The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 932 Zhuang Zihan Was Conscripted

Chapter 932 Zhuang Zihan Was Conscripted
"This is the jade cocoon for refining spirit wine. There are actually thirteen recipes in it? Let me see the recipes for brewing wine we collected before? No, all thirteen are new?!"

After Taohua finished reading Qi Tianjian, she happily rewrote an ancient recipe for wine making, and also noted the author, Wine Daoist.

"Yeah," Taohua found several other ancient books on wine making from the book library of the Taiyin Stone Pagoda, and these were copies that she kept specially.After reading and comparing again, he said, "This wine Taoist is really good, out of the eight ancient books on wine making, three of them were written by him.

This guy has invented dozens of wine-making methods by himself, ranging from low-level spirit wine to high-level spirit wine.What a winemaking genius. "

He greeted a female secret guard with a particularly good-looking handwriting to come in, "Xueying, come on, I copied the secret book. After copying and checking, you can send the copy you copied to the library in the clan."

"Let me copy it again?" Chu Xueying said with an annoyed expression.

"Copy it quickly." Tao Hua said angrily, "Copy it well, if it doesn't look good, I will let you copy it again."

Chu Xueying wanted to throw away books in various ways.

"Patriarch, I have copied dozens of books recently, can't you copy someone else?" She doesn't like to copy books, she is a secret guard, not a civil servant.She simply didn't want to do this kind of crossover.

"Hurry up and copy." Taohua doesn't care if she likes it or not, Xueying's handwriting is very beautiful, and she feels very comfortable looking at it.Before she found the second one, she made up her mind that Xue Ying would do the copying in the future.

Hearing the Patriarch's urging, Xue Ying, who couldn't shirk her part-time job, could only silently hold her nose and ran to the small table next door to start copying books seriously.

Taohua opened another small box, and painted Qi Tianjian on it.

A streak of inconspicuous green light swept across Taohua's eyes.Not long after, new words appeared on Qi Tian Jian. "Simplified Whale Suction Pillar Refining Method..."

It turned out to be different from the refining method of the whale suction column that they obtained through analysis, and created a method for refining the whale suction column, which was much simpler than the method they obtained.The most important thing is that this simplified formula is actually able to use the first-order spirit gold to refine the whale suction column.

Moreover, it also provides a maintenance method for replacing the core and surrounding accessories when they are broken.

The original whale suction column is a cylinder with the same thickness up and down, but the new method is actually a stone tablet.The size and volume can also be adjusted quickly.

Seeing this method, Taohua immediately changed his big copper pillar in Xianyang Square with an impulse.

In fact, it’s nothing to change, the removed copper pillars can be sold directly at Longshan Auction House, right?
The more Tao Hua thought about it, the more she felt that this was the reason, so she took out the imitated book bound with blank ancient paper and started to write.Emma, ​​this is full of large and small arrays, as well as various analytical graphics of various refining accessories.

The head of the painted peach blossom is going to be big.

So the refining book and the formation book are really too difficult to get.

Xueying finished copying the book, proofread it again, and went out first with two books.Because the head of the family was still writing, she didn't want to interrupt her at this time, so she simply went out to find Chu Junqi, who was here to work this time, to help her proofread again.

On Chu Junqi's side table, there are a lot of various official documents neatly arranged.

The head of the family didn't care, he wished he had eight hands, so he could finish these official documents quickly.

Xueying was not polite, and put two books in front of him as soon as he approached.

"Hurry up, proofread these two books first. If there is no problem, I will send the copy to the library immediately."

Alas... Chu Junqi let out a long sigh.

"The head of the family is too ruthless as the shopkeeper. I can feel the hard work of the great commander."

"The commander-in-chief can work faster than you. Just this little official document can be approved with a brush." ​​Xue Ying complained.

Chu Junqi looked at her with a face full of death.

"Hurry up and work, and more official documents will be delivered later. If you expect the Patriarch to approve it, it is a dream. If you can't finish the work, at least the Patriarch will hire someone to help you."

Chu Junqi was helpless.

"Who can come, everyone is busy, especially when the great spiritual wave has just passed."

"I will. I heard that you delayed a lot of business affairs. The old men of the Chu family couldn't bear it. I brought you here." Zhuang Zihan was rushed here wearing a cloak.

"Brother Zhuang, it's you?" Chu Junqi was helplessly surprised.

"I don't want to come at all." Zhuang Zihan took off his cloak. "I heard that Chu Shinian skipped work again and went out to play?"

"Ah, the commander was taken away by the people of the Guanghan Sword Sect. You can't go if you don't go." Xueying told the truth to her commander.

"Oh, Guanghan Sword Sect, bark." Zhuang Zihan sneered a couple of times.So I took the two wine recipes. "I'll proofread this. Jun Qi, you should first approve the official document with all your strength. After I finish proofreading, I will share your work."

"Brother Zhuang, come here now, is there no problem on the sea side?"

"If you have any problems, you have to hold on. The Patriarch's side is more important. When Ling Yanshu heard that I was leaving, her scalp went numb." Zhuang Zihan laughed.

Although the Chu family has hundreds of thousands of people, there are not many who can stand alone.Many newcomers are still waiting for training below.Of course, tempering is one thing, and ability is another.After tempering and tempering, if you don't have the ability, then it's over.

There are quite a few members of the Chu family who are training now, but there are too few outstanding ones.

Similar to Zhuang Zihan, there are even fewer Ling Yanshus who can stand up to a mess as soon as they come up.

"I heard that Zixian and Zigong are both busy flying."

"Zi Lan has also been recruited back. Zi Bo is also on his way back." Zhuang Zihan said.

"They are all elite soldiers outside. If we leave them, the situation on the other side will probably be worse." Xue Ying said a little worriedly.

Chu Junqi was at a loss.

There is no way, this is the difference between people inside the dark guard system and people outside the dark guard system.

Zhuang Zihan said indifferently, "There is no way, only what can be gained is what is sacrificed, and the overall situation of the family is the most important thing."

When he thought about it, no matter how tough those guys are outside, no matter how powerful they are, is it important to have a family development plan?

Since the Patriarch has transferred you back, you should come back in a hurry and don't let the Patriarch deal with you.

"By the way, the number of big guys in the Tianshui River has increased dramatically recently, and they often threaten passing ships. Our own caravan, and caravans from other forces have suggested that we deal with the river quickly. Pull the net to send those big guys to collected."

Chu Junqi's words immediately diverted Zhuang Zihan's mind, "Okay, you can arrange it. Recruit two legions of patrolling sea guards, block one end, and then both of them will pull the net."

(End of this chapter)

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