Chapter 935
If the damaged robe is not replaced in time, the person will be injured.Ah, ah, hiss, where do people have so many opportunities to change robes in the sea of ​​bugs?So the monks began to get hurt.

While protecting the clansmen around him, Chu Shinian changed his robes and took the wound medicine.

While carefully observing the dynamics of the bugs.Then he pulled Ma Liang beside him.

"Senior Brother Ma, look over there, is it a road dug by man?"

Ma Liang looked along his finger, yo ho ho ho.It's really a broken stone road, but it's quite spacious.

Ma Liang immediately told Tong Rui and others about his discovery through audio transmission.

Not long after, Tong Rui and the others got together and continued to rush down for more than 500 meters, and their feet stepped on the damaged stone bricks.

"It's really a road." Ma Liang said while surveying.

Li Yi also took out the compass and looked around.

"This should also be a road. There is one on this side, and there should be one on the other side. How about we rush over and have a look?" Li Yi suggested.

Chu Shinian glanced at the wriggling sea of ​​worms below, and immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"We have been surveying bravely. We are exhausted, lack of spiritual sense, and even our head hurts. We really don't have the energy to go to the opposite side. Why don't we talk to the big monks of the Zongmen and let someone else come down and continue killing insects?"

Tong Rui burst out laughing when he heard that.

"Are you going to work or not?"

"It can't be done, it can't be done. There are too many bugs, and it's not good for us to be too active." Tong Rui's face became gloomy when he heard this.

"I also think we should retreat." Lu Meng also said cautiously.

Tong Rui thought for a while, he had no backer here, even if he found something, he couldn't get it, so why bother to make a wedding dress for someone else?It is enough to find a little clue.

So the group started to retreat.

When everyone climbed out from the pile of bugs, it was almost blinding, as if they were rolling around in the black sticky, giving way wherever they went.Everyone looked at them strangely.

After freshening up, Tong Rui took the simple hand-drawn map drawn by Ma Liang to the big monk's main tent.

The person in charge of guarding is Brother Du Hanming.

"Why did you come back so soon?"

"We followed the cliff and swept all the way down. We killed insects all the way, and we were about to collapse. Finally, we found this." Tong Rui handed the map to the other party. "This is our discovery of a broken trail.

This path leads to a collapsed cave.There should also be... a road on the opposite side. "

Du Hanming immediately stood up.

"Okay, well done. You guys really have luck?" Du Hanming said while holding the blueprint in surprise.

Tong Rui was speechless, "Where is the luck, we have rich experience, okay? Speaking of exploring the ruins, I only participated in it myself, there are not a hundred but there are eighty."

Du Hanming laughed out loud.

"Yes, yes, it's because you have rich experience." Following his sly eyes, he turned to "Actually, I wanted to work with your second uncle from the beginning. Who would like to find relics with a group of stunned youths? I haven't entered the three or five relics." Du Hanming directly in front of Tong Rui, complained about the other big monks who stayed in the sect all day and didn't like to go out.

Like Tong Rui, the monks who have beaten all the way up from the bottom are more valuable than those who simply rely on Gou to practice in the sect and finally become a great monk.

Du Hanming knew that he was good at fighting, and his fighting skills were wide.But not in other ways.

But Tong Rui is different. They were born in the Tong family, and the children will be carefully divided and raised when they are very young.Those little guys who have other talents but not very strong cultivation talents will be shunted out to learn various skills.

In fact, Zongmen does the same.

Therefore, no matter whether it is the family or their sect, there is no shortage of talents of all kinds.But these big monks are lacking.Because there are so many big monks in the sect, the more talented a person is, the less willing he is to be driven by ordinary big monks.

I also have a backer in the sect, who is afraid of whom?
So even if you become a great monk, you may not be able to be invincible in the sect.

At this time, Du Hanming wanted to spend more time with Tong's family, so that he could be with him when any good things happened in the future.

Tong Rui laughed dryly, he didn't want to get involved in the festivals of the big monks. "Master Du, in order to draw this picture, my men were exhausted and almost wiped out. There are too many deep-sea bugs in the ravines, and they are too difficult to kill.

Can I just apply for them and take a few days off? "

Does this mean you don't want to get involved in the next exploration?
In fact, it is good to know how to hide clumsiness.

"Okay, why not. Go to the camp and rest. If someone asks, just say I agree."

"Thank you, Uncle Du."

After Tong Rui withdrew, Du Hanming summoned his subordinate forces to come in and ask them to follow the route of Tong Rui and others to verify it.

Although these people also brought enough supplies, they still lost two big living people when they returned.

Du Hanming was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

"Master Du, that place is really hard to find. We took the blueprints and searched for more than two hours. Alas, there are so many bugs. No matter how many we kill, they still rush up one after another, just like the tide. But that A broken path is real."

Du Hanming was angry: he also found the path, and brought all the staff back by the way, and two of you died.

If it was said that Du Hanming broke two, he felt unhappy.

Then, in order to verify Du Hanming's news, the other big monks also asked their own affiliated forces to jointly investigate.During this survey, the small road was found, but a dozen or so affiliated monks in the Purple Mansion stayed there forever.

In this comparison, Du Hanming's subordinates are not bad.

"How about it, do you believe me now?" Du Hanming said.

"There is indeed a path, but whether there is a cave on the opposite side is not sure yet."

"Yeah, I still have to find someone to investigate on the opposite side."

"It's better to get more people, the bugs below are too difficult to deal with. Use big tricks, it's not worth it. Small tricks won't work at all."

"Equip them with more fire talismans and let them destroy as many bugs as possible."

"If you don't join forces with the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect, you can just clean up all the bugs in the gully."

"Well, that's a good idea, too."

"Then if the last expedition yields something, whose will it be? The one from the beginning or our Guanghan?"

"We just joined hands to clean up the bugs, and didn't we say we joined hands to do other things?"

"The Absolute Beginning Sword Sect is not an idiot, so why join us to clean up the bugs? Unless we tell them that we may have found another passage to enter the ruins."

After hearing this, all the great monks fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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