Chapter 934
"Oh, it's all my uncle's fault. He was afraid that something might happen to me, so he asked my second uncle to warn me before he left, saying that he would not let me go out to explore without his second uncle leading the team. Alas, it's because my uncle valued me too much." Yes. But who is the nephew that I look the most like him?"

Tong Rui touched his face and said in a rather narcissistic way.

Many big monks: "..."

"You mean Tong Tianxing won't let you out?"

"Yes." Tong Rui said with a particularly thick skin, "I heard from my second uncle that my uncle is coming down to see me this time."

Hiss, a few big monks couldn't hold back their expressions.

Tong Tianxing actually wants to go down to the lower realm, he is a true disciple, is he planning to stay for a while, or a permanent residence?
"Okay, I'll see you again. Later, you will take your people and follow us to the Broken Stone Corridor to search." Another big monk said suddenly at this time.Although he also can't wait to see Tong Rui and others who don't listen to Tianmao's orders.

But everyone said that this was Tong Tianxing's idea.If he and others continue to find fault at this time, then Tong Tianxing will be able to find fault blatantly in various tasks in the future.

The reasons are obvious, shameless, bullying the younger generation, bullying my nephew.

With so many people in the sect, how can there be no trivial conflicts, but if such small conflicts are made public, it will not work.

The bigger the monk, the more face he has.

Besides, Tong Tianxing is still a true disciple, well-known among the great monks of the new generation, and has a strong combat power.

Tong Rui respectfully agreed.Then he turned around and left with his own people.

As soon as he left, a big monk couldn't help but snorted coldly, "After all, he is from the Tong family. This arrogance has penetrated into his bones. Even seeing us big monks, he can't even say a word."

"Old Hei, do you want to find fault. When Tong Tianxing comes down, you go to him to practice? I think he likes you."

"Old Du, what do you mean?"

"Old Hei, aren't you very proud of bullying the younger generation? Yes, you are also a wild cultivator after all, so you are born cheap."

"Du Hanming!" A certain big monk stood up furiously.

"How about the two of us doing it first? I don't like your bad manners."

"Don't, don't, you are all from the same sect, so don't make trouble. You are all big monks, once you fight, the surrounding forces will know."

"Be safe, everyone. If you have too much energy, go break the formation."

That big monk named Old Hei looked angrier than anyone else, but in fact he didn't dare to really fight Du Hanming.Because although he is not the most advanced monk, standing is indeed the bottom of the big monks.

How dare he fight with others?It's okay to bully and bully the younger generation.

So someone stopped him and went down the steps.

Du Hanming sneered a few times angrily.There was a look of contempt on his face, and he almost jumped up in anger.


The place where the team of great monks who explored the ruins of the Taichu Sword Sect was stuck was actually a broken stone corridor above a ravine.This section of the stone corridor and the formations near the stone corridor are densely covered. As long as the formation is solved incorrectly, a small section of the stone corridor will fall into the ravine.

A large part of the original protruded, now there is only a small part where one can stand at the end.

The most frightening thing is that on the other side of the stone corridor, there is a dragon-breaking stone, the Wanjun Boulder, which is used to block the passage.The passage leading to the interior of the ruins is controlled by it. If the stone corridor disappears completely, the formation master of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect said that the broken dragon stone would fall directly to block the passage.

That is not an ordinary stone, but a special and strong foreign stone that even a magic weapon can't make a shallow hole.

I don't know where the former Absolute Beginning Sword Sect came from.

If it really fell, even if they were big monks, they would not be able to break it under the condition of sealing their cultivation base.Then the exploration of the ruins of the beginning will be cut off.So the formation masters of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect began to join forces with the formation masters and monks of other forces to crack the formation on the stone corridor.

After the people from the Guanghan Sword Sect came, some big monks called the formation masters to go over and break the formation on the stone corridor together.

Others search nearby to see if there are other [doors].

"Let's go to the formation masters." Tong Rui ordered.

When the formation masters left, Tong Rui didn't take people to search around, but went to the ruined stone corridor to wait and see.

"Do you think there is only one passage leading to the interior of the ruins?"

Li Yi immediately shook his head, "Impossible, how could there be only one passage in such a large ruin."

"Perhaps the other passages have collapsed?" Ma Liang guessed.

"The possibility of landslides has been considered when this kind of passage was being built," said Chu Shenyu, who was born as a geologist. "There must be alternate passages around here."

"A spare? Where can it be?" Tong Rui asked.

"Either go up, or go down." Chu Shenyu said, "This is the inherent mode of human beings to repair things."

Li Yi took a deep look at him. "The art of geomancy is well used."

"Then let's look up and then down?"

"Junior Brother Tong, you should first ask the other senior brothers who arrived earlier how they found it," Lu Meng said.

Tong Rui slapped his forehead, how could he forget this opportunity to understand the situation.

Tong Rui ran out with a few juniors, and when he came back, his face was rather ugly. "There is no way up, there are collapsed stone veins and boulders and so on. Downward, you will encounter various deep-sea insects if you are less than 1000 meters away.

They are as smelly and fishy as they seem to be endless, and there are more of them.

At the beginning, there were many expedition teams who killed the deep abyss, but they all withdrew in embarrassment in the end. "

"Then let's go down and kill the bugs. Although it's disgusting, but others can get out in time, it must not be very dangerous. It's better than standing here all the time. The big monks are watching." Lu Meng chose.

"Okay." Tong Rui agreed after thinking about it.

They heard that they were going down to kill bugs, and it was very smelly, so everyone started to change their clothes.Some also wore face masks.

I heard that they were going to go down, and the big monks of this sect were left alone.Tong Rui went straight down with the people.

After only going down more than 300 meters, some other software bugs appeared.They spray highly corrosive pus on the crowd.The pus is viscous and poisonous, and the smell can make the nose kill itself.

Tong Rui and the others came from Zongmen monks, so they almost stopped and returned.

Later, thinking about going back like this, wouldn't it be embarrassing, so he bit the bullet and continued.

By the time it was 800 meters below, the bugs had become mountains and seas.At first, it surged like a tide and surrounded everyone.

There were so many bugs that someone's magic robe couldn't bear it, and holes were exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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