The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 920 The Dragon Runs Away

Chapter 920 The Dragon Runs Away

"What's wrong?" Chu Shinian asked immediately.

"There seems to be a Youshui glass dragon egg in the deep pool."

"What?" Tong Rui almost fell down with his front foot and his back foot.

"It seems to be a Youshui glass dragon egg." Tao Hua said with a look of uncertainty.

"How do you know it's the Youshuili dragon egg?" Ma Liang asked immediately.

"Just now, the surface of the water was filled with a layer of light, like the phantom of an egg, and the shadow of a small dragon swimming on top of the egg. A pool of this color, and dragon eggs, are most likely to be Youshui Lilong's." Tao Hua said. "Why don't people touch it to see if it's true? You'll know it at a glance."

Ma Liang immediately shook his head and said, "If it's really the egg of the Youshui Lilong, we can't go down to get it. The dragon can be big or small, and it's impossible to stay alone in this deep pool with its own egg. So if it's really a dragon egg down there, then the appointed There is a big dragon lurking on one side.

As soon as we go, we will immediately alarm the dragon. "

"Adult dragon?" Taohua and members of the Chu family couldn't help taking a step back.I can't afford it, I can't afford it.

"Then if we don't go down, how can we be sure that the thing below is a dragon's egg?" Chu Shinian said.

"Call Master and Uncle to come here." Ma Liang thought for a while and said, "And it was very gentle."

Lu Meng also said at this time, "Let me go. You should stand in the distance first. If you are a real adult dragon, you are not even qualified to be snacks. Even a mixed-blood dragon is not something you can deal with."

When Chu Shinian heard this, he immediately led his clansmen back far away.

It was Ma Liang and the others who were still standing by the deep pool, watching.

"These Guanghan Sword Sect disciples are very courageous." Tao Hua said approvingly.

"Dragon, although it is very rare for them, they should have heard of it in the sect. They are more familiar with us than us. Maybe their sect has hunted more than one live dragon."

"That's right. Eighty years ago, our sect hunted a half-blooded green dragon in another big world." Tong Jian's voice directly reached Chu Shinian's soul.

Chu Shinian's body shook slightly.

Tong Jian's voice came over, but Ren and several senior brothers fell directly to the side of the deep pool.

"Is it here?" Tong Jian asked.

"It's right here." Wang Daozhen took Lu Meng with him, and as soon as Lu Meng landed, he heard his Master Tong's question.

"If there are eggs, it means that there is a pro-dragon, but I don't know if it is one or two."

"Both parents are there, the possibility is too small." Wang Daozhen said.

"We must anticipate the worst from the beginning." Tong Jian said.

"I also think Brother Tong is thinking about it," said the big monk surnamed Yan.

"I didn't bring the dragon net, did you bring it? If no one brought it, even if we have the hole cards, we probably won't be able to win the things below, so we can only wait to come in once."

"The next time you come in, tell us if there is anything else here. I brought a dragon net." The great monk surnamed Chang immediately said.

"I brought it too." The great monk surnamed Li also spoke out.

"I have it too." Wang Daozhen also said at this time.

Tong Jian looked at them in astonishment, "Why did you all bring down the dragon-catching net?"

"There has long been talk of unicorns here. There are two boys from the Chu family with two small mixed-blood unicorns. Although the bloodlines are too low, they are also clear water unicorns. Even unicorns have evolved in this world. Are you still missing a dragon? If you don’t bring a dragon net, what if you see a live dragon?”

Wang Daozhen answered speechlessly.

"It's really comprehensive." Tong Jian couldn't help but twitch.

"Then let's get ready. Tong Rui, stand back. If something happens, remember to take your brothers and sisters and run away, we don't need you to worry." Tong Jian told Tong Rui and others.

Tong Rui and the others quickly retreated.

They took a few breaths back when they heard a terrifying roar from the direction of the deep pool.

The sound wave directly blasted the water surface of the deep pool, blasting a pool of water directly into the sky.The splashing pool water seemed to fly in all directions like countless hidden weapons and weapons.

Tong Rui and others immediately released the defensive magic weapon, and added a magic shield to themselves and others, which was more than one layer.

The sonic and water weapons came one after another and caught up with them.

First came the sound wave, just like a brush, directly peeling off Tong Rui's spell shield layer by layer.

Then there were all kinds of strange water weapons, bang bang bang lasing onto the protective cover condensed by their protective jade tokens.Another layer was brushed off.

Finally, among those water weapons, there are some particularly insidious and super penetrating.It directly pierced the last layer of defensive armor on their bodies.

vomit vomit...

Tong Rui and the others spurted blood wildly, and fell all the way to the place where the Chu clan gathered.

At this time, the members of the Chu clan were all behind a hillside far away.

It can not only see the movement of the pool, but also protect it from a small hill.The same is true of the fact that the sound wave has reached the top of the mountain.The sound waves that pass through the mountain are directly weakened and destructive, and there is no harm to people.

However, the other side of the hillside also exploded a large sliver of dirt pit.Some rocks were broken.

The second wave of water arrows, water knives, and water guns also charged fiercely, directly killing most of the mountain, leaving only a small part to participate in.In the end, some of the water-type weapons were particularly powerful and had strong penetrating power, and they also fell into the nine-layer defensive formation directly arranged by the Chu family.

bang bang bang...

After killing the three-layer formation, it finally dissipated.

Tong Rui and the others clanged and landed on the front feet of Chu Shinian and the others.

Chu Shinian hurriedly picked up Tong Rui, "Run, the battlefield over there has moved over."

Before he finished speaking, several other members of the Chu clan had copied the other three.They turned in one direction and immediately fled towards the distance.

With another loud roar, the people who were fleeing from the Chu family were so shaken that they almost fell out of mid-air.Chu Shinian and the others saw a horrified scene.In the sky, a certain blue-black dragon flicked its tail ferociously and sent Tong Jian flying away without a trace, and by the way, it also split the small secret realm.

Boom boom boom...

The ruthless and unjust flood poured down from the big hole opened in the sky.

It's like the sky is falling.

The blue-black dragon flicked its tail again, and threw out a series of claw shadows in a cacophony, forcing the remaining great monks of the Guanghan Sword Sect to retreat.Then it slammed its head against the sky, and was forced to make a big hole. The water poured down again, but it suddenly shrunk its body, and drilled out of the small secret realm along the big hole.

The people of Guanghan Jianzong ordered food, which made Dalong run away.

Everyone in the Chu family twitched their faces in silence.

Have fun!

"I have a Falun Dafa boat, how can I call other people and rush out directly along the big water." Tong Rui had recovered by this time, and had taken two precious life-saving medicines.

Chu Shinian looked at the bowl-sized bloody hole in his chest, and was very speechless, "You have a boat, who can control it?"

"Ahem, Senior Brother Lu and Junior Brother Ma are fine."

(End of this chapter)

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