Chapter 946
Looking at the growing black lotus, Ma Liang couldn't help exclaiming.

"Insect lotus?" Lu Meng looked at Ma Liang in confusion.

"Insect lotus is a mutated spirit lotus, a top-grade spiritual root. It is the nemesis of insects. As long as it exists, all kinds of spirit insects and poisonous insects will avoid it. Making adult insect lotus incense can play a particularly good role in repelling insects. Function. If you eat its lotus seeds, no matter it is insect poisoning or being parasitized by insects, it can be relieved. And in the future, white insects will not touch it, so you don’t have to worry about being bitten by insects or being parasitized.

So this insect lotus is actually a rare treasure.

You see this pool of black lotus flowers in front of your eyes. I don’t know how many years they have been multiplying here, and there may be spiritual plants above the sixth level. "Ma Liang said excitedly.

"Really?" Lu Meng was also excited.If there are sixth-level spiritual plants, they will become famous in the sect again.

"Ahem, there might be." Ma Liang wasn't quite sure.

"Then let's fly over to look for it." Tong Rui said immediately.

"Be careful." Chu Shinian grabbed him. "Apparently the puppet walked around to have a look."

Chu Shinian's words temporarily stopped the excitement of Tong Rui and the others.

Two humanoid pikemen metal puppets were released.

As a result, before the two puppets went far into the water, their heads and half of their bodies were eaten off by a huge black figure that jumped up suddenly.

Both puppets were attacked, and they were both big black shadows that were extremely fast.

After only a split second of attack, there were only four metal legs left.

"Can you see something clearly?" Tong Rui asked with a gloomy face.

"It seems to be an ancient black-horned crocodile." Ma Liang said, "A very old monster species. It doesn't mean much to our sect. If it is transferred to the beast control sect, it will definitely sell for a good price."

After hearing what he said, Tong Rui thought for a while and said, "Let's think of a way together. Let's find out how many black-horned ancient crocodiles are under your waters, and what kind of fighting power they have. Can we eat them?"

They and the members of the Chu family are only about [-] people. If there are powerful metamorphosis monsters above the sixth level among the ancient crocodiles, then they are really no fun.

"The spiritual energy here is not as good as some spiritual places outside. There is no trace of spiritual veins here. Obviously, the surrounding spiritual energy is the spiritual energy moved by the formation, or the spiritual energy overflowed by the formation through a special channel. This kind of spiritual energy Level, it can't support the transformation of monsters, and it can't support the transformation of fifth-level spiritual plants into sixth-level." Taohua said at this time.

As soon as Taohua opened her mouth, Tong Rui and others looked sideways.The key is that as soon as people open their mouths, they focus on the key points.

Even Ma Liang looked annoyed. He was just excited and forgot about the concentration of spiritual energy here.

"This water area looks open, but the black-horned ancient crocodile cannot grow by eating insect lilies every day. So there must be other food groups in this water area. The two black shadows just now looked like they were seven in length. eight meters.

Such a big crocodile can eat a lot of food in a day.This place is closed, eat every day, year after year, even if there is food in the water, I'm afraid you have to save it.If there is really nothing to eat, I guess they will even eat small crocodiles. "

"So you think there should not be many black-horned ancient crocodiles in this water area." Tong Rui asked.

"It shouldn't exceed five or six." Tao Hua said.

"So sure?" Lu Meng looked at her in surprise.

Taohua pursed her lips and smiled.

"Oh, I see." At this moment, Ma Liang suddenly realized. "Isn't this the human version of the three-legged confrontation? If there are more, other crocodiles will definitely unite and eat their opponents first. This will save food from being wasted in the future. At the end of the meal, there will be three crocodiles. Instead, they can divide the territory and separate themselves. survived."

"Why must there be three?" Lu Meng asked again.

"If there was only one left, then we wouldn't have seen the two black shadows just now. One of the two black shadows is slightly larger and the other is slightly smaller. They are obviously a male and a female. This water area is not small, so there should be no Only this pair of ancient crocodiles.

So I guess there are at least three, maybe five or six. "Peach Blossom explained.

"Then let's try it out." Ma Liang got excited and pulled out a delicate blue-gold bird cage from the storage ring.

Then he opened the small door, and countless little yellow birds rushed out. Then, amidst the sound of Ma Liang's flute, they flew on the top of the grass, and gradually spread around the water area and gradually spread to the center of the water area.

In less than a quarter of an hour, countless little yellow birds began to move around the waters like yellow clouds.


From the middle water area, that is, the deep water inside the growth area of ​​the black lotus, a bigger and thicker black shadow directly jumped out.

This time everyone saw it clearly. It was indeed a large crocodile with five short black horns on top of its head.

"Fifth order?" Tong Rui asked.

"Peak of the fifth step!" Lu Meng appraised.

"If you can't eat it, notify the big monks in the sect." Tong Rui thought for a while, then shook his head and said.

"Yes." Lu Meng said.Boom, boom, four black shadows leaped out from the shore areas of the two waters one after another, and two of them hid under the aquatic plants that were far away from them.Maybe people's four eyes have already fallen in love with these fleshy people who can move around.

"Send a letter." Tong Rui said decisively. "By the way, tell me about the Tianmeihong bug in that grass."

"I know." Lu Meng sent out the letter immediately.

After sending out the letter talisman, Lu Meng said to Chu Shinian who was beside him, "You married a wife well. Are your siblings very good at analyzing?"

When Chu Shinian heard this, he smiled and took his wife's little hand, saying goodbye to Yourong.

"You bastard..."

Lu Meng thought to himself: From this point of view, Chu Shinian's little wife might not become his burden in the future.

Soon a great monk from the Zongmen came in.

Lu Meng saw that it was Tong Jian and several other great monks who came in.

"I heard that you have discovered the rare treasure insect lotus?"

As soon as it was established, Tong Jian approached Tong Rui with a big smile.

"Second Uncle, yes, look at the black lotus over there. They are all insect lotuses, and they are growing well. It's just that there is a monster black-horned ancient crocodile guarding them. We can't get them." Tong Rui said aggrievedly.

"Aren't they just old crocodiles?" Tong Jian looked at his eldest nephew speechlessly.

"We can't even do one of them." Tong Rui beat Tong Jian's shoulder again and served him hot tea.

"They're all fifth-order?"

"Yes, they are all at the peak level of the fifth level. And one of them seems to break through to the sixth level at any time." Tong Rui said seriously.

"It can't break through." Tong Jian said with certainty. "You haven't seen the process of a monster race breaking through to the sixth level to become a transformed monster. It really needs too much aura. Even if the aura here is sucked dry, it won't be able to break through."

(End of this chapter)

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