Chapter 931
"You explained that because of the great spiritual tide, relics appear frequently in various parts of the mainland, why are they so focused on the relics of the beginning?" Tong Rui didn't understand, why did they have to focus on the relics of the beginning?
"Could it be that everyone thinks that there is a lot of harvest in the Ruins of Absolute Beginning?" Ma Liang asked with a frown.

Tong Rui had a sad face, and he had indeed gained a lot.But he was not at all happy to explore with those big monks without the company of his elders.

"I don't want to be regarded as a pawn at all." Small cannon fodder is not acceptable.Tong Rui said with emotion.

"It doesn't matter if you don't go, after all, he is a great monk." Lu Meng said. "Go."

"Then go, you come with us in Shinian, after all, you are about to get started, and you must give you some face for the great monks in the sect."

Chu Shinian nodded.

"Is Chu Ligui going?"

After hearing Tong Rui's question, Chu Shinian immediately said cautiously, "He won't go. During the time we go to the ruins of the beginning, I plan to ask my wife to lead a team to see the Jincheng. After all, we have blocked it for a long time. Can't stop. It's too labor-intensive.

That kid Chu Ligui is good at skills, I want to leave him to my wife. "

Tong Rui looked at him with an expression that I understood, "Okay, then let him stay."

Lu Meng and Ma Liang just smiled.Everyone knew that Chu Shinian was worried that someone would be watching Chu Ligui.

Not long after Chu Shinian and the others left, the adventure team organized by the Chu family set off with a group of thirty or so people.Anyway, it's nearby, in the mountains outside Xianyang City.

Tao Hua simply put on a mask, and led the team this time as the head of the family.

This time, two elders from the Chu family also came, namely Chu Guang and Chu Xilai.They are all branch elders.

"Patriarch, where should we start looking for that Jincheng this time?"

Jincheng broke into several pieces directly, lying in four pieces in the mountain.

"The one with the smallest size, we will clean up whichever part first." Tao Hua said.

"Ah?" The two elders were astonished.

"Clean up? Didn't you intend to find a baby?" Chu Guang asked in confusion.

"Didn't you see that golden city? Its materials are good." Taohua said speechlessly. "There are so many high-level materials, after we dismantle them, we can make a lot of things."

"Patriarch, we thought it was mainly about treasure hunting." Chu Xilai also said in surprise.

"This relic is right next to our Xianyang City. If we leave it alone like this, there will be more and more foreign casual cultivators here, which will put pressure on Xianyang. It's better to clean it up directly." Taohua said.Xianyang is not an open square city.

It is an important place for serious elixir cultivation and family core.

Who would like a lot of outsiders running into such a place?

The secret guards of the Chu family had already drawn up precise blueprints, and Taohua led people to first feel the small area where Jincheng fell into a canyon.

"Order to dispatch another legion to be responsible for cleaning up this ruin."

"Do you really want to tear down every brick?" Chu Guang asked in surprise.

"Of course yes."

After people set up a temporary camp, a large number of airships sent a standard 10-man army.

When the monks heard it, they were all happy to demolish the ruins that came in.

"The Patriarch, how do you count the things that were dismantled?" The commander-in-chief of the new army asked with a smile.

"Of course it is the seventh of the three families of the legion."

"Then what if we find something we can't use?"

"I asked people to gather a group of people from the treasury, and asked them to bring over a batch of resources from the clan treasury. The lieutenants are allowed to exchange the resources they need at will."

"Okay." The commanding captain was overjoyed, and ran away gearing up.

Soon the officers at all levels conveyed the orders of the family and the Commanding Officer.

The formed legion started pulling strings to demolish the city.

"It's too difficult to break down the city. I smashed this city wall for a long time, and only a few bricks fell down."

"Stupid, you, buy some low-level explosive fireball charms, put them directly under the wall, and at least a small piece of them can be blown away when ignited. We are all a few people working together. The dismantling can be done quickly."

"Hey, why don't you tell me sooner if you have such a good idea?"

"You didn't even ask."

"Hmph, hey, what do the people over there do? I think they seem to be leveling the ground. Oh, is that the stove?"

"It should be a refiner. I heard that the wall bricks here will be re-smelted by them immediately, and all kinds of materials will be re-separated."

"Can the material be re-separated?"

"It is said that it can."

"Brother, I found out that you know so much."

"Haha, I just like to gossip with people when I have nothing to do."

A large number of wall bricks, broken tiles, and floor tiles were thrown into the refining furnace.The higher the grade material is, the more difficult it is to melt. According to this characteristic, once the lower grade material is melted, the molten metal is poured into the shaping mold next door.

After the new metal solution cools down, it becomes the new low-order material.

Such a layer of heating, heating.

A large number of third-order and fourth-order materials were directly analyzed.

The materials of the fifth and sixth ranks were also separated little by little.

Most of the casting materials in this golden city are third-grade and fourth-grade materials, and only one percent of them are fifth-grade and sixth-grade materials.

These fifth-tier and sixth-tier materials were recast into small ingots, and were secretly sent to the submarine battleship.With higher-level materials, the speed of research recovery on the battleship side is accelerating.

The rest of the low-level materials were sent to Tishan City in large packages. Anyway, the craftsmen always needed materials.

Because of the high-grade materials, Jincheng is not so easy to demolish. It took six or seven days to demolish a small area of ​​streets and houses.

In this small area, there are not many other things, but there are many kinds of dilapidated life samples and supplies.There are seventy or eighty jade cocoons, but after too long, they shatter when touched.

Taohua took the remnants of the jade cocoons, and used Qi Tianjian to scan them one by one.

"The wreckage of the jade cocoon contains the low-level magic jade body refining technique!" Then there is the complete content of the magic jade body refining technique.

She didn't even know that Qi Tianjian could have such an amazing ability.

So the Patriarch of the Chu family issued an inexplicably severe order. "As long as you find a jade cocoon, that piece will be broken into Momo. Please also use a small broom to sweep the Momo into a special container, and then bring back the jade cocoon dregs."

Sergeants: "..." For a while, almost everyone had a special small jade box and a palm-sized mini broom.

"What do you think the family wants to do with these jade cocoon dregs? Could it be made into powder for beauty?"

"Do you think it's a deep-sea pearl? These jade powders are mostly used to make rouge, right?"

"What kind of face can use the rouge made of jade powder? I told you all to stop guessing, find something quickly, and then remove the piece of our task today."

Although the soldiers made various guesses, they still obeyed the order to sweep Momo.

(End of this chapter)

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