Chapter 902

"That's right, but a hundred drops will be useful. Twenty drops, it's barely effective." Tong Rui said over there. "You'd better make up a hundred drops and then take it. The effect will be better."

The call is so kind, it seems that Guanghan Jianzong really favors Chu Shinian.

"Back then, I heard that your Chu clan traded a lot of special crystals with the Hai clan?" He asked again.

"Well, the sea tribe occupies a large spar vein on the seabed, and they use a lot of spar to trade with us."

Chu Shinian's words made the gasp sound a lot more real at this time.

Many people looked at him in horror.

"The sea area is far larger than the land area. Is it strange that they have more resources than us?" Chu Shinian looked at everyone strangely.

Cough cough cough... Many monks are trying their best to hide the lust in their eyes.

Crystal veins...

"Are you sure? They really have veins?" Even Tong Rui was interested.

"There must be, but they are very good at keeping secrets." Chu Shinian said, "You can't even search for the soul. Once you search for the soul, it will be broken."

"This is a soul ban." Another young disciple beside Tong Rui said immediately.

"I didn't expect that Soul Confinement is still spread in this world." Tong Rui also frowned.

"Junior Brother Tong, as long as the vein is there, we can always find it." The young disciple who dared to urge the middle-aged man said very confidently.

"That's right, I was impatient." Tong Rui was taken aback for a moment, then smiled. "It seems that some forces have chosen the sea area for their descending territory, which makes sense."

His senior brother's eyes flashed, and he didn't say any more. "Whose turn is it, hurry up and get on stage, let's continue trading."

After hearing his words, the other disciples of Guanghan Sword Sect also joked and asked people to come on stage.The new one was an old monk.

"This is a dead branch that I got unintentionally. Even the spells of the five elements cannot change this dead branch. I don't know what it is. If someone is willing to trade it, I will exchange it for five thousand spirit stones."

Tao Hua looked at the dead branch carefully and said in doubt, "Can I go up and have a look?"

"Friends, please."

Taohua stepped forward, observed carefully for a while, and then said, "Are you sure you can exchange this dead branch for five thousand spirit stones? Why do I see that this dead branch looks like a middle-grade fairy root Wuyun Fumei. This kind of Immortal roots must be kept in the treasure of luck, as long as they are separated from the treasure of luck, they will wither. Only when they are replanted in the treasure of luck will they germinate again."

After hearing this, the old man snatched the dead branch from Taohua's hand, "Are you sure?"

"Looks like."

"Then I won't buy it."

"That's up to you."

When Taohua walked back, the monks in the whole scene bet their realization in the hands of the old man.That dead branch!
"Junior Brother Ma..." The one who was sure that he would be able to obtain the ore veins immediately said to a young disciple beside him, who immediately walked up to the front desk, took the dead branches from the old man's hand, and began to carefully identify up.

He even took out a snow-white jade ring of his own and touched the dead branch deliberately, and immediately said after the colorful shimmer of the withered air, "Sure enough, it is the middle-grade fairy root Wuyun Fumei. Unfortunately, it is not the whole plant, but just the branch on the trunk." A broken branch can be used as a material at most. If you want to use it to configure a new Five Aggregates Fumei, the price will be too high."

"The materials are also good. I remember that Junior Brother Ma's master likes the fairy materials here. Ask the old man, can he sell them?" Tong Rui continued.

"Yes, old man, can you sell it?" Junior Brother Ma asked with a smile in his eyes and deep eyes.

"I...I..." After the celestial root was identified, the old man actually didn't want to sell it, but on this occasion, it was impossible for him not to sell it.So he took one last look at Peach Blossom viciously, and then said flatteringly to Junior Brother Ma, "Sell, sell. Five thousand spirit stones, just five thousand spirit stones."

Junior Brother Ma directly threw five thousand spirit stones and a small storage bag to him, then walked back with the dead branch, looking at Taohua while walking, "Thank you, fellow Daoist Chu."

A certain old man was even more angry when he heard that, he obviously sold the dead branches by himself, but in the end Chu Taohua sold them.

Tao Hua was confused.

In fact, she had seen this kind of dead branch in her previous life. The Five Aggregates Fumei was unlucky. When it was discovered, it was split into countless pieces.The section in front of me is not big, that is, a small section of it that is inconspicuous.

"The other senior brothers said that there is no stock here, but we have just come down, and the junior brother has received a piece of fairy material." Junior brother Ma said happily.

"Someone came down early to look for heavy treasures, but it took almost ten years to find five or six pieces, and they were all over the mainland. This kind of treasure finding rate is indeed low. That's why the brothers of our sect are not willing to come down and waste time. " Tong Rui introduced to him.

Brother Ma let out an oh.

"Come on, you continue to go on stage." Since finding a piece of fairy material, all the disciples of Guanghan Sword Sect have become more serious and serious like Junior Brother Ma.

And the young monks who have just come to power, their calves are a little soft.I stuttered a bit when I spoke.

"I want a few pieces of Sun Gold, and I want to exchange it for a finished demon blood ginseng."

The opponent took out five or six fist-sized pieces of glittering ore, which should be enough to make a magic sword.

"Taohua, quickly give me a demon blood ginseng." Chu Zhen looked at the ore carefully and immediately said to Taohua excitedly.

Taohua looked at it speechlessly.Then throw her a jade box.

It has long been heard that Aunt Chu Zhen intends to forge a glittering golden magic sword, and this time the appearance of the sun gold is very suitable.

After the person on the stage identified the demon blood ginseng in the jade box, he immediately handed several pieces of ore to Chu Zhen.

After he finished the transaction, someone came to the stage soon. The things he traded were also materials, and he quickly found a person to trade.The next person to come to power will either not be able to trade, or the trade will be completed soon.However, none of the Chu family made another move.

Only a female monk came to the stage and took out a broken jade pillow.

"This is a broken jade pillow I found from a ruin, and a remnant of a five-element exercise was engraved on the jade pillow. I broke it up and exchanged it for some pills that can improve my cultivation."

In the end, Chu Liyao exchanged the broken jade pillow for three bottles of thirty grains of cultivation-enhancing pills.It is also considered expensive.

After returning to her stateroom, Taohua touched the broken jade pillow, and then took out another half-sized jade pillow. The two jade pillows were combined to form a whole.

Chu Zhen looked on in surprise.

"Peach Blossom, you actually have another half."

"That's right, this is the Minor Five Elements Classic and the Great Five Elements Classic."

(End of this chapter)

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