Chapter 951
If the thing gets lost, or runs off by itself, or gets snatched, it's fun.

"Okay." Tong Tianxing added several layers of seals to the Zijin bottle, and affixed several seal talismans.

Finally, he carefully put the things into his storage ring.

"At that time, I originally planned to stay here for a few more years, but now it's impossible to open it. When we go back, you will be by my side. I will explain to you the exercises that should be taught to you. In the future If there is anything you don't understand, you can go to your Uncle Tong Jian."

"Yes, Master." Chu Shinian respectfully responded.

"Then let's go out." The original yin and yang essence has been collected, and the earth spirit milk has also been collected.Tong Tianxing felt that his meritorious deeds had been completed this time. "Second brother, after you go back, give some of the low-level parts of the earth spirit milk to Shi Nian and the others.

This time they also made a great contribution. "

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Wait until they have just climbed to the ground from another cave.

With a radius of only [-] miles, and the area of ​​the ruins is not too dense, the entire ruins have been harvested by the major forces.

Xu Jianfeng stood alone on a thick seal wall Qian frowned and said, "This kind of big seal is really too difficult to crack. We tried again and again, but there is still no way to break the seals of these ancestors." Xu Jianfeng saw Tong Tianxing fly Come over, immediately smiled and said to him, "How is your harvest?"

"It's okay, I got some earth spirit milk."

"Are there tens of thousands of years?"

"Yes, but very few." Tong Tianxing said.

"That's a good harvest. Our disciples and juniors here are more powerful. We found the Alchemy Pavilion, the Artifact Refining Pavilion and the Book Collection Pavilion in the sub-dojo here. Although many things have lost their effectiveness due to time, there are still a lot of things. A small part has been preserved. We received a dozen boxes of the Wannian elixir alone."

"That's really congratulations." Tong Tianxing congratulated.In fact, he already knew it in his heart. For treasures of the level of primitive yin and yang essence, there can be at most one in a sub-dojo, and it depends on the foundation of the Taichu Sword Sect controlling the entire continent.

"Haha, it's okay. We also collected some ancient jade cocoons this time, but the failures were more frequent. But it doesn't matter. We also brought back the invalid jade cocoons. Maybe someone can analyze their contents again. come out?"

When Taohua heard this, she immediately felt that this was just for her.

I was extremely speechless in my heart.

"In addition to the jade cocoons and medicinal materials, we also harvested more than 1 pieces of sword pills that were stored in the Refining Pavilion. Everyone in the ranks has them, but these harvests are not bad, it is compared with others, The two first TS elves that we both harvested are still one level behind."

Tong Tianxing said in his heart that there is more than one level.

First, what is the TS sprite, and where are those things comparable.

What kind of jade cocoons, what kind of sword pills, I can easily roll out a bunch of them, but the innate elves are hard to come by, why don't you roll out one for me to try?
"But this time we didn't come down in vain." Tong Tianxing said.

"Yes." Xu Jianfeng also said.

"I won't stay here for long, after all, there are still many things to do in the sect, Junior Brother Xu?"

"I should be back soon." Xu Jianfeng thought to himself, I'll leave as soon as you leave.You stay and I stay.

"Then since I've finished exploring here, I'm going to go back. I'll leave the rest of the finishing touches to you fellow apprentices."

"So fast?" Xu Jianfeng was startled.

"Busy, there are still a lot of things to do up there. I have to hurry back. Besides, there is no second entrance here. Let's wait until they find the second entrance of the Ruins of Absolute Beginning again."

Tong Tianxing's words made Xu Jianfeng feel very reasonable, and it was not suitable for him to stay below.

"Then Senior Brother Tong will invite you first." Xu Jianfeng thought: Anyway, you go first.

Tong Tianxing had already understood Xu Jianfeng's careful thinking. He worried the other big monks of this sect and told them that the final finishing touches were left to them, and what they could gain was nothing. The important forces have hurt their peace, but if there is any unscrupulous person who troubles them, then they will do it directly, and they will be said nothing, and they will be reasonable.

Tong Tianxing is so young, those who have no true disciples will naturally shrink back.

However, Tong Tianxing didn't care about their reaction. Instead, he was anxious about his own group of people, boarded the big ship and flew directly towards the loop.

Along the way, Tong Tianxing stepped up to give lectures to Chu Shinian.

Not to mention that no matter how fast he explained, Chu Shinian could keep up and understand it thoroughly.This talent, no wonder it is the body of the Dao.

Tong Tianxing explained the scriptures that were basically left for him, and by the way, some relevant knowledge and understanding about the realm of cultivation and the choice of cultivation path.Chu Shinian suddenly felt enlightened.

In the past, he relied on his talent to explore his own path of cultivation.

However, Tong Tianxing's explanation immediately gave him a sense of strategic importance, and he had a new idea about the next path of cultivation.

Tong Tianxing talked more and more deeply, because Chu Shinian could always keep up with his rhythm, so the more Tong Tianxing talked, the more hearty he felt.As a result, after the Falun Dafa boat stopped, the master and the disciples felt unfulfilled. "Okay, when you return to the sect, I will continue to explain to you."

"Okay, Master."

In fact, Chu Shinian wanted Tong Tianxing to explain it to him from the most basic state of Tongmai. Presumably from Tong Tianxing's mouth, he would definitely come up with something new.

But there is too little time, and my master still wants to go back as soon as possible.

There is still a chance next time.

Chu Shinian and the others respectfully sent Tong Tianxing away in the end.Before leaving, Tong Tianxing took his younger brother and told him again.

Tong Jian called Chu Shinian to give him some Earth Spirit Milk.

He also secretly confessed, "Don't mention the matter about the original yin and yang essence outside, so as not to be divined by some shameless people."

"Ah, can you still get it?" Chu Shinian was startled, "Will it be dangerous for the master to leave with the things? Will he be surrounded by people halfway?"

"No, he got it inside. The secrets are so chaotic there that no one can divination about the things inside." Tong Jian comforted him. "You just need to control your people."

"I'm sure there's no problem." On Chu Shinian's side, the only ones he saw at the beginning were him, Tao Hua and Chu Ligui.

The other clansmen were all busy with their own affairs and had no time to run over to watch the excitement.

Of course, they all knew what happened later, but how could this kind of thing be discussed in private, and besides, he would beat them.

(End of this chapter)

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