The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 923 Tier 5 Soft Armor

Chapter 923 Tier [-] Soft Armor
"Your Guanghan Sword Sect already has two dragons, and we don't have one. Besides, this dragon came from our dojo left over from the beginning. This dragon is originally our mountain gate's guardian animal, okay?" The old man was annoyed out loud.

"It's useless to say anything. Your people have gone down a lot earlier, right? But you can't find your own relics, who can be blamed? This dragon was sent by my junior in advance for me to pick it up." The old man of the dragon is cheerful and annoying.

A later old man's beard is all raised.

"Ah, a bunch of useless things." He also received messages from his disciples, but it was a step too late, and Li Long was snatched away.

"Okay, you better stop arguing. I didn't say anything when you stayed in the Jishen tree last time. This time Li Long, you don't have your share." The old man disappeared in a flash after finishing speaking. .

"You didn't say anything about the tree that you lived in last time, but what's the point of supporting you to come all the way to get a clone to come over and catch the dragon? Huh." flashed.

The dragon flew away, and a big hole was smashed above the head in a certain underground space.Outside are the high rocky mountains.

With the big movement of the flying dragon, many forces that could not find the place before also discovered the underground ruins this time.

Then there is a group of great monks who scared Li Long away, and after watching Li Long fly away, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.After sealing the cultivation base, it is really a big loss to fight against such a big monster.

"Senior brother Tong, how did you find this dragon?"

"We found a dragon egg in a desolate little secret place, and as soon as we touched the dragon egg, a dragon came out." Tong Jian compiled it in a similar manner.

"You guys can still find a small secret realm? In this dilapidated ruin city?" The person who came was another great monk from the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect.

When Tong Jian saw him, his eyes narrowed slightly. This was also an unfamiliar character, but his cultivation made him faintly afraid.

"That's right, the person who came was the senior from the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect?"

"The surname is Guang, Guangyan." The other party saluted.

"Brother Guang." Tong Jian said politely.

"Senior Brother Tong, can you let us have a look at the small secret realm you found? We are also very interested in finding a small secret realm with a dragon."

Tong Jian twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, "Yes. Thank you fellow Taoists for your help just now. If you are interested, you can follow along to take a look."

Tong Jian's invitation naturally aroused the interest of many forces.

They simply followed someone behind Guanghan Sword Sect and Taichu Sword Sect, and swam towards a small secret place where Li Long opened a hole.

This place has become a vortex, and the sea water is still tilting into the big pothole, and it's not a hole.

The entire ruined city was gradually exposed to the surface of the water due to the inclination of the internal sea water.

"Is this the small secret realm where the li dragon was discovered?" Taichu Guangyan asked.


"Then how did you discover this secret realm?" Guang Yan asked again.

"There is a rockery in the yard over there, and there is a portal in a pothole in the rockery. Our people also discovered it by accident." Wang Daozhen said.

Guangyan took people there to check again, and it was indeed possible to enter.But as soon as you go in, you fall into the sea.After going down to explore the road, the people who climbed out again were all wet.These are people from affiliated forces, and they will kill themselves if they make a decision later.

There are also a few, and only those who have a magic weapon with them can keep doing what they do.

"You are lucky. Our people searched this ruined city, but found nothing." Guang Yan said with emotion.

"Luck, luck." Tong Jian said with a faint smile.

Guang Yan took a deep look at him, always so lucky?Why don't I believe it?

"Where are those senior brothers going now? We found a broken corridor and tried many times but failed to go in. Why don't some senior brothers follow me to have a look?"

Like people with no other influence, this guy rushed into that small secret territory like a wave of wind to find treasures that might still be hidden, and directly invited them to what broken corridor?

Tong Jian looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Senior Brother Guang, you don't have to be polite, we'll go at our original pace. As for the broken corridor, let's search here first." Great monk surnamed Yan suddenly interjected at this moment.

The rest of the big monks were stunned for a moment, and then they all agreed.Said that he would look for it in this ruins.

Guang Yan said speechlessly, "Alright then."

After seeing him off, Tong Jian asked the big monk surnamed Yan in puzzlement, "Brother Yan, why did you reject him just now?"

"That guy's cultivation base should be higher than mine, and he is also a member of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect. If we accept the invitation, we will join forces with the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect. If we find something good again, we are not Want to split at least half?

The lesson of Jishen Tree is just ahead, could it be that you have forgotten it so quickly? "

The other big monks suddenly realized.

"That's right, we don't lack luck and power, so why do we have to explore the river with them? What if we find something good and they snatch it away?" Wang Daozhen said carelessly. .

The other big monks all gave him an angry look.

"The Jishen Tree was an accident, and if we lose in the martial arts competition, we lose." The big monk surnamed Li said.

"Forget it, the past is over, let's turn the page."

"Don't mention Jishen Tree, it hurts me when I mention it."

After the several big monks expressed their views, they immediately ordered many subordinate forces to start looking for some useful things in the ruins exposed to the water.

Taohua and Chu Shinian continued to rummage together. Taohua picked up a stone at random, and saw a blue light shining under the stone.When Chu Shinian escaped, it turned out to be a piece of soft armor with two small holes in it.

"This seems to be a fifth-tier soft armor?" Chu Shinian asked with uncertainty after taking a closer look.

"Remove the two words like, it is the fifth-level soft armor, but unfortunately it is broken. It is not easy to repair." Taohua said sadly.

"Wait." After Chu Shinian said this, he went to find Tong Rui.

"Brother Tong, is there any monk in the Guanghan Sword Sect who is good at repairing armor?" Chu Shinian asked.

"What treasure armor? Picked up a treasure armor?" Tong Rui asked jokingly.

Chu Shinian shook his paw.A piece of software was immediately shaken out.Bright blue.

"Level five soft armor?" Tong Rui said in surprise.

"Yeah, it's just two holes, can it be repaired?" They definitely can't repair it here, because they don't have the repair materials.Besides, the more advanced the material, the more difficult it is to melt into a liquid, and there is no way to reshape some tiny formation armor pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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