Chapter 929

"Patriarch... Patriarch, hiss, what are you doing?"

The Great Rift Valley is still expanding toward both sides, more and more mountain peaks collapse into the seawater where the front and back sea peaks fight and fight.

"What's going on?"

"What is the owner thinking?"

"Didn't you find out?"

"Found what?"

"Our Chu family will have a new port in no time."

"Out of the harbor?"

"From then on, our Chu family no longer has to be blocked by the Wanji Mountains, and no one can stop the Chu family from exploring the ocean. The owner is really far-sighted. One can imagine that in the near future, our Chu family's island construction and waterway Construction is about to enter a new stage of rapid development."

"No, you're overthinking it."


"Look, in less than half a moment, the mountain that blocked the road before has completely collapsed into the sea. Then, our Chu family's territory is spreading crazily under the sea. It is struggling to destroy the surrounding Wanji Mountains. Squeeze away, set yourself free.

If I'm not mistaken, in the future, the Wanji Mountains on both sides of the rift valley will continue to be pushed away from here, and the new spiritual land of our Chu family will be reborn here.

This new land should grow to the original seaside in the future.

The owner of the family is so powerful, he budgeted the growth of the Chu family's territory in the next few decades. When the new territory is fully formed, our Chu family will be able to sit on more than half of the Song Ting's territory.

What Xichang, what Yao, if love blocks us from expanding our territory, let's block it.We have newer and better territories. "

In the future, a large fan-shaped mound grew out from under the sea.Then it forcibly squeezed out the surrounding Wanji Mountains, forcing out a large area of ​​more than 30 square kilometers of land.

This... was indeed guessed! !Or sensed it?

"The Patriarch is so courageous! He even dared to attack the Wanji Mountain Range."

"What is the Wanji Mountain Range? The Patriarch knew that there were so many monsters in the sea a few years ago, didn't he also attack the sea?"

"Isn't that a few years ago? Now who dares to rush into the sea with so many human races so stubbornly? Sea beasts alone can teach you to be a human again in minutes."

"Perhaps the Wanji Mountains will become very dangerous in the future, so the Patriarch chose to attack at this time."

"Even if we attack now, the guys in the Wanji Mountains won't be safe, okay?"

"Then fight."

"That's right, let's fight!"

The senior members of the Chu family were full of fighting spirit.

Your own Patriarch is like a guiding light, you obviously feel that you are very close to it, but it is still far away, so you can only work harder to really get close to it! !

Chu Shinian also stood in the air above Xin Dadi's head.

The big waves were still roaring, and there were surprises, excitement, and various inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

It was just so spectacular...

He had just stood on a high place, so he could see more clearly.

When the Great Rift Valley was formed just now, the cracks in the ground were once more than [-] meters deep.

This is Taohua's plan! !
This plan is really good. Break the Wanji Mountains and split them into two parts, one big and one small.Breaking the blockade of the Chu family's territory by the surrounding area not only expanded new land, but also opened a powerful new shipping line.

The Chu family has this transportation line that can directly reach the sea, bypassing the barrier of thousands of mountains, and even without going to Longshanfang City, they can go to various continents where various materials are sold in their territory.

If he is a peach blossom, he will definitely build another deep-water giant port on the new land to divert the large offshore fleet from Longshan.

At that time, with Longshanfang City in one hand and the huge deep-water port in the other, there will be no power on the mainland that can compare with them in terms of financial resources.

"Peach Blossom, you did a great job this time." Feeling his wife flying by his side, Chu Shinian said pleasantly.However, he saw Taohua's slightly pale face, "What's wrong? Are you injured?" He quickly grabbed his wife's arm.

"It's okay, it's just that I exerted too much force just now, and it stretched a bit."

Chu Shinian frowned, "Are you really all right?"

"Really not. If something really happened, can I still come here?"

"Why is the Five Elements Spirit Vessel moving so loudly this time?" The vast and terrifying psychic energy seemed to blow the world away.

"It has finally been promoted to the peak of the third-order. After it moves this time, it is likely to continue to accumulate energy to prepare for its promotion to the fourth-order super-large spiritual vein."

With the blessing of countless spiritual veins in the territory, the five-element spiritual veins he cultivated grow faster and faster.

In just a little more than ten years, it has changed from a small five-element blessed land to a third-order Daifeng five-element spiritual vein that is about to be promoted to a super-large spiritual vein.Taohua couldn't help but sighed in her heart.

Such strength, such swiftness, really made Taohua inevitably criticize in her heart the Chu Chu lineage who didn't understand anything in her previous life, and knew that she was dragging her feet.

I think the two large spiritual veins that were at the door of the house at the beginning were not guarded, and they were directly robbed by the monster clan.

But now, the five-element spirit vein cultivated by the family has been promoted to the fourth rank.

At dawn on the second day, the Great Spiritual Tide completely dissipated.

The Chu family has ushered in a period of recuperation again.

This time they harvested more new land, and even occupied the original Zhang Yu and Anhua.These places have been pushed to farther places by the Five Elements Spiritual Pulse.

The news of the terrible changes in the Chu family's territory also spread to the Chu family at this time, spreading towards the entire continent.

Tong Rui and his juniors ran all the way to see a certain grand canyon that was cracked by a great spiritual tide.There was the sound of roaring waves crashing against the shore.

The wreckage of the surrounding Wanji Mountains is still being collapsed into the sea.

"I thought that only masters and elders of Yan Dao Realm could drive out such a big event. I didn't expect that the most powerful monk of your Chu family, Zifu Realm, would do it." Tong Rui looked at in shock. Said the raging sea.

"To put it bluntly, it's not worth mentioning, but it's just the use of formations. Huge amount of formations, countless resources. If it weren't for the forces around our Chu family who were faintly trying to block our way forward, we would not have directly split The Wanji Mountains."

"You're too modest, Junior Brother Chu. I know that you guys built mountains and rivers before, and split the Xifeng Mountains. You diverted the mighty branches of the Tianshui River to the foot of Longshanfang City. Your Chu family is really brave and enterprising." The family makes people look passionate."

The key is that the Chu family is too small, with no family background, no resources, and no talents.Relying on the arrangement of formations like moving mountains bit by bit by the entire family, and spending countless extremely low-level formation materials, with the help of the Great Spiritual Tide, they split the Wanji Mountains in one fell swoop.

You must know that the Wanji Mountain Range is a million miles away, and there are so many mysterious things in it that even they dare not provoke it easily.

But the Chu family insisted on walking out of a road leading to heaven in the midst of a dead end, which is simply shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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