Chapter 919

"In addition to the crystal stone income and these things, we have already overfulfilled the task. But I think we should continue to explore. Last time we took Gengjin back, but we were entangled by people from the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect. The next time we go out, maybe the next time we come in here, we will be discovered by others, or we will be entangled again and insist on us bringing people in." Wang Daozhen said.

"Junior Brother Wang's worry is not unreasonable. It's just that if we continue to explore, how can we ensure that the things in our hands can be handed over to the Zongmen in their entirety?" Tong Jian's idea is, don't care how many birds are in the forest, the bird that is caught first will be the best. is their own.

After hearing what the two of them said, the great monk surnamed Li also pondered, what should he do?
"Now there must be a lot of forces in this ruins. If they join forces and squat, we will let one or two juniors go out in time to deliver food." The great monk surnamed Yan said at this time. "Everyone knows that we have gained a lot in the past few times. If we don't gain something this time, people will think that we have gained something, and maybe they will really join forces to ambush us once.

After all, if we find another good thing, they will make a lot of money.

After all, let alone them, even we can't guarantee that we and others will have a good harvest every time we enter this ruins.

But if we rob us who return early, maybe we can really gain a lot. "

Several big monks looked at each other.

"What should I do?"

"Let's look for it again to see if there is anything we can gain. If there is nothing, we can directly use the sect's emergency amulet. Summon people to pick us up." The great monk surnamed Li said.

"Would it be a little bit of a big deal, the five of us." Wang Daozhen asked embarrassedly.

"Don't, things are too precious, we can only keep them if there are more people." Tong Jian said cautiously.

"It's a bit too grand, right? In that case, other forces will know right away that we must have got something good." Wang Daozhen said.

"That can't be helped. If you want to complete the mission of the sect, you have to do it this way." Tong Jian said, "It's okay for us to lose our personal losses. After all, we are all big monks, and we are reincarnated after self-cultivation. But if the treasure is lost, is there anyone else?" Can you give it back to us?"

What do you think, whoever swallows the treasure will not return it.

Tong Jian's words were easily recognized by other big monks.

"Then where shall we continue to explore?"

"Is there any area here that we haven't explored yet?"

"Do you want people from affiliated forces to investigate the surrounding area again?"

Soon the five big monks gave orders to the various teams of the affiliated forces to let everyone continue to explore this space, at least know where the edge is, and then explore whether there are other valuable things around.

Before Chu Ligui handed over two flower pots to Wang Daozhen, and then several big monks passed by, and everyone couldn't hear what they said, so the other big monks arranged sound insulation.Later, Chu Ligui handed over the two small wooden boxes, but Wang Daozhen took them away again.

Afterwards, the big monk surnamed Yan looked coldly, watching everyone's heart pounding, didn't you see that Chu Ligui jumped behind Wang Daozhen like a frightened little rabbit?
Fortunately, he was lucky, and Brother Wang protected him.

In the end, I don't know how the five big monks negotiated, and they issued an order to continue exploring the surrounding area.

Then go.

"What's the difference between this big monk in the upper realm and our local big monk?" Chu Zhen asked Tao Hua in a low voice while walking.

"The big monks in our own world are almost all reincarnated from the original era to our current era of spiritual recovery. The big monks in the upper world are actually sealed by our world to suppress their cultivation. Great monks, they may not have been reincarnated. But they can definitely be reincarnated."

"Reincarnated and recultivated, I'm really envious." Chu Zhen said.

"Auntie, if you want to reincarnate and recultivate, your own cultivation must first reach the Vientiane Realm, which is the next level of the Golden Core Realm. But at this time, if you reincarnate and recultivate, you only have half the chance to awaken the memory of your previous life.

But if you have cultivated to the next level of the Vientiane Realm, the Spiritual Realm.At least you have the cultivation level of a spirit baby in the early stage of the spiritual state, so that you can 100% awaken the memory of the previous life after reincarnation and reconstruction.

The big monks we are talking about are all big monks in this realm.Not Vientiane. "

Chu Zhen said in embarrassment, "I don't even know if I can break through to the Golden Core Realm, so don't tell me such a faraway thing." She is a rookie in the Purple Mansion Realm, okay?Moreover, her breakthrough was all due to pills. Chu Zhen even had a feeling that she might be like this for the rest of her life.

But Zifu Realm is not bad, Zifu Realm can live for 300 years, she is already very satisfied.

"Why do you think so?" Taohua asked puzzled. "Why do you think you can't break through the Golden Core Realm?"

"I have a feeling that I will definitely not be able to break through the Golden Core Realm. It seems that my body told me."

Tao Hua immediately frowned upon hearing this.

Cultivators, especially law monks, are very sensitive to their potential limit and longevity.If they feel that way, then ninety-nine times they can't be wrong.

But Aunt Chu Zhen is a rare clan member who is extremely talented in talisman cultivation. She can compile a set of effective talisman cultivation teaching materials for the entire Chu family by herself.Experience created the No.1 of the Chu family's talisman education.

Taohua doesn't want her to live for 300 years.

What's the use of that.

"I'll help you find a solution when you go back." No matter what, her aunt had to cultivate to the spiritual realm.

"Actually, I am very satisfied with myself now." Chu Zhen said. "I don't want to add trouble and stress to myself and you."

"It's okay, I'll look for it, what if I can find a solution?" Taohua smiled.

"Okay." Chu Zhen said helplessly.

The group set off again, this time in the direction Chu Ligui was looking for. "Over there, be casual. Anyway, we can find it. If we can't find anything good, we can go home early for dinner."

What are you thinking, no matter if you find something good or can't find it, they can't go home early for dinner, okay?

Chu Shinian glanced at Chu Ligui angrily, and then drove him to lead the way with his eyes.

This time Tong Rui, Lu Meng, Ma Liang and Li Yi simply set off with them.

To be honest, the direction chosen by Chu Ligui this time is really not good in the eyes of the four members of Guanghan Jianzong. The road is full of bare valleys and hills, and there is no grass. What's the point? probing?

When everyone came to a deep pool of clear water with only three or four acres of water, Tao Hua let out a gasp in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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