Chapter 933
The fishing nets of the patrol guards are all used to catch giant sea beasts, and they are big and strong. When he heard that Zhuang Zihan planned to mobilize the two legions of the patrol guards, Chu Junqi was immediately happy.

"Okay, okay."

Zhuang Zihan soon immersed himself in proofreading books.

After proofreading, Zhuang Zihan said to Xue Ying, "The copy sent to the library must be handed over to the landlord over there."


As for where the Patriarch got the ancient books from, they won't say or ask.

When Xueying returned, Taohua had already finished writing more than half of the book, Xueying glanced at it for a while, and suddenly her face turned dark, unexpectedly it was all pictures.

Damn, she's going to ask for leave, she's going to go home, and she won't continue to do the work of rewriting the copy.

On the other side, Tong Rui once again received various news from the mainland, including the news that the Chu family was exploring Jincheng.Tong Rui was speechless about Chu's direct demolition of the city.

"It's such an ancient ruin, why do you have to demolish it?"

After hearing this, Chu Shinian said, "I don't have any money. We can not only use the various materials from the demolition of the ruins, but also sell some of them. This will relieve the family's financial pressure."

"There are only a few 10 people in your clan, how much money can you spend?" Tong Rui laughed.

"It's too much." Chu Shinian couldn't laugh at all.When I didn't take care of it, I didn't think it was difficult for the big family to run. When I took care of it, I really had to spend everything carefully. Otherwise, the little money in my pocket would definitely not be spent on the New Year.

"I heard that your family is vigorously cultivating various craftsmen, Ling Zhifu, beast masters, array masters and so on. You can let the small family cultivate these professionals and use them. Wait until you find that there are some of them. For those with outstanding talents, provide them with more knowledge and promotion opportunities. Afraid that these people will not give up working for you?"

To put it bluntly, it is actually passing on the cost of education.

"This method is good, but the small family has no materials. How many professionals can we train? We will increase our efforts to train, and once we train a group of professionals, it can barely meet the family's development speed and talent needs.

If the small family is allowed to work hard, it will take 800 years to afford it. "

The Chu family has to train at least tens of thousands of apprentices in the first wave of Ling Zhifu.Because of the focus on cultivating talents, the Chu family has a very high proportion of talents.And most of them are comprehensive talents.A little bit of everything.For example, craftsmen also work part-time as geologists, pharmacists and so on.

An alchemist also works as a Lingzhi husband or something, a craftsman also works as a craftsman...

After hearing this, Tong Rui was also touched.In terms of talent cultivation speed of their sect, ahem, it's a little bit that.

Generally speaking, one word is slow.

Even the war with the big world over there took hundreds of years, so slowly that he didn't know what to say.

"Although your speed is fast, the cost for the whole family will be high." And it's super high.

"That's not true." Chu Shinian nodded in agreement.In the beginning, he was actually a little worried whether this method of cultivating talents would drag down the family's finances.But after practicing it for a while, he faintly felt that Peach Blossom is actually very good at balancing, and what she lacks, she cultivated.

People are short of trainers, land is short of training land, and knowledge of materials is lacking. She is trying to supplement various knowledge.

She will secretly make adjustments and changes that people will not notice, and try her best to keep the Chu family developing at a high speed.

"However, if a family wants to develop, it has to work hard. Otherwise, after this critical period, it will be very difficult to develop again." Chu Shinian said quietly.

Tong Rui didn't notice it at all, and nodded to him and said, "You're right, the three realms below are merging, and finally this huge lower realm will be merged into our Shenting Great World. Just think about how many things will be mixed in it." Chance and fortune, right?

In Shenting Great World, each sect and family has its own set of inherent development paths.When you are in the lower realm, you don't feel it clearly. When you go to the upper realm together, you will naturally feel the pressure and restrictions they bring you.

So your best stage of development is now. "

Chu Shinian nodded again.

"Your family's spiritual veins are about to reach the fourth level, right? It's a bit eye-catching." Tong Rui said. "When we meet other big monks, remember to be careful with your words. Don't be tricked by them. Why do you cooperate with you in business, why do you cooperate with you to develop Lingshan, etc., you don't agree at all. You just say wait Let's talk about it after you have apprenticeship.

If they want you to be a teacher, you can say that the Tong family has already selected a teacher for you, and it is my uncle Tong Tianxing.

He is now a true disciple of the sect, and he is far inferior to ordinary monks.They don't have the face to rob someone from my uncle. "

Chu Shinian nodded again. In fact, when Tong Jian left, he had told him in private that the person he wanted to learn as a teacher was Uncle Tong, the most promising disciple of their generation, Tong Tianxing, one of the top ten true disciples.

"It's so fast, it's going to go down again soon."

Tong Rui said this, and the big sea boat went into the deep sea.Soon their big ship got into an underground sea cave again.

As soon as they got off the boat, they saw their classmates who came to greet them.

"Oh, why did brothers Tong come here?"

"When we received the letter from Master Uncle, we immediately started preparations. We can't come without preparing anything. We just prepared the supplies for the expedition, and we set off immediately." Tong Rui replied.

other side:"……"

"Where are the uncles and uncles now?" Tong Rui asked.

"It's all over the broken stone corridor in the north."

"Then let's go there too." Tong Rui said.

A group of people set off quickly, and the big sea boat was taken away by Tong Rui.When we got to the side of the stone corridor, looking around, the campsites were contiguous, and they were about to gather into a small town.When they arrived at Guanghan Sword Sect's camp, Tong Rui took a group of senior brothers, Chu Shinian and others to meet the great monks first.

Before they entered the big tent, they heard the big monks arguing. When they entered the big tent, the faces of the big monks were not much better.

"What's the matter with you, why are you here so late? Let us all be with you, Tong Rui, you are getting more and more shameless?" A certain big monk pointed the finger at Tong Rui when he saw him.

"The Great Spiritual Tide has just passed, and we still have to prepare some supplies, so we are late." Tong Rui smiled lightly.If you say I'm shameless, I won't.Anyway, he calmed down and didn't refute him. His uncle is Tong Tianxing. What can that big monk do to him in public?

"Hmph. We are all here, what supplies do you need to prepare yourself? It's just to find a name for yourself, can't you delay it? In the end, we old guys are not worth your legs, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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