The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 928 Landslide, Rift Valley

Chapter 928 Landslide, Rift Valley

A few days later, those big monks really sent a letter, forcing Tong Rui and the others to go on an expedition.

Tong Rui called Chu Shinian to go over, "You really hit the mark. This time the letter has been worded very harshly. I don't even know what reason to delay the time. How about you think of one for me."

Chu Shinian thought for a while, and immediately said, "There really is one. You know, a great spiritual wave is coming again recently. Every time a great spiritual wave comes, the world will undergo major changes. It is too dangerous to go on an adventure at this time. Not sure what will happen.

Brother Tong, you just use this as an excuse, and you should be able to delay it for a while. "

"Are you sure the Great Spiritual Tide is coming soon?" Tong Rui asked in astonishment.

"What the geologists over there have studied should be true."

"Your geologist is quite powerful."

"Some are hired from outside, and some are trained by ourselves. Geologists are very useful. Our family has always spared no effort in cultivating geologists." Chu Shinian said indifferently.

"The Zongmen also attaches great importance to Fengshui masters. Oh, by the way, Fengshui masters are derivative professions of earth masters. They were born out of earth masters, but they are very different from your current earth masters. For example, Li Yi came down this time. Junior brother, he was born as a Feng Shui master. He doesn't think much of geomantic masters at all.

You try not to say anything about the land master in front of him in the future. "

Chu Shinian nodded immediately.

However, the matter about the Great Spiritual Tide is indeed of great importance, so Tong Rui hurriedly wrote to the great monks.

They also immediately asked their affiliated forces to investigate, and the result was naturally yes.As for the matter of the great spiritual tide, as long as you are proficient in calculation, anyone who is sensitive to earth veins and spiritual energy will feel it.

In late October of the 13th year of Yuanwu, the great spiritual wave came again.

With a devastating trend, it swept the whole world!This time the Great Spiritual Wave came quickly, swiftly and abruptly, and the concentration and quality of the Spiritual Qi was much higher than in the past.

The great spiritual wave swept across, and many relics, secret realms, and small worlds showed their whereabouts in the gaps in various spaces.The unlucky ones were directly swept into the real space.


With a loud noise, a huge ruin of the ancient city fell directly into a mountain range outside Xianyang City.

As soon as this ancient city appeared, it immediately alarmed many monks in Xianyang City.Because the way it appeared was too abrupt, and its appearance was too eye-catching.

These turned out to be golden radiance, impressively built entirely of bright yellow spiritual gold bricks covered with runes.

Even if it breaks into several pieces, it is too big and too dazzling to be ignored.

Taohua's expression exploded right now.

What's so weird, not only did the Great Spiritual Tide come earlier, but the ancient city of Jinwu, which was originally supposed to appear on another continent, also appeared in Xianyang.

"Immediately call Youxianwei to send troops to block this ancient city ruins. Unless you get a special token from me, no one is allowed to enter it." Taohua immediately issued her patriarch's order.

Just as You Xianwei's sergeant was swinging in the air and driving the flying dharma ship, the mountains, rivers and land of the Chu family mutated again.

With a certain main peak as the center, the entire field seems to have turned into a huge glutton, absorbing and transforming the huge spiritual energy brought by the great spiritual tide like a black hole.

The Great Spiritual Wave continuously sent spiritual energy, and the Great Taotie absorbed it crazily regardless.

Several hours later, in the middle of the night, a certain big glutton finally got full.

Then the big change came again.

With a certain main peak as the center, many mountain peaks and lakes in the area of ​​the Chu family's spiritual veins pushed out directly towards the southeast as if driven by fluctuations.

The last remaining veins of Xiongshan Mountain were completely swallowed up and became part of the Five Elements Spiritual Vessels.

The branch mountain system of Xinxiong Mountain stands tall and straight again, and then the earth is still pushing outward.

The field of the Five Elements Spiritual Vein expanded wildly again.

The territory of Anhua and other prefectures, which hindered the development of spiritual veins, was directly pushed away towards the hinterland of Song Dynasty.And in the hinterland of the Song Dynasty, the land that had stretched farther and farther was once again squeezed and shrunk toward the middle by some invisible force.

The area that caused them to enlarge was compressed again, and the distance between some cities and villages became closer again.

It's just that the whole continent is too big, except for some places, the changes in other regions are not obvious at all.

So it is not easy to be noticed.

In addition to the southeast direction, the Five Elements Spirit Vein also pushed itself madly towards a certain direction of the Wanji Mountains.

At first it couldn't squeeze at all.

But after Xiaopang activated the formation that Taohua told him one by one, and frantically absorbed the power of the earth's veins, Xiaopang set off wave after wave of impacts and squeezed drills.

It can be seen above the ground that in a certain position near the Chu family's territory in the complete Wanji mountain range, mountains and ground pile up, constantly impacting towards a certain point in front, and squeezing through.

In that area, Fatty kept accumulating energy in the latest stage. At the beginning of this push, everything in the southeast direction went smoothly, but the Wanji Mountains in the northwest were extremely difficult.

Seeing that most of Xiaopang's energy storage has been consumed, Taohua finally couldn't bear it anymore.She simply practiced with Xiaopang, crazily arousing the earth energy of the earth veins, and the earth trembled and shook as the earth veins were driven.

Many mortal houses began to crack and collapse after shaking a few times.Caused the loss of life and property of many mortal families.

But Peach Blossom couldn't care about it at this time, the great spiritual tide had already begun to weaken, if the plan could not be completed this time, when the next great spiritual tide came, it would be even more difficult to open up the Wanji Mountains.

Thinking of this, Taohua gritted her teeth and pushed the Taiyin Stone Pagoda with all her strength, and the vast moonlight blessed the huge power fluctuations of the earth veins.Then set off a more terrifying wave of energy.

Taohua let out a muffled sound, blood oozed from the corner of her mouth.

She is only in the purple mansion now, and it is still too reluctant to use the Taiyin Stone Pagoda.As soon as it was activated, the lunar mana in her body was completely emptied, and then the crazy suction began to absorb her vitality and longevity.

Otherwise, Xiaopang directly drew Xiao Chunlong's vitality to resist and make up for her, at this time, she might already be gray-haired.

The endless and invisible cold moonlight mixed with the earth veins and earth energy, like a long sword reaching down to the sky.

Boom... Boom Boom...

At the cost of a certain mountain range being completely cracked, countless pitch-black mountains collapsed one after another like dominoes, and a terrible rift valley deeply embedded in the earth was formed in front of the eyes of all the monks of the Chu family.

hoo hoo...

Everyone gasped wildly.

Oh my mother, this is so scary.

hoo hoo...

The earth-shattering and terrifying flood roared and rushed, approaching from far away.Finally, it hit a certain mountain that was finally blocked in front of everyone in the Chu family.

Boom... The mountain collapsed, and the broken mountain was swept away by huge waves.

(End of this chapter)

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