The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 945 Black Lotus

Chapter 945 Black Lotus

Just a few minutes after Taohua and the others left, the team behind followed.There are two large teams with more than 60 people.They are all affiliated teams of several other big monks of Guanghan Sword Sect.

"Let's go together, there is still a help." The leader of the team is also a monk of Guanghan Sword Sect, and Tong Rui has no choice but to refuse him.

"You can walk together, but everyone who explores the road takes turns." Tong Rui said.

"That's fine." Both teams agreed.

The first to explore the way was a team of forty people.Among the three teams, they are the most numerous.

After walking for less than a quarter of an hour, I saw a cloud of black wasps rushing over.

An unlucky member of the Pathfinder Team didn't dodge in time, nor did he activate his defense, and was directly stung by a wasp.He probably came from a body cultivator, and he seemed to be very confident in himself, probably because he felt that it would be fine if he was stung.So even a pill was not prepared.

After being stung for a few breaths, he fell to the ground and couldn't get up, and then the spirit of the soul disappeared.

"No, it's the soul-eating bees, everyone, hurry up and turn on the protection, don't be stung by them." Someone shouted.

In fact, even if that person didn't shout, someone would have died, and everyone would be very afraid of the wasps flying up.

The rest of the monks turned on their defenses one after another, took out their territory, and fought with the bees who surrounded them and planned to wipe them out.

It was just a swarm of wasps, and was quickly killed by many monks.A large number of soul-eating bee corpses were also taken away by monks who liked soul dao and beast control.

The pathfinding team regrouped and continued to move forward. There was no way ahead, so they could only walk across the grass.

This time they were much more cautious, and each of them opened their defenses.

As a result, before everyone took a few steps, someone fell down and died again.And one dead two 30 people.

Shocked, how did they die?

More than half of the forty or so monks died at once.

The team leader who was in charge of exploring the path was almost shocked.He led the team to run back in a panic.

But after running a few steps, he was stopped by someone. "Hurry up and see how those people died." A monk from the Guanghan Sword Sect told him.

The team leader hesitated a few times, and finally turned around and took people to investigate while ordering.

He took people to inspect the corpse from a distance and immediately reported, "My lord, many tiny red threads have appeared on the faces and bodies of the dead. It seems that they can still move."

After hearing this, Ma Liang took the initiative to drive the flying sword and flew over, staring at it for a while before speaking. "This is Tianmeihong, a kind of demon insect that specializes in eating people. It is not restricted by any energy formation, and can be transferred into any energy shield. They bite through the human body without pain. They eat people's brains After that, the human is gone. After the human dies, they will turn the human body into a hatching nest for the larvae. It takes only a few breaths for their eggs to grow from hatching to adulthood."

Ma Liang's words exploded before he finished speaking.

A large wave of thin red bugs spewed out and fell directly into the nearby grass.

Aww, only a layer of skin and bones were blown away from the corpse, and the flesh and internal organs were all eaten up.

Vomit, some female monks vomited directly.

The members of the investigation team retreated in panic.

But those monks who retreated farther than them saw them retreating, and ran away like the plague.

Even the Guanghan monks who led their team looked at them with a bad face. Looking down from the sky, they are all on the flying sword now.

"Don't lean back, I don't know if Tianmeihong has also gotten into your body."

The face of the squad leader and the rest of the people suddenly turned pale.

"Is there any medicine that can kill these bugs?" Chu Shinian Yujian flew over and asked.

"No, but those of them who survived should be monks with fire attribute, thunder attribute, or ice attribute mana. Mana bugs like them will go dormant once they enter the body, or the body will become stiff. Or listless, it should be Only in this way can they survive." Ma Liang continued to popularize science for everyone.

In terms of knowledge alone, Ma Liang simply blown away everyone present.

"Then what should they do? Is there any help?" someone asked.

"It would be great if there is some treasure that can repel insects." Ma Liang said.

The monks present were all dumbfounded, the treasure of insect repellent, such insects as Tianmeihong, can ordinary insect repellent incense, flute and so on be able to deal with it?
"Is it okay to take it out and try it?" Ma Liang encouraged.

As a result, a group of monks contributed several plates of insect repelling incense, but it was useless to light them.

The worm flute was also played, no metal, bone, wood, or stone flute was effective.

The squad leader and the others all felt something moving in their bodies, but they didn't come out of their bodies.


"There are so many bugs here, it is very likely that there are treasures nearby that can repel the bugs. Why don't they stick to each other and continue to explore the surrounding area." Taohua opened her mouth at this time. "Where there is a lot of bugs, there must be something to restrain the bugs, otherwise the bugs will proliferate, and even the owner will have a headache."

When Ma Liang heard this, his eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "That's right."

"Everyone, don't fall into the grass. Basically, you won't be caught by insects. Fly around to see if there is anything to restrain these insects. They may be any kind of flowers, plants and trees, or they may be some kind of formation. Plates, special stones or something."

After listening to Ma Liang's words, everyone was even more at a loss, how did everyone find it! !

"What kind of road did Chu Ligui lead?"

"Yeah, if it weren't for him, how could we have come here? So many people died?"

"Yes, yes, it's all Chu Ligui's fault..."

Chu Ligui was angry, and I didn't let you come with me.

After hearing the words of the living affiliated monks around, the monks of the Guanghan Sword Sect looked at Chu Ligui with a bit of a bad look.In fact, they are also thinking about whether to give up their exploration here.

Soon, the other two teams decided to leave together.

"These people follow you. Let's go another way." A monk from Guanghan Jianzong flew to discuss with Tong Rui.

Tong Rui looked at them speechlessly.

"Okay, you go as you please. But you also take away the remaining living people. We don't care about them."


"Besides, if you go to another road, don't you need someone to find the way?" Tong Rui said.


So the pair pushed back and left.

As soon as they left, Tong Rui simply called the others to fly across the grass together with Yu Jian.Just after passing this grassland, everyone saw a body of water sandwiched in the valley.A large black lotus grows in the water.

"Is that black lotus a bug lotus?"

(End of this chapter)

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