Chapter 952

As soon as Tong Tianxing returned to the sect, he went directly to visit the old lady.

"What, it turned out to be something like this, okay, okay." The old lady put on the purple gold bottle that Tong Tianxing sent over, and happily said hello three times. "I didn't expect the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect to store such a treasure back then. This is just a division dojo. If you enter the Zongmai dojo, I'm afraid your gains will be even greater."

Tong Tianxing nodded seriously, "It's just that they have many rare treasures, and there should be a lot of ancestors in the faction. Why would they allow their own dojo to be broken up by the world of Shenting?"

"This is a secret. If you ask others, they may not know it. My master told me about this matter. At the beginning, several overlord-level forces in our Shenting were fighting among themselves and involved countless forces. Someone actually introduced a more powerful foreign force from outside.

As a result, the other party used this to invade, and the method was particularly evil and weird.

They would actually cultivate special leylines to counterattack the origin of the world.

According to common sense, the veins of the earth are the blood vessels of the world. If the blood vessels mutate, what good can the world do?

In addition, at that time, the big bosses of several major forces were still fighting among themselves, destroying many leylines in the world, which also made Shenting itself unable to bear it.So it fell apart.Send out all the forces and creatures that hinder its survival. "

Cough, cough, Tong Tianxing looked at him in shock.Then lowered his voice and asked, "Isn't our world unconscious?"

"Well, when it collapsed and sent away many regions, including the former Dojo of Absolute Beginning, it was not without cost, and its ignorance with a bit of spiritual consciousness also collapsed. The world is gone His own consciousness gradually quieted down.

It was angry at the beginning, but it caused us a lot of harm. The place where our mountain gate is now was moved here later.Our original mountain gate is still a sea of ​​poisonous magma. "

"It's so scary. From this point of view, it's better not to have consciousness in the world." Tong Tianxing said.

"Hahaha, the chance of the birth of consciousness in the world is only one in a billion. And as long as it is managed well, if you don't take the initiative to help it enhance its consciousness, it will give birth to some ignorant spirituality. It wants to truly own itself. Consciousness still needs to continue to evolve for I don't know how many billions of years are enough." The old lady said. "As for its change more than [-] years ago, it was more of a crisis response.

It's just that its reaction was a little more intense. "

Tong Tianxing still doesn't understand. "Is that right?"

"When you come to my realm and have a better understanding of the world and the universe, you will understand how difficult it is for our world to have a unified consciousness." The old lady said.

Tong Tianxing nodded yes.

"Since you're back, tell me, why don't you want to manage the general affairs of our lineage? Is it really because of the need for a breakthrough in cultivation?" the old lady asked again.

Tong Tianxing took out a congenitally mutated water elf.

"It's really the reason why the cultivation base needs a breakthrough, because I can't wait any longer. You see, I got this when I went down this time. After getting it, I feel that I have the best breakthrough and the best opportunity. If I don't make a breakthrough this time, I think there will be many twists and turns if I try to make a breakthrough in the future." Practitioners have some psychic reactions to luck and the future.Tong Tianxing felt that he could do it, then he really could.

The old lady sighed and said, "You are so lucky. You went down and got a congenital elf to come up. Anyway, I agree with you to break through. It's just the person who takes over from you... I'm going to have a headache again .”

Tong Tianxing tried his best to apologize.

"Oh, I wanted you to persist for another two years before breaking through." The old lady said. "In our lineage, it will take at least a year to break through to your current state the fastest. Others are busy, and even if they break through to your current state, it will be difficult to take on the big task."

The old lady looks like a person who has no successors.Tong Tianxing pretended to listen carefully, but in fact he didn't care at all.Their lineage is not really unavailable, it's just that some people around the old lady are not willing to let go of their circle of power and insist on crowding out some people.

In addition to practicing, the old lady listened to their instigation every day and didn't know the outside situation at all, so she felt that no one could use her connections.

Besides, he didn't want to continue to wait for the two Jiazi. If he could break through, if he was suppressed not to break through, his future potential would be underestimated after a long time, and the sect would no longer favor him.This is not what Tong Tianxing wants to see.

But if he breaks through the realm of Yan Dao, then he can completely look up to the realm of the old lady. If he breaks through to the realm of the old lady, then he can completely re-open the line. Tired of crooked old guys chattering?

"Then who do you think is better to take over your job?" the old lady asked.

"Wei Mu."

"Wei Mu!" In fact, this is the name that the old lady hears the most these days, and everyone around her recommends this name to play.Tell him how good he is. "Do you think he can do well?"

"Junior Brother Wei is very capable and very popular in our lineage, I know that. But if you say whether he can just do well, I can't help it. After all, when I went up, I didn't know what to do. .”

Ahhh, hahaha.The old lady laughed loudly, "You hozen, you have come to make me laugh again. When you were in power, everyone agreed. Qiqi has said good things about you."

Tong Tianxing immediately said with a bitter face, "But not long after, the elders all changed their faces and scolded me."

"You were young at the beginning, and you were a little reckless in doing things, but you have experienced it now." The old lady recalled.

"When I was in office, everyone said I could do it. I thought I was really good at it, but the reality hit me in the face. I re-examined myself and got your full support to gain a firm foothold."

Damn it, when he was in power, those old guys kept putting high hats on him by means of flattery to make a good reputation, just for fear that he would ruthlessly take away those interests that should not continue to be controlled by them.

However, if he wants to adjust the entire vein system, it is impossible to move those profit cakes that were taken away for no reason. Later, he shamelessly sorted out the entire vein system, and those guys immediately went to Where can the old lady complain.

Fortunately, his personal charm is boundless, and the old lady especially trusts him.So he safely survived the criticism in his own lineage, and sat firmly in the position of general affairs manager.

(End of this chapter)

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