The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 922 Dragon Blood Bone Pond and the Old Man

Chapter 922 Dragon Blood Bone Pond and the Old Man
Li Long had just eaten a big monk, and his mood was soaring.

In the end, I saw a group of meat rushing up again, just right, I was hungry.In order to guard the child all these years, my stomach is going to be hungry.

what! ~
Dalong continued to grow his mouth, and picked the big monk surnamed Li who had the most flesh.

Great monk surnamed Li: "..."

Although I don't know why Li Long chose him among the five, maybe he is in the wrong position.But he still threw out a dragon catching net decisively, and the dragon catching net expanded in an instant, directly covering the head of the big dragon....

Yes, this net is indeed not small, but the dragon is too big.

So only part of it can be covered.

Otherwise, they brought so many dragon nets, why can't they always catch the big dragon, what is the part that can cover the body?Is that called a net?That's called beauty material.

In fact, Dalong is not afraid of catching dragon nets, mainly because these nets are too small.Covering it, it shook them off at will.Besides, those big monks cherished these dragon-catching nets. After finding out that the dragon-catching nets could not be used for meritorious service, they took back their own dragon-catching nets.

Dalong thought that the fleshy little dwarf would also take back the net this time, so he just ignored it and covered it casually.It shook its head, and turned the net into a net hood, exposing its big mouth, ahhh, it continued to bite towards the big monk surnamed Li.

Great monk surnamed Li: "..."

A long metal spear was taken out by him.He is a sword cultivator. Although this spear is precious, it is not suitable for him. This time... the dragon is cheaper.

The spear stabbed at the dragon with a whistling sound.

Immediately, it stuck on Li Long's nose.

When the metal spear was in the hands of the big monk surnamed Li, it looked small, but when it was stabbed out, it immediately became huge.An inexplicable stance spiraled around the spear.Almost the moment he first came into contact with the big dragon, it broke its scales, causing him bloody damage.

Immediately tighten the faucet.

If it hadn't been writhing desperately, it would have almost tied itself tightly into its brain.

Moreover, after the metal spear pierced into the dragon's head, it continued to release its power and position, destroying the dragon's flesh and blood.

Aww, Dalong is in too much pain, and also frightened.Longyuan was sent to the head by the giant dragon crazily without money, just to squeeze out the metal spear little by little, and repair the blood hole in its head by the way.

These dwarfs and humans are really too insidious, actually using this terrible weapon to hide it?

But after the fear passed, it was even more angry.

Li Long continued to open his mouth wide, and bit fiercely towards the great monk surnamed Li.

The Great Cultivator surnamed Li backed up again and again after being bitten and bumped by the big dragon full of viciousness. The spirit sword in his hand that had resisted the big dragon's teeth many times began to show cracks on the surface.

Naturally, it was impossible for his brothers and sisters to watch him be born, and Tong Jian also took out a small waist drum at this time.

Every time he slaps it, he consumes a lot of soul power, and then the small waist drum immediately releases a lot of thunder swords in the direction of the big dragon.

After only two consecutive blasts, Dalong's dragon scales were blown away by him, and his flesh and blood scattered all over the sky.

Then several of his juniors also took out their hole cards one after another and used them on Dalong.

They used their hole cards so desperately, and the first thing they realized was the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect.Their big monk who whitened you also rushed up immediately.

As soon as they moved, other forces also rushed forward.

To encircle and suppress the big dragon, it is natural to have the most powerful cards, and what cards can be used for meritorious deeds.

The dragon was in a terrible panic this time, especially when a big monk from the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect smashed a long black stick on its back.

It feels like its spine is going to split.

oooooooo! !

The dragon turned its head frantically, swung its tail and howled a few times, then resolutely broke through the underground space again, then rushed out of a large protective formation, crashed into the deep sea, and then rushed out of the sea, heading towards the void beyond the bounds run.

I won't compensate you for playing.

As a result, just after rushing up to Qingming, before leaving the barrier of this big world, he was caught by a big net and caught in the net pocket.

When the scene changed again, it was already held in the palm of a white-haired old man.

The old man in front of him didn't look strong at all, but for some reason, Li Long didn't dare to struggle in front of him.She just pulled her tail sluggishly and looked at him pitifully.

"You little dragon is really big and fat. No wonder the group of little guys couldn't take it down, so they asked the old man to come and pick you up. All right, you can follow me from now on."

Li Long looked at him pitifully, begging for mercy.

"Follow me, I will designate you to eat hot and spicy food in the future, what are you dissatisfied with?" The old man looked strangely at the miniature dragon who didn't want to go with him and begged to let him go.

Hey, you better let me go.I give you the egg?

The little dragon spat out a small bright spot of light, which fell into the old man's hand and turned into a one-foot-tall dragon egg.

The light and shadow of the little dragon inside the dragon egg swims innocently.

"This egg is not bad, but it can't be your life money. You have been caught by me. Naturally, it depends on my mood. When I am in a particularly good mood, I will let you go." Take away the dragon eggs.

Li Long was in a depressed mood at this moment, and wanted to spit out lotus flowers.

The old man pulled away the metal spear stuck on Xiaolong's nose. "This is my grandson's property. You will have to return it to him when he comes back. You can't take it."

Li Long blinked with watery eyes: I didn't want to take it at all.

The old man laughed when he saw it, "Don't tell me that your Dragon Clan doesn't like weapons of this level?"

Li Long lowered his eyes guiltily.

"Okay, come with me."

"Wait." An old man with a miniature jade sword hanging on his waist rushed over at this time. "That's a living dragon. You Guanghan Sword Sect just took it away like this? In order to drive it away, our little guys from the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect released a lot of life-saving cards."

"I'll pay you some money later, my head teacher." The old man put Xiaolong somewhere.Seeing the eyes of the old man later.

"Why should I use you to make up money? I want a dragon."

"No, mine."

"You just love the junior who didn't use the dragon element to cultivate." The old man said angrily, "This dragon is very useful to me, why don't I exchange it with you for something else."

"No, as long as this dragon is alive, I can build a dragon blood and bone pool. My little ones can go in and practice. What do I use if I give it to you?"

"Didn't your family already have a pool of dragon's blood and bones?" The old man looked at him with eyes like why you are so prodigal and reckless.

"The dragon I caught last time was too young and had too little blood. A small broken pool can only be used by three people in ten years. It really makes me look down on it. This dragon is not bad. It's fat. Wait for me No matter how well it is raised, at least ten kids can go in and practice in a year."

(End of this chapter)

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