The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 915 Tie Lan, Vice-Master of the Earth Sacred Gate

Chapter 915 Tie Lan, Vice-Master of the Earth Sacred Gate

Everyone was busy and nervous, and he was the only one sitting comfortably on the rock. If it wasn't for the lack of ready-made food and drinks, he might have asked a table to eat first.

How can such leisure not attract attention?

Tong Rui quickly called him over.

"What? Found it?"

"Yeah, it's not difficult." Chu Shenyu said very confidently.

When Tong Rui heard this, he wanted to laugh.

"Okay, wait for them to come first, if they can't, you go up and show them."

Having been in touch for a while, Tong Rui can still tell that the Chu family does not fight uncertain battles.

Besides, no one in the entire Yun'an Continent knew that the Chu family was the first family to bring Earth Masters to the table.If it is said that this family has no valuable geologists, who would believe it?

After another period of time, several monks of Guanghan Sword Sect got impatient, and those people stopped.

Let's meet when we come back.

"We found three suspicious points."

"We found four."

"We found two."

"We know one."

"Draw it on the blueprint." Tong Rui laid out the map and asked them to draw it.This is what Tong Rui had just asked someone to draw a summary of the nearby terrain.Obviously, Tong Rui also has talents who are good at landscape geography.The geologists sent by several forces began to mark on the map.

The last one is Chu Shenyu.He just drew a place.It is very close to where their group of people stayed.

"Why is it here?"

A young male monk from the Guanghan Sword Sect who had been standing beside Ma Liang suddenly asked.

"It's close to us here, just a few steps away." Chu Shenyu said.

"But it's not as easy to break through as here." The young male monk pointed to a location that was also marked by a geologist from other forces.

"It's very broken over there, but after opening it, I'm afraid it will be quite dirty." Chu Shenyu glanced at a certain male monk and said meaningfully.

Cough cough cough...

A certain male monk grinned.

"Junior Brother Shi?" Lu Meng looked at Cultivator Difficult in doubt.

"That location belongs to the place where filth and filth are discharged in terms of geomantic omen and geography." Junior Brother Shi said with a smile.

Kekeke, Ma Liang looked at him speechlessly. "You want us to sneak in from that kind of place, what the hell are you thinking?"

"Isn't it just a bit of a smell, that place is easy to drill."

"Xie Jing is not sensitive. Let's go with Chu Shenyu." At this time, Ma Liang had already remembered Chu Shenyu's name and face.As a member of the Chu family, he already remembered Chu Shinian, Chu Taohua and Chu Ligui.Now he remembered Chu Shenyu again.

"Chu Shenyu, lead the way."

"Let me go with this senior. During our survey just now, this senior was the first person to find this position." Chu Shenyu pointed to a gray-haired but energetic old monk and said.

The other party smiled modestly, "It's better for you to lead the way, anyway, everyone is doing things for the Shangzong."

"Why don't we work together, let's cooperate and open this door as soon as possible?" Chu Shenyu asked.

"Okay." The old monk nodded decisively in agreement.

It's a show thing.

"What's the old man's name?" Chu Shenyu asked.

"Old Tie Lan."

"The Iron Vice-Master of the Dishengmen?" Chu Shinian looked at his face in astonishment and asked.

"Dishengmen?" Tong Rui and Lu Meng were both stunned.

"It's the number one master sect in the Yun'an Continent, the Disheng sect." Tao Hua explained to the two of them.

"Ashamed, ashamed. There are many sects of earth masters in Yun'an Continent, and we are just exaggerated by some friends in the world." Tie Lan said modestly.

"No. [-] is No. [-]. What are you ashamed of? Then if the masters of your sect are good, you will benefit from them in the future." Senior Brother Shi said flatly.He also studied Feng Shui.However, he didn't have a good impression of the master who was the source of Fengshui.

Fengshui masters are not very interested in earth masters.

Tie Lan was swept away by his pale color, and immediately felt chills in her heart.He simply stopped talking and followed Chu Shenyu all the time.In fact, he followed him out a few times, and he had already noticed that these people from the upper realm treated the monks from the lower realm with great indifference, and probably looked down on them from the bottom of their hearts.

The monks in the upper realm also gave Chu Nian and the Chu family a little high regard.

When they arrived at the place, led by Chu Shenyu and Tie Lan, with the assistance of a few earth masters, they worked on it for half an hour, and suddenly a colorful light of formations flashed in a certain place.

Taohua immediately put a waterproof cover on her waist, and pierced a spirit iron nail into the nearby reef, and she simply grabbed the part of the reef exposed by the spirit iron nail.The other members of the Chu clan did the same. They stood in a row, leaning against the nearby rocks.

Chu Shinian also nailed the spirit iron nails, and then threw out the two magic ropes, wrapping them around the waists of Tie Lan and Chu Shenyu.

bang bang bang bang...

The formation shattered.

A reef exploded violently outward.

Immediately following the flood, it rushed down the hole that exploded.

The earth masters who were still busy just now were either rescued by their companions pulling the rope, or they were directly thrown into the air by the explosion, and after falling, they were washed down into the black water sea by the flood.

Even the parents probably couldn't recognize the one who rolled and hit continuously.

The talents of Guanghan Jianzong don't care whether these affiliated monks are dead or dead.They all stared at the hole one by one.The big water vented out, and kept gushing down.The fierce water pressure washed out some sundries, corpses, building debris, weapon fragments, tattered robes and so on.

What rushed out along the entrance of the cave were the remains of various human bones and skeletons of monsters.

The flood had been sprayed for more than an hour before it began to slow down.The entrance of the hole, which was originally crowded, also began to reveal a black hole.

At this time, those unlucky geologists who were washed into the sea have already returned if they can recover their lives.One geologist never showed up again, so it is estimated that he just disappeared.

The people of Guanghan Sword Sect didn't care at all, and called everyone to enter the cave.

Chu Shinian greeted the members of the Chu family, and rushed in with them first.

The water flow was still a bit fast, so everyone simply used the rope to wrap everyone together.

As soon as they came in, they found that Tie Lan had also been brought in by them.

Chu Shenyu bowed his hands to the old senior with some embarrassment.Sorry, Tie Lan didn't care.He was able to come here this time, and he also came to work on behalf of the sect.He was the only one who came to their sect, who was he following?

It is safer to follow the Chu clan.

The soft blue light of deep-sea pearls can illuminate a large area even in the dark and almost dull water.

The deep sea pearls of the Chu family were all hung on the crown or earrings.

(End of this chapter)

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