Chapter 904

"There is a formation in this sea cave, which is still playing a defensive role." A disciple of Guanghan Sword Sect said.

"Oh my boat." The disciple who manipulated the big boat with his spiritual sense screamed.

"Let's go back to the uncle and apply for one with the sect." A certain brother said.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Lu. When I see Senior Uncle Tong, Senior Brother Lu and Senior Brother Tong must give me some good words."

"Don't worry, I'm definitely asking you to change to a better ship." Brother Tong joked with a smile.

"Hey, I'm relieved then."

The deep-sea ship continues to drill into the depths of the sea cave.The hull of the ship shook violently due to the squeeze of some rune formations in the sea cave.

Taohua and the others in the boat all looked for places to fix their bodies.

"Everyone is going to be seasick because of this shaking." Chu Zhen complained.

"Wait, I guess it will arrive soon." Chu Anguo was very interested in this big ship.In fact, he spent as much time as possible wandering around the ship whenever he could.Even if the disciples of Guanghan Jianzong saw it, they said they wanted to see it, and wanted to learn how to build this kind of Dafa boat.

All the disciples of the Guanghan Sword Sect took him seriously. Even in the Guanghan Sword Sect, no one could make such a big Dharma boat.

This is a Tier [-] Dafa boat. A boat can be fully loaded with tens of thousands of monks, and it can also walk in harsh environments such as the sky, deep sea, and magma.It is the auxiliary warship of Guanghan Jianzong to fight against the outside world.

What the people of the Chu clan saw at this time was just the appearance of the Dafa boat when it was reduced to the lowest operating mode.There are not many people on board, and the Dafa ship adopts such an operation mode, which naturally takes energy saving and consumption reduction into consideration.

Just when the Dafa boat suddenly rushed into a black cover, click, click, the outer deck finally completely cracked with a seam as thick as a finger.

This time, even the rune formation on the ship couldn't hold it.A large amount of seawater was squeezed into the interior of the cabin by deep seawater.

Taohua and the aisle outside their cabin were bubbling with water.The water potential rose very fast, and it was about to cover the calf in a blink of an eye.

The people of Guanghan Jianzong hurriedly greeted everyone to leave the cabin.

At this time, the big ship had already docked in front of a huge rocky mountain range on the dark seabed.Taohua and the others quickly stepped on the slippery rocks on the coast following the guidance of Guanghan Jianzong disciples.

Looking around, the top of the head is pitch black.

I can't see the starry sky or anything, and I can't see whether the top is sea water or rocks...

There are reefs under the feet.The crevices of the reef are filled with sea water.

Not far away is the stone mountain range, which is very vast.You can't see the head and tail, but the surrounding air is very humid and cold.

Before Taohua was about to walk down the rock, Chu Shinian put a thick cloak on her body.At this time, the monks of the Chu family threw out their cloaks and put them on themselves.

The many monks looking around almost rolled their eyes one by one.

"The Chu family is very particular about it." An elderly monk not far from the next door said in a low, angry voice.

Some disciples of the Guanghan Sword Sect saw that the Chu family was all wearing cloaks, so they simply put on cloaks with their senior brothers.The key is to wear a uniform cloak, which is really cool and handsome. It looks good and has momentum.

With the two of them taking the lead, those who are prepared will also wear their own clothes. If they are not prepared, just bear with it.Or if someone has it alone, you can wear it yourself.

The big sea boat was finally collected by the disciples of Guanghan Jianzong, and they took the boat and led everyone towards the big mountain range.

The Chu family also automatically followed up.

But just after reaching two reefs, Taohua stopped.

"Chu Ligui, go and have a look at the rock on the left, it looks like it's shining like gold."

"Wait, I'll go right away." As soon as Chu Liyao heard this, he immediately went straight to the rock pointed by Taohua.Touch left, touch right, and after a while, a piece of golden ore was fished out from a small cave on the top of the reef.

"Madam Peach Blossom, what do you see?"

"This is... Gengjin." After Taohua finished speaking, she subconsciously covered her mouth.

Everyone from the Guanghan Sword Sect rushed over. "What Gengjin...?" Tong Rui's eyes widened. "let me see."

Chu Liyao glanced at Mrs. Taohua and got the hint, then handed over the golden ore the size of his injured fist to Tong Rui.

"I see the truth." Tong Rui checked it carefully before throwing the stone into his brother Lu's hand. "I think so too. Brother Ma, come and have a look. Your ability to identify items is the strongest among our many brothers."

"Senior Brother Lu, you don't need to give it to me. When you held it in your hand for inspection just now, I checked it with my spiritual sense. It is indeed Gengjin raw ore. And the purity is not low, around 30.00% to 38."

"Shi Nian, look at it?" Tong Rui turned his head to look at Chu Shinian.

"Sold it to you." Chu Shinian laughed directly.

"Okay, then do you want middle-grade spirit stones or something else?" Tong Rui asked.

"Can you find me a few of the Golden Core Pills that helped monks break through the Golden Core Realm? Our Chu family has been buying them for a long time, and we got two of them earlier, and then we didn't get any more."

"Golden Yuan Pill is not a elixir that is supplied to the lower realm. Of course you can't buy it. All right, I'll help you operate a few envoys later." For Tong Rui, this thing is not out of reach.

At this time, Senior Brother Lu and Junior Brother Ma also found Chu Shinian very pleasing to the eye.

"Everyone, go and touch it again to see if there is any more." Tong Rui said.

As soon as he said that, the other disciples of Guanghan Sword Sect rushed forward.

What if there is another piece! !
"Chu Ligui, go and keep touching, maybe there are more." Tao Hua said.This place does not look like the place where the Seventh gold veins were formed, so where did the Seventh gold veins come from?Maybe it was missed when people moved it.Could that omission be just one piece?

Chu Ligui's eyes lit up, and he gave his brother a look, and the two brothers, who were a little farther away from Guanghan Jianzong, went to touch the reef in the same direction again.

Instead of leaving, they started to touch the rocks. People from other forces who had long been envious also asked Tong and Lu to help them touch Gengjin.

"Okay, everyone who is interested can go and look for it. If you find it, we will buy it at a high price from our Guanghan Sword Sect," Tong Xiushi said.

Everyone naturally nodded happily on the surface. As for what they think in their hearts and whether they will hide their secrets, no one knows.

"Huh? Huh?" Junior Brother Ma actually got something, he took out two pieces of raw Gengjin stones the size of eggs from the sea water. "Oh, I actually touched two pieces at once."

The cultivator surnamed Lu was so envious that he didn't even care about his reserve, and went straight to Junior Brother Ma.

"Where did you find it? I'm here to look for it too?"

"On the edge of this big rock."

(End of this chapter)

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