Chapter 917

Not reconciled to having the big head sucked away, Tao Hua told everyone, "Look around quickly, and if you find those two kinds of small stones, quickly take them back."

"Are those two kinds of small stones worth a lot?" Chu Zhen asked curiously.

"Have you heard of Linggen?"

"These two kinds of small stones can also give birth to spiritual roots for mortals?" Chu Zhen was surprised.Not too surprised.The main reason is that the Chu family has planted spiritual plants everywhere. Where there are many spiritual plants, it is easy to give birth to children with wood spiritual roots.

Of course, Xianyang and Taoyang are the places where the most children of Mulinggen are born.

Besides, the family also has Xue Linglu that can make mortals give birth to blood spiritual roots, and there is also Blood Origin Pill that can make mortals give birth to spiritual roots of other attributes, so she wasn't too surprised.

"These two kinds of small stones come from the two special plants that I just took away. These small stones, if you eat one, you can give birth to the corresponding spirit body. Thunder spirit body and light spirit body. If the next A small stone can be divided into several parts, and then blended into the body of a mortal to give birth to the root of lightning and the root of light. Do you think the value is high?"

"I'm just looking for it."

Chu Zhen immediately left in a hurry.

In fact, before they discovered this place, Qi Tianjian should be ready to move in Taohua's sea of ​​consciousness.It was because of Qi Tianjian's eagerness to move that Taohua noticed the abnormality on the rockery.So he threw Chu Ligui over.

Sure enough, Chu Ligui lived up to expectations and discovered the mysterious secret door.

After they entered here, Qi Tianjian looked even more impatient, and kept urging Taohua to come to the small valley.Fortunately, the Guanghan Sword Sect didn't want them all to stay there and watch them collect large pieces of special crystals, so they drove them out to explore.

Taohua finally got a chance, and led the people into this small valley under the guidance of Qi Tianjian, and saw two special seeds and special plants.

"This kind of small stone can be split into several parts and integrated into the human body to become a spiritual root?"

"It looks like a small stone, but it is actually a seed. It is a heterogeneous seed. So it is not surprising that it has some strange abilities."

"Then this kind of small thing that can mutate spiritual roots for ordinary people also has certain restrictions?" Chu Shinian asked while holding the small stone, playing with it.

"Indeed." Taohua nodded and said, "Using this mutated spiritual root to embark on the road of cultivation. Naturally, at the beginning, it was a rapid progress all the way, but after entering the golden core state, the improvement brought by this spiritual root will gradually slow down. When they reach the Vientiane Realm after the Golden Core Realm, when they need to condense their dharma form, they will find that this mutated spiritual root will instead become their own restraint, making it difficult for people to condense their dharma form. And the only dharma form they can condense, It is the mother plant of this spiritual root.

Or absorb the strange treasure and change your appearance.Or die of old age in the realm of Faxiang. "The Vientiane Realm is also called the Faxiang Realm, because the Faxiang condensed by the monks is ever-changing, so this realm is called the Vientiane Realm.

Ahhh, Chu Shinian couldn't be more surprised.

"Then you still let the clansmen use it?"

Taohua looked at her husband speechlessly, "Isn't it stupid? If they don't use it, they can't even reach the Vientiane Realm. How many years can ordinary mortals live? A Vientiane Realm can generally fight for 5000 years. This labor is for nothing .”

Chu Shinian laughed when he heard this.

"makes sense."

"Taking a step back, even if they have spiritual roots and spiritual bodies, it's hard to say whether they can break through to the Vientiane Realm in the end. It depends on understanding and perseverance. Let's not talk about belittling the clansmen. Generally, clansmen who don't have spiritual roots, they I have poor aptitude, poor comprehension, and even more perseverance..." Tao Hua showed an indescribable expression.

"So I gave them a chance to have a spiritual root and a spiritual body, but I just hoped that they could be promoted to the Shentai and Zifu realms. I didn't even expect much from Jindan."

"Then isn't it a bit of a loss for you to invest in such treasures?" Chu Shinian said.

"However, if the parents have spiritual roots and embark on the road of cultivation, their bodies will be continuously tempered and baptized by spiritual energy and spiritual roots, and their offspring will naturally have a higher possibility of giving birth to children with spiritual roots. A few days ago For the first generation, I will invest at a loss, and the future generations will be able to give birth to spiritual roots naturally and stably, so I will make money.

In particular, the Thunder Spirit Root and the Light Spirit Root are both very powerful combat Spirit Roots. "

Looking at the human race on the mainland, only a few percent have spiritual roots.

Of the members of the Chu family, about three or four out of ten can have spiritual roots, which is already regarded as the super favor of heaven.In addition, there are blood source pills and blood spirit dew in the clan, so they can go on the road of cultivation without spiritual roots.

But in Taohua's view, this is not enough, the family background needs to be accumulated, and more people in the family's population need to embark on the road of cultivation.Moreover, the pure blood spirit root has gradually been unable to meet the needs of the family.

"But why is there such a foreign plant in this place?" Chu Shinian asked curiously.

"I remember that in the ancient books, the Taichu Sword Sect had a particularly powerful sword technique, which was similar to a great supernatural power. It was called the Taichu Xiguang Sword."

Chu Shinian froze for a moment, then stared at the little white stone in his hand and asked in surprise, "This is..."

"One of the different plants that I took away just now is called Absolute Xiguang Shumai. Absolute Xiguang, also called Absolute Sunlight, is actually a kind of extreme flame of life. Like light and fire, it is the main source of life and temperature. The light of dawn."

Suddenly, a group of black crows flew over Chu Shinian's mind, quacking...

"If the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect finds out, they will definitely fight with us forever."

"They should have cultivated this kind of exotic plants themselves, so why keep staring at us?" Tao Hua said speechlessly.

"Is your family willing to have other family members?"

"Then be careful when we use it."

Chu Shinian covered his face.

If you don't want to be discovered, it's probably enough.

"I'll tell Guanghan Jianzong later that I want to join their sect."

After hearing this, Taohua immediately laughed.

"What about those little purple stones?" Chu Shinian asked anxiously.

"It is said that there used to be a great sect that was an ally with the Taichu Sword Sect. The suppressing technique they practiced was the Zixiao Thunder Tribulation Sutra, which is also a kind of exercise similar to the great supernatural power. The alien plant is called the Purple Prison Thunder Rice."

The people from the Chu family were the last to come back, and they also brought back a dozen small purple and white stones.

Peach Blossom divides them into two small boxes, one box is a kind of seed.There are more than 100 pieces each.

"Should we clean it up?"

"It should be gone, we have searched again several times." Chu Zhen said.

Taohua then escaped into two small flowerpots, and planted two seeds in them.Then he brushed the small spells vigorously, then the aura of the sun, and finally used all the Yuehuabaolu he had accumulated.

It was only then that the two seeds were brushed into a new generation of small trees.

A barley, a rice with purple stalks and blue leaves.

(End of this chapter)

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