The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 916 Sucked away

Chapter 916 Sucked away

Although it looks like everyone's faces are blue, like ghosts, but it's better than being in the dark, right?

Besides, the special deep-sea pearls of these engraved formations can also form a water cover that isolates sea water outside their bodies.

The second person who came in was Guanghan Jianzong's own person.

As soon as they came in, they hung some scarlet jade plaques around their waists.The jade tablet can not only illuminate, but also form a crimson mask around them.Protect them from the sea.

Those small jade tablets looked like little suns, and they were probably very warm.

"Hahaha, are you deep-sea pearls? Although it can also illuminate, but this face is too blue, hahaha, I will get you some blazing sun jade cards later." Ma Liang laughed loudly inside the jade plate mask sound transmission.

As soon as the Guanghan Sword Sect's people came in, they lit up a large area, which was much more dazzling than the Chu family's deep sea pearl blue water cover.

This also allowed the people of the Chu family to see clearly what this water cave space was.

It turned out to be a ruins of a city.

But it is not a complete city, but a part of a huge city.

The fracture is in the distance, from top to bottom.

This city was broken and tilted from a high place, and fell directly here.

"Go over there." Tong Jian pointed to a certain fracture that was in and out of the sea.

Everyone followed his instructions and swam towards that side.

After swimming about half of the distance, Taohua sensed an abnormality.Without even thinking about it, she used her divine sense and threw Chu Ligui to the rockery in a dilapidated courtyard not far away.Chu Ligui didn't dare to scream, he was too familiar with this method of throwing the ball, that's how he was thrown to the side of a huge piece of Geng gold ore when he was on the coast.

Chu Ligui rolled down into the cave on the rockery.

Then he was gone, and after a few breaths, the thing reappeared.When he first met him, he found the Chu family, and the people of Guanghan Sword Sect all surrounded the cave and stared at him closely.

"Where did you go just now?" Lu Meng asked.

"I saw a few flashes of light in this cave just now. I thought there was a treasure, so I rushed over. Who knew that I fell down as soon as I came here. Oh my god, it seems to be a secret place or something. I'm so happy." It is easy to climb up again, touch a wet stone gate, and then come out again."

"Wet stone gate?"

"Secret realm?"

The members of Guanghan Sword Sect looked at each other in blank dismay.

They wanted to go to that gap before, but Chu Ligui made another moth.

Because Chu Ligui left the team suddenly, the Chu family also stopped.Drunk Chu Ligui came here, and they followed, but as soon as they came, they saw Chu Ligui appearing out of thin air.

"What's in that secret realm?" Wang Daozhen asked.

"Many, many, so thick, so thick crystals, shining brightly." Chu Ligui said.

Ah puff! !
Tong Jian, Wang Daozhen, another big monk Li and the new big monk all stared wide-eyed.

"As soon as I entered, there was a slippery hole all around, going straight up and down. I just fell straight down, a thousand meters high. I almost didn't throw my internal organs out when I fell." Chu Ligui said with lingering fear.

Tong Jian looked at him speechlessly.

"Then you can't do spells? You don't have a protective jade card or something?"

"Yes, I just broke three protective jade tokens. If I didn't have these jade tokens, I would be dead." Chu Ligui carefully took out three more jade tokens and hung them on his waist.Tong Jian speechlessly took out a blazing sun jade tablet and hung it up for him.

"Thank you senior, thank you senior."

Tong Jian pulled Chu Ligui close to a certain stone wall, and then disappeared in a flash.

"There really is a door." Wang Daozhen was surprised and delighted.Also followed in.

As soon as he left, others followed suit.

Then, thump, thud, a lot of human meat bags fell.

When Taohua came down, Chu Shinian grabbed her directly and grabbed her belt and went aside.The members of the Chu family also helped each other to fall steadily to the ground, but there were also quite a few people from affiliated forces, whoever hit it was very powerful.

All the brothers and sisters of Guanghan Jianzong were smiling.

The place where they fell was a piece of white sand, "Where are the spar pillars you mentioned?" Tong Jian asked.

"It's just walking through this white sand and stone mountain."

"Then go."

Following a group of people, except for a small group of people who stayed here to guard the exit, everyone else followed.

Just after climbing to the top of the mountain, everyone was dumbfounded.

Emma, ​​there are pieces, pieces of large spar blocks composed of various pure spar, and giant pillars abound.There are also scattered small broken crystals that are thick and do not know how many meters behind.

"Is this the spar vein dug out somewhere?" Wang Daozhen took a deep breath.

"Our sect's crystal storehouse is estimated to be full this year." Senior Brother Li smiled while stroking his mustache.

"This Absolute Beginning Sword Sect really deserves to be the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect. When the branch dojo was wiped out, there are still so many belongings." Tong Jian said with emotion.

"Brother, where did you say those people who came earlier went? Did they find anything about us?" Wang Daozhen asked with a smile.

"Who knows, even if there are gains, they won't say it, just like we won't spread our gains. Last time we acted with them, there was no way." One of the newly arrived monks said .

This is true.Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Thank you for letting everyone start collecting. There are so many crystals."

"For the big pieces, let our disciples take them away. Let the subordinate forces check the surroundings first, and then let them come back to work." Another big monk also said.

Tong Jian understood, and immediately dispatched all the monks from the affiliated forces.

Tie Lan has a little friend of her own, and when someone greeted him, he was too embarrassed to refuse, so he followed them away.

It wasn't long after I first came into contact with the Chu family, and it was not big to rely on them.

The members of the Chu family went down to a nearby small valley under the guidance of Taohua.

"Ms. Taohua, what are you doing here?" Chu Ligui approached and asked.

"Go along, don't talk too much."

cough cough.

Chu Ligui was speechless.

Chu Shinian pursed his lips and smiled.

As soon as they entered the mouth of the small valley, everyone realized that the small valley was really not big.It's about ten acres in area.But a strange scene appeared in the whole small valley.Half of the valley is covered with small purple stones and half with small oval white stones.

Except for these small stones, it is in a large sunken pit in the center of the valley.There are six trees on the left and eight trees on the right. Two kinds of strange plants grow.

Taohua rushed forward and took out a small green light book from her forehead, then snatched away the two strange plants, the maelstrom of suction, and by the way, the two kinds of plants that had been accumulated in the valley for an unknown number of years All the small stones were taken away.

In order to collect more small two-color stones, Taohua simply scraped off the land here by three feet.

It's all sucked away.

(End of this chapter)

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