The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 930 Discovery

Chapter 930 Discovery
"We came here. On the one hand, we came to see your family's feat. This is splitting the Wanji Mountains. Hahaha. On the other hand, I have a serious matter to ask you." Tong Rui's expression turned serious.

"Please say."

"Chu Shinian, did your family inherit a Five Elements Spirit Vein, or did you cultivate a Five Elements Spirit Vein yourself?"

In short, is it already determined that our family has five elements? !
Chu Shinian thought about it, and immediately said, "Our family cultivated a five-element spirit vein by ourselves."

"Really? Your family has obtained the method of cultivating spiritual veins?"

"Our family even auctioned it back then." Chu Shinian put on such a look, pretending to be good at it.

Tong Rui and others "..."

"As far as I know, the method of cultivating spiritual veins is extremely rare even in the court of God."

Chu Shinian simply handed him a jade cocoon.

Inside was the "Low-Level Spiritual Vessel Cultivation Method" that Taohua gave to her own father in the early years. It listed more than ten kinds of methods for cultivating spiritual veins, including the Five Elements Spiritual Vein.

Tong Rui glanced at it for a while, then handed over the jade cocoon to Lu Meng.

After reading it, Lu Meng sighed, "Sure enough, there are opportunities from all walks of life. Some of the methods listed here have been lost in the court of God, leaving only a few words of description. Now it seems that there should be a lot of them in the lower realm. .At least I saw these methods, they looked very complete, and I felt that they could all be used.”

"Shinian, this jade cocoon, will count your sect points for you." Tong Rui said.

"Okay. By the way, we have collected dozens of similar jade cocoons, can they be exchanged for sect points?"

When Tong Rui heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Lu Meng laughed out loud.In fact, he could also think of why Chu Shinian said that, because since Chu Shinian had it in the lower realm, other subordinate forces should also have it.Anyway, it's a matter of copying and copying.If Chu Shinian had handed in the points, the others would naturally not be able to hand in the points.

That's why Chu Shinian asked Tong Rui so actively.

"Okay, you can copy them all to me. I will give you five sect merit points for one jade cocoon."

"I'll have someone copy it when I go back later." Chu Shinian pursed his lips and smiled.

"Then your family's five-element spirit veins came out of these jade cocoons by themselves?"

"Obviously it was carefully studied and cultivated." Chu Shinian specially emphasized.

Lu Meng laughed again.This time Ma Liang also laughed, obviously it was a group of mortals who had never built before, and came out with a lot of recklessness.

"Then do you know that if the spiritual pulse has been cultivated to the sixth level, it is the Lingshan Mountain?" Tong Rui asked speechlessly.

"I know. It is said that the forces from the lower world can cultivate a spiritual mountain, and they can gain a foothold in the court of God." Chu Shinian said very straightforwardly.

"You're right or wrong." Tong Rui said to him calmly after hearing this.

"With Lingshan, even if this world finally merges into Shenting, you can keep your own foundation intact and become a small power and family in Shenting. If you slowly accumulate strength and develop Lingshan carefully in the future, maybe millions In the next year, another big force will emerge from the Shenting.

But the premise is that you can keep Lingshan.

Take our sect as an example, our Guanghan Sword Sect has tens of thousands of Lingshan Mountains.Every spirit mountain is a true spirit mountain above the sixth level. "

At this time, Chu Shinian really couldn't help being shocked.

"A sixth-order spirit mountain can completely form its own realm and roam independently in the void. Even if the number of void battleships is not enough, it will be difficult to pose any threat to it. Our sect sent more than 400 spirit mountains to conquer another big world It used to be a battle fort and a logistics support base.

Based on your talent and your contribution to the sect in the future, the sect can reward you with a spiritual mountain.Of course, such spiritual mountains are all spiritual mountains cultivated by others, and they cannot be compared with the spiritual mountains cultivated by yourself.

Because most of the Lingshan that Zongmen rewarded you are spoils of war, often broken and incomplete. "

Chu Shinian was stunned.

"If you want to re-operate such a Lingshan, you need to invest a lot of resources. In the end, the cultivation of Lingshan may not be very satisfactory. But you have already known what the future of the Lingshan cultivated by yourself will be. The cultivated Lingshan is naturally more satisfied."

Chu Shinian nodded in agreement.

"Of course, don't look at the fact that there are tens of thousands of spiritual mountains in the sect. But the sect also has a lot of people. It is shared equally among the disciples of the sect. There is only one among the seven or eight million disciples."

Chu Shinian couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he heard this.

Lu Meng followed suit again.

"So you have cultivated the five-element spirit veins yourself, and I am happy for you to be able to advance to Lingshan. It's just that the steps from the fourth to the sixth level are very difficult to walk."

Chu Shinian didn't speak.

"Anyway, try your best. In the end, you are stuck at the peak of the fifth order, and you can't advance to the next level."

"At that time, maybe the elders will help you." Lu Meng explained to Chu Shinian.

Oh, Chu Shinian suddenly realized.

In the next few days, the five elements' spiritual veins gradually stabilized.Big cracks are still big cracks, but new land is not growing.

Such a mistake, this wave has added more than 3000 miles of land to the Chu family, which is equivalent to one and a half mansions in the northwest.Of course, this is still a newly created place for pushing the Wanji Mountains with a single finger.In another southeast direction, the Lingmai domain pushes mountains and rivers, and the new mountains formed by pushing the earth outward are also not small.At least there are two mansions.

Although the newly added land is more mountainous, what happened to the mountain?Are mountains more suitable for planting medicinal materials?
For the newly added land, the Chu family also needs to arrange people to take care of and open up wasteland.

Of course, first of all, we must first find out the resources of the new land.

These are all things that the top management of the Chu family needs to arrange and plan.As the head of the clan, Taohua and Chu Shinian were pulled together by Tong Rui to go to the ruins of the golden city that fell in the mountains near Xianyang.

The key is that it is so bright that it shimmers at night, illuminating the surrounding mountains and fields as if they were daytime.

After Tong Rui and others accepted the jade cocoon, they proposed to go to the ruins of the Jincheng to have a look.

Chu Shinian originally planned to let them go by themselves.

But Tong Rui and the others refused to go by themselves, insisting that Chu Shinian call all the clansmen he brought with him last time, and then go with them.

Chu Shinian was extremely speechless.

Just as they were getting ready to go, a certain big monk wrote again.After seeing the letter, Tong Rui must take everyone to join them and go to explore the seabed again.

This time, people's words are very strict, as if if you dare not come, I will clean up your posture.

Tong Rui read the letter and really wanted to curse.

(End of this chapter)

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