Chapter 954
Not long after Chu Shinian's order was issued, Chu Zilan started the matter.

In the beginning, the black market secretly started in the big cities and prominent islands under the rule of the Chu family, and gradually spread to the cities and towns of the Chu family.Large and small black markets and auctions have appeared one after another. Since then, the black market and the small-scale secret trading meetings regularly held by various organizations have become the main battlefield of the Chu family's underground transactions.

In the black market somewhere in the Xiongshan Mountains, at midnight, the black market begins.

"What is this?" A black-robed monk with a yellow monkey mask asked, pointing to an orchid emitting a pale white light on a certain booth.

"It's called Miao Yelan. Go back and find a pharmacist to refine it. It's a top-quality aphrodisiac. Such an orchid can be refined into a hundred vials at a time." The stall owner explained in a mysteriously low voice.

A monk with a monkey mask suddenly became interested, "Is this kind of thing useful for monks?"

"Just kidding, this kind of thing is for monks. How can ordinary people dare to eat this kind of thing?" The stall owner looked at the monkey monk with a look of fuss.

"Then how many spirit stones do you sell for this orchid?"

"Eight hundred."

"Too black-hearted, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Don't go, or I'll sell you 760."


"Your bargaining is too ruthless. I have never seen you bargain like this. I won't sell it, I won't sell it. You can go."

"Don't, don't, I really want to buy it. How about four hundred?"

"Nothing, at least 660 yuan."

"550 spirit stones can't be more."

"It's only 600 yuan. If you want it, you can pay it. If you don't want it, you can go shopping."

"That's fine."

When the monkey guest left, a boy wearing a black snake mask came over with a pot of orchids that were exactly the same.The stall owner directly asked the boy to lower his voice and said to him, "The monk just now seems to be from the upper realm."

"Got it. I'll pass the news back."

"Be careful."


Chu Zilan, who opened the black market and obtained the supervision rights of various secret meetings, has played his previous tricks again.All kinds of dark news kept coming to him, until they were faintly integrated into the dark guard system.

Sometimes the news is faster than the news received by the dark guard himself.


Chu Shinian and Taohua returned to the family, and dealt with the family's various urgent matters again, only to realize that during the time they were concentrating on treasure hunting, the Yun'an Continent could be said to be full of wind and clouds.Taking advantage of the fact that the elites of the major forces in the mainland life world ran to hunt for treasures, the hidden forces that originally hid in dark corners jumped out one by one, treasure hunters hunted for treasures, murderers killed people.There are actually hunting and killing against the forces of the upper realm!
Taohua can only give these guys a thumbs up.Ox!
However, based on her previous life experience, these guys all died in the end.They are among the native monks in the lower realm, the first to jump out and start fighting against the forces of the upper realm, but the earliest generally represent early cooldown!
"Taohua, although our family's territory has expanded, it has not changed the current situation that the family territory is sealed off on all sides and there is no room for development." Chu Shinian said seriously, carefully studying the map and the latest information.

Peach nodded.

"Look to the west of us are the Wanji Mountains and a small piece of the Great Northwest Wilderness, as well as the new land we finally opened up. The land there has not yet been completely stabilized, and the land veins and spiritual veins are still changing and evolving.

Not to mention the north, it was all taken by Xichang Kingdom.The east side is also blocked by Xichang people and Yao country.They also restrict the flow of information and resources to us.The checkpoints are extremely tightly blocked, and the merchants involved can only choose to sneak into our place.

If things go on like this, it will be very detrimental to our family.

Manmian, our family's territory has completely swallowed the Xiongshan mountain system.The Xiongshan mountain system has become an important branch of our family's third-order peak spiritual vein.The Nanzhao Mountains bordering us today.The Nanzhao Mountains are more than ten times larger than the Xiongshan Mountains in our home.

There are too many groups of monsters in the mountain, and because all the groups of monsters that have fallen in Xiongshan have migrated there, they are very jealous, wary and hostile towards us.

They are also blocking us and not allowing our men to pass and explore the Nanzhao Mountains.

We are really besieged on all sides now, everyone is shouting and beating. "

Taohua nodded, "Our family is very powerful now, and our backing is also strong. Although we are short of manpower, we can still raise and have children. But if all the forces on the mainland unite to exclude us and not take us to play, then it will really come to us in the future. When the family wants to come forward to participate in some important events on the mainland, it is afraid that it will be useless.

People will jointly ignore and boycott us. "

"Then what do you think we should do?" Chu Shinian asked with some doubts.

"It's over if you are strong. As long as you are strong enough, our family is strong enough. Who dares to block us easily? Then he is really tired of his job. Send someone to help him change his head. Seriously reflect on it. What's the end!
In fact, since you became Tong Tianxing's direct disciple, you don't have to give face to anyone except Tong Jian and Tong Rui.In fact, when necessary, you don't even need to give Tong Rui face.In fact, in a super-large sect like the Guanghan Sword Sect, the more sharp you are, the safer we will be.If you develop in a low-key way, the more despicable we will be stepped on.Because you are Tong Tianxing's disciple.

So you have no way out except to go forward indomitably.

It's more difficult for you.

I will support you, and the family will support you. "

"It doesn't matter whether the family supports me or not. I just need you to support me. Anyway, I won't always take care of the family. When the right opportunity comes, we will let others take care of it."

Tao Hua laughed directly after hearing this, "You are really good at talking, why do I feel elated when I hear it?"

Chu Shinian narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, and slightly curled the corners of his mouth, "I'll tell you as much as you like to hear. This is the true feeling in my heart."

Taohua immediately felt embarrassed, this guy actually learned how to tease her.

"Hurry up and go to your official business. By the way, let's take a tour of the lower immortal guards. Let them take the initiative to attack and beat up the neighbors around us who know how to brag and talk big."

Chu Shinian smiled helplessly and went to work.

"By the way, when you come back, go directly to your parents' side. I'll go there later. Brother Chun has been left there for a few days. If we don't go, I think he's going to have a mess." Tao Hua said when he was about to leave. remind him.

Chu Shinian suddenly thought of his particularly lively eldest son, and had a headache!

During dinner, when Brother Chun saw Chu Shinian, he cried so loudly! !
 The author's other author number Qin Rilan's new book "The Taoist Lord Is A Little Salty" has been uploaded, and those who like it can go to add a favorite, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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