Chapter 914

"This time the Patriarch is generous and gave 800 million spirit stones." Chu Guang said cheerfully.

"Ah? That family must have gained a lot from the primary and secondary, and they are generous to us only once they make money."

"Cough, cough, cough." Hearing these words, Chu Guang cast an annoyed glance at a certain talkative kid. "Shut up, just see it, why say it?"

Everyone hey for a while.

"Be careful, don't cause any problems this time. If there is a problem, I am the only one to ask! I don't care what the other clan elders do, as long as there is nothing wrong with my territory." Chu Guang said firmly.

"Here." Everyone agreed in unison.

Tong Rui's summoning order came again, and this time there were 20 people from the Chu family.

Guanghan Jianzong convened a full 300 people this time.Including five big monks from his own family and fifteen monks from the Zifu Realm.And 280 elites from other affiliated families and forces.

The number of people participating in each force is accurate to single digits.

Except for a few factions, the number of participants is less than ten.But the Chu family has 20 people.It turned out to be the family with the largest number of participants.

Seeing the envy, jealousy and hatred of other affiliated families and forces.

This is simply a blatant preference.

Especially Tong Rui and Lu Meng's kindness towards the members of the Chu family.

But the better they treat the Chu family, the more indifferent those new disciples are to the Chu family.On the contrary, they have a better attitude towards people from other affiliated forces.

Chu Ziyan caught up with Chu Moyan, "Is that trying to calm down?"

"Since they've all come down, whoever disciple doesn't want to subdue them will have to do so. In their eyes, we are the people of Cultivator Tong and Cultivator Lu." Chu Mo said.

"It can't be helped, it's impossible for everyone to look after you." Chu Ziyan curled his lips.

"It's all up to us, our Chu family may be about to cause trouble," Chu Mo said.

"I heard that the family intends to open up the Great Northwest Wilderness?" Chu Moyan asked at this time.

"If we don't open it, there will be no place to open up wasteland. The Xichang people are like leeches biting the northwest mansions. Anhua's attitude is ambiguous. We occupy Lingshan, which happens to be the exit to the Northwest Wilderness. Along the It is also common for exports to expand towards the Great Northwest Wilderness.

Otherwise, where are we going, can't we go to the Wanji Mountains? "

"Chu's current expansion path is mostly blocked by the Wanji Mountain Range." Hearing Chu Ziyan's words, Chu Moyan agreed. "However, it is not too convenient for us to develop towards the Great Northwest Wilderness. Not to mention the barrenness of the Northwest Great Wilderness, the passageway between us and the Great Northwest Wilderness is too narrow. If it is cut off by the Xichang people, then it will become It’s hard to see each other from the beginning to the end.”

Chu Shinian was also considering such an idea. After a period of stability, the Chu family had completely occupied the existing territory.

The management is also on the right track, and the population is also settled and digested quickly.Especially in the overseas islands, although storms and sea beasts often find trouble, all kinds of sea beasts and sea fish over there are cheaper and have become the staple food of the common people.

With such monsters full of qi, blood and nutrition, and monster fish eating meat, the physical fitness of the people on the island has been significantly enhanced, which has also enhanced their ability to reproduce.In recent years, more and more women have one child a year, or hold two children in three years.

If it weren't for the doctors of the Chu family who deliberately advertised that the interval between conceiving a child is too short, it would be bad for both the child and the mother.The Chu family will have more newborns.

But having one child every other year has become the main theme of most small families.

After all, this is an era when many children and grandchildren can continue the family.

The larger the population, the more prosperous the luck.Where the Chu family enshrined the genealogy, the small pagoda became more and more real.

"Is the next step of the Chu family's development to occupy the entire Zhang Yu?" Chu Shinian stared at the map silently, asking his wife beside him while making calculations.

"No, there are other plans." Taohua shook her head.


"I'll tell you when I get back."


In the deep-sea underground space, just after the big ship came in, it was discovered that a big camp had been built on the shore of the reef here.Many monks from the upper and lower realms occupy a good position in the camp.

Tong Jian stepped out of the sea boat and immediately saw the camp outside.He laughed out of anger.

"The ruins we found were actually built by others outside the camp. This is really..."

"There are too many thick-faced people in this world." Wang Daozhen also came out and said angrily.

"Two junior brothers, let's hurry up and enter the ruins from Fazi, and ignore those people." Another big monk surnamed Li came out and said.

As for the other two big monks who came down recently, they kept silent.

Tong Jian and Wang Daozhen glanced at each other and nodded in compromise.

Or the relics matter.

They took people up a mountain made of pure reefs, and ran a few times but found nothing.

It's kind of depressing.

"Do you need to go to the camp to inquire about the situation?" Brother Li asked.

"Wait. Ma Liang, what can you do?"

"I'm good at appraising treasures, but I'm not good at finding entrances and exits. But master, there must be earth masters among the people we brought. Let them look for it first."

So Chu Shenyu, who was born as a master of the Chu family, stepped forward.

Chu Shenyu is in his forties, officially in his prime.He also participated in the exploration and formation design of Longshan Underground Channel, Longshan and overseas islands. Although this guy is unknown, he is a master of both earth and formation.

He and Zhu Yongnian were apprentices at the same time, but they did not graduate at the same time.Because Chu Shenyu still needs to practice formation.So he debuted two years later than Zhu Yongnian.Furthermore, he was not from a secret guard, and he was older than Zhu Yongnian, so he didn't look as talented and famous as Zhu Yongnian.

This can be seen from the fact that Zhu Yongnian was able to take charge of Longshanfang City, but after he built Longshanfang City and the underground waterway, he was sent by Taohua to build overseas islands.

In the previous life, Chu Xi didn't know this Chu Shenyu very well.

All I know is that he is ten years older than Zhu Yongnian, and his teacher is usually willing to work and doesn't like to talk too much.

Later, no matter where Taohua put him, he was able to complete the task satisfactorily, which aroused Taohua's idea.After several years of construction, design, construction, and design.

Taohua understood that she had been mistaken in her previous life. This is a genius who is good at summarizing, taking one step at a time, and walking in a particularly steady way of surveying, designing and building.

Although it is usually inconspicuous, but at critical moments, he is very stable and does not panic at all.This is also the main reason why Taohua arranged to bring him here this time.

It was the same this time. While the geographers of other forces were busy walking around, Chu Shenyu walked a few places one after another, and then stopped going. He simply sat on the side of the stone and waited quietly for others to finish the survey.

(End of this chapter)

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