarded the ship, Tong Rui, a young disciple of a certain Guanghan Sword Sect, took the initiative to look for Chu Shinian.

He is a middle-aged man with his own descendants.

"This time the team is led by my second uncle, named Tong Changping. My second uncle is one of the five true disciples who descended this time. The disciples of my Guanghan Sword Sect who descended this time will belong to their jurisdiction." Tong Rui was proud He introduced it to Chu Shinian.

"So that's the case. It's no wonder that when I saw Senior Tong, I thought he had a good temperament." Chu Shinian complimented. "This is my wife Chu Taohua, this is my younger brother Chu Ziyan, my elder sister Chu Zhen, my younger brother Chu Ligui, my younger brother Chu Liyao, my younger brother Chu Moyan, my nephews Chu Junqi, Chu Pingfeng, Uncle Chu Anguo."

Since there were only ten candidates, Taohua took special measures when selecting candidates, and all the candidates were shrewd and capable.Just to not empty-handed in the end, cough cough cough.

It was rare that Chu Shinian actually introduced all the people he brought with him in front of him.

Tong Rui looked at the ten people in front of him curiously. It seems that these ten people should be the core members of the Chu family.I just don't know what their talents are.

"At that time, did all of your clansmen start to practice in the last ten years? That's a good qualification, and they are all in the purple mansion."

"Our family is good at planting elixir and alchemy. What kind of bodiless pills, what kind of pottery pills such as Jinchenyuye pills are nothing to our family. So basically, as long as the core members of the family practice smoothly, they can use both front and back feet. Promoted to Purple Mansion Realm."

Tong Rui looked at him speechlessly.No one in my family dares to say such a thing.

Of course, there are far more members of the Tong family than the Chu family that has just risen.

"I've also heard that your family is particularly good at growing pills, but those in our sect who are good at refining pills and planting pills are not from the same faction as us."

"That's not right, our family just made up for this shortcoming." Chu Shinian answered.

Pfft, Tong Rui rarely smiled. "Don't say it, it really makes sense. It's a pity that your family has no talents who can refine high-level pills."

"The key is that there are few raw materials. Otherwise, whether it's alchemy or medicine, our Chu family can come with high-level talents." Chu Shinian said.

"Hey, it's not a matter of lack of raw materials. Even if an alchemist has mediocre qualifications, if he refines a certain kind of elixir for [-] furnaces, he will be able to become a master of a certain kind of elixir. The key is that you have to have That [-] furnaces of medicinal materials." Tong Rui said speechlessly.

After hearing this, Chu Shinian laughed and said, "It's okay, there are no raw materials, as long as there are seeds, we can grow them." Hearing this tone, it's so big.Tong Rui was really rebellious by what he said.But he still didn't directly refute Chu Shinian's arrogance.

The main reason is that the Chu family is really good at growing medicinal materials.

You must know that the main vein of the Chu family and the branches that are good at growing medicinal materials are all extremely rare top-grade spiritual roots.And people don't plant trees one by one, they grow one mountain after another.When he saw that scene for the first time, he couldn't help but be amazed.

That kind of scene can only be enjoyed by those sects in Shenting that mainly plant elixir and refine elixir?

To put it bluntly, if the Chu family chooses to attach themselves to their sect, Guanghan Jianzong will agree.

This is a craftsman who absolutely needs protection.

"By the way, the brothers on the ship have nothing to do and held a small trade fair, do you want to go and have a look?"

"Can I go?" Taohua asked.

"Of course. You can also bring some things you use for trading."

This is of course the best.

Everyone packed up and followed Tong Rui to the fair.

The trade fair is in a spacious hall inside the big ship.When they walked into the hall, there were only people at the front desk fighting a meteorite-like object, about the size of half an apple. "This is a meteorite I got, which contains spirit gold whose name I don't recognize. I intend to use it to trade and attribute elixir, which is only above the second level."

The recovery time of spiritual energy is short, and any hundred-year-old panacea is a joke in front of everyone.However, the mutated elixir above the second level is considered to be of good quality.

Taohua gave Chu Liyao a look.

Chu Liyao immediately sent a voice transmission to the man standing on the front desk, "The second-order mutant ice lotus with lotus seeds, can I exchange for the meteorite in your hand?"

"Two plants are fine." The other party replied.

Chu Liyao immediately took out a jade box from the storage ring and threw it to the other party in the air.

The other party opened the jade box and immediately closed it, then threw the meteorite to Chu Liyao.

The moment he opened the jade box, someone immediately discovered that they were two mutated second-order elixir ice lotuses.And it is complete with lotus seeds.

After Tong Rui brought people in, he arranged for them to sit on one side, and then went to find his brothers.After he brought people in, his fellow apprentices all looked at Chu's group.

Then someone else came on stage.

He discovered a kind of elixir when he was exploring. He wanted to exchange for some ice-type elixir for breakthrough, and he deliberately came to see Chu Liyao who had traded the elixir just now.

Chu Liyao lowered his face very calmly.

Are you kidding me, what kind of spiritual water did the Chu family return?
There are many mouths in the Lingquan alone.

In comparison, ice-type pills are far more expensive than spirit water in the market.Does this person think that the members of the Chu family are all fools?

The man finally went down sullenly.

Then someone else came on stage.

"I have twenty drops of the fire marrow liquid that I know. I want to exchange for a special spar of wood attribute or a spirit stone of middle grade or above of wood attribute."

As soon as this person spoke, many people took the initiative to send voice transmissions to him.

As a result, this guy thought for a while and then took the initiative to say, "I heard that people from the Chu family have traded a lot of special crystals with the Sea Clan. I don't know if you want to exchange fire marrow liquid with me?"

The fire marrow liquid is indeed a good thing. Originally, Taohua planned to wait for someone to change it in the end, and she would ask someone to change it in private.As a result, they even pointed at them Chu family on stage.

At this time, whether it is changed or not, the Chu family is too eye-catching.

The sparkling eyes of peach blossoms turned around, and immediately gave Chu Liyao a hint.

Chu Liyao immediately stood up.

"Indeed, our family has exchanged a total of six special crystals. I don't know which one you want to exchange?"

There were bursts of gasping sounds from around.

Hmph, this scene is a bit flamboyant, even the gasp sound is a bit fake.

"Can you let me see what crystals are there?" the other party asked.

Chu Liyao simply stepped forward and let the opponent choose.Soon the other party made a choice, and exchanged three special crystals for twenty drops of fire marrow fluid.

After Chu Liyao exchanged the spiritual liquid, he directly handed the liquid to Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian opened the small stopper on the mouth of the jade bottle and appraised it with his spiritual sense.It is indeed genuine. "It is said that this kind of fire spirit liquid can enhance the power of supernatural powers?"

(End of this chapter)

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