Chapter 905
"Hey, I also touched one. It's too small, only as big as the belly of a thumb."

"Trying a few more pieces might be enough for a sword pill."

"Ahem, cough, see if my piece is big?"

"Hey, your piece is about the size of three adults' fists, isn't this the biggest Gengjin raw ore you've touched today?"

"Haha, where is it, what if there is a bigger one."

"Brother, you are being modest."

"No, no, there must be a reason why there are so many Gengjin raw ores around here. If you look carefully, you may find them."

"Yes, yes, everyone, look for it quickly."

This search took more than two hours.

More than two hours is enough for everyone to touch all the nearby reefs.

The most powerful of them all was Chu Ligui, this boy asked his younger brother to send back a piece in a while, and put it at Taohua's feet.The largest piece was the size of a human head.Cultivator Tong, who had been standing here all this time, felt pain in his eyes.

There is really nothing to touch, everyone started to stop looking for it, and came back to check who found the big raw ore.

Brother Ma and Brother Lu both saw a small pile of Gengjin raw ore at the feet of Mrs. Taohua from the Chu family.Not to mention them, even other people around put their realization on the pile of raw ore from time to time.

The key is for everyone to touch it. Why can you touch so many in your home?
Chu Shinian finally came back with a long stone that looked like a brick.At this time, it was pitch black, and the reminder didn't look like a rough stone, so the monks around didn't pay much attention to it.

"Come here soon, do you plan to replace all these Gengjin raw ores with Jinyuan Dan?"

"No, I plan to store up these small pieces first, and later refine flying swords, or sword pills or something. This is for you." Chu Shinian handed his back brick to Cultivator Tong.

When Xiushi Tong heard that he had changed his mind and wanted to keep such a pile of rough ore, he immediately felt a little anxious.But he thought again, no. "Your brick?"

"This is not a slab of bricks, but also Gengjin raw ore." Chu Shinian said speechlessly. "We also found a bigger one. I had them come back too, probably a little later."

"The bigger one? How big is it?" Brother Tong quickly checked the brick in his hand, and it was indeed a golden rough stone hidden under the black dirt. "I'll go, thank you for being able to figure it out?"

"It's found in the sea, it's over there." Chu Shinian pointed in a direction.

At this time, five young people from the Chu family came back carrying a huge boulder as tall as a person.

Cultivator Tong's eyes widened immediately, "Could it be that piece? Is that also Gengjin?"

"Yeah, it's heavy."

Xiushi Tong and others blew over like the wind, and then picked up the boulder.Not long after, that Junior Brother Ma started laughing out loud while hugging the stone. "I've never seen such a big and pure Gengjin rough stone, hahahaha... Master Master Master and the others will go crazy with joy."

Tong Rui and others also laughed happily and comfortably.

This time they really made a lot of money, even if they didn't find the relics of the beginning, they would be rewarded by the sect just with these ores.

"The problem now is how to put it back on." Senior Brother Lu said with a headache.

The juniors looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Don't think about storage rings, storage bracelets, etc. Such a large Gengjin raw stone has its own force field of Gengjin sharpness and cutting properties. As long as it is put into the storage space, it will automatically collapse the storage space Let’s move it, it’s still a little in the way, if someone finds out about robbing us, we’ll be done..."

"Oh, I wish I had known that I would have brought the space ring made by Master's Dao Ming Stone." Junior Brother Ma said angrily.

"Who knew that such a big man could be harvested?" Lu Meng was helpless and happy at the same time.

"Why don't we find two younger brothers to send letters to the second uncle and let them pick us up?"

"That's not right, what if we are captured by the powerful forces? It's so easy to have such a harvest, we have to keep it." Senior Brother Lu said.

"What do you think, Senior Brother Lu?"

"Send a desperate distress signal." Lu Meng said.

"What? How embarrassing, and if the uncle and the others come in and see that we are safe and sound, why not beat us to death?" A disciple immediately said tremblingly.

"I also agree to send a desperate distress signal." Tong Rui thought for a while, and immediately agreed.

"Me too." Junior Brother Ma also said.This is the best and fastest way.As for whether they will be dealt with when the uncle and uncle come, let's talk about it.Anyway, keeping the harvest first is the right thing to do.

The Desperate SOS jade token was directly crushed by Senior Brother Lu.

Then everyone waited together.

Not waiting for what to do, Guanghan didn't leave, so he squatted on the rock.

"Why don't we set up a table and eat some fruits and melon seeds?" Tao Hua asked Aunt Chu Zhen beside her.

"Farewell, look at their posture, they should be summoning the great monks of their own sect, let's not leave a bad impression on them. I can tell that they are strong, but we are weak." Chu Zhen said.

In private, Taohua drew a powerful gesture from her aunt.

After Tong Rui and the others sent out the signal, they called Chu Shinian and the members of the Chu clan who had carried the ore before.

"Where did you find this big ore?"

"It's on the coast over there, the sea water has just covered this big rock lying in the sea." Chu Ligui said.

"Then tell me, is it possible that there are still big goods over there?" Tong Rui asked thoughtfully.

"There is something in the deep sea over there, which almost swept our people into the sea." Chu Ligui said, "So we are not sure if there is anything there."

"Then why don't we go look for it again?" Tong Rui said.

"It's better to say goodbye, wait for the uncle and the others to come." Lu Meng said.The first thing they need to do now is how to safely deliver the raw ore to the Zongmen and get the Zongmen's contributions.

Tong Rui saw Lu Meng's eyes and retreated helplessly.

Anyway, just wait a little longer.

It didn't take long, about six or seven hours later, a few middle-aged monks wearing Guanghan Jianzong's robes came in.

They came in in a hurry, but saw their disciples standing on a reef one by one in good order.The eyes are very stunned.

"What's going on? You sent a desperate call for help? Why is everyone okay?"

Senior Brother Lu, Junior Brother Ma and Tong Rui hurried up to explain the cause and effect of the incident.I heard that such a big stone is Gengjin raw ore, and several big monks who came in later laughed out loud.

"Hey, the old lady of our line is too wise."

(End of this chapter)

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