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Finally seeing his own father again, Brother Chun completely burst out his grievances.

Tao Hua looked at Chu Shinian who was at a loss and said with a low smile, "He's been crying for a while now, this time he won't have the energy to cry anymore."

Chu Shinian coaxed his eldest son dumbfounded.

"Ah, ah, daddy... daddy..." Brother Chun was so anxious that he called daddy.

Chu Shinian lost his composure in an instant, "What's your name? Are you calling you Daddy? Brother Chun, Brother Chun, are you calling Daddy?"

"My God, Brother Chun actually spoke. It's really amazing." Tao Hua was also taken aback.Just why did you call him Daddy first?
"Father...Father..." Brother Chun yelled, stuttering.

"I'm really calling you Daddy. Brother Chun, you are so wonderful. Daddy is so happy. You are such a good boy." Chu Shinian hugged his son and kissed him hard.

"It's not normal to be called father. He will be one year old in one month. You two are also stupid. Could it be that you have forgotten this?" Chu Qi said speechlessly to these two novice parents. "On your sister's side, brother Xian will be called father and mother when he is more than nine months old."

"It's okay, it's not a problem to talk late." Tao Hua said indifferently.

"No, you brothers and sisters talk at different times. When you grow up, not all of you are watery." Chu Dashan nodded in approval. "My eldest brother and I, as well as the third and fourth children, spoke at different times when we were young.

Speaking of which, the third child spoke two months earlier than the fifth child. He was the first among us brothers to speak, but my father still favors the fifth child and despises him desperately.As parents, you must treat each other equally, and you cannot do such immoral things. "

"Father and mother, from what you said, how can my son feel bad?" Taohua thought that her son was good in everything, and he was cute when he was naughty.

Chu Shiniankai was immersed in the joy of the baby calling him daddy, and couldn't help but hug his son.

Seeing his blank look, Chu Dashan was speechless.He was very emotional, and he probably felt the same way back then.

"It is said that this year is the 14th year of Yuanwu, but they all say that the Great Song Dynasty has perished. It seems not good for us to use Yuanwu to count the years. It seems that we are still loyal to the Zhao royal family. These days, There are always old people who come to me and say that they want me to tell you, is it necessary for our Chu family to establish a country and establish a reign name?
what do y'all think? "

"I didn't expect that they would all set their minds on you, Dad." Taohua complained speechlessly. "Before, I rejected their idea of ​​establishing a country and establishing an independent reign. The main reason is that our family looks strong, but in fact there are many crises, and it is not suitable to form a small court with the family as the main body.

For one thing, we don't have enough talents to set up a complete bureaucratic system.Second, once they serve as bureaucrats with various real powers, they will devote most of their minds to infighting and corruption.We need the current family members to focus on cultivation.Those who can cultivate, everyone should be diligent and run upwards.Without high-level monks, any family has only one way to perish. "

"Hey, Taohua, you and Shi Nian are right, but have you considered that the family has risen for more than ten years, except for those who are talented, in fact, most of them have exhausted their potential.

Let’s just talk about your father and me, your mother and I are almost the life of Jin Dan, it’s still for your sake, we overestimated it.In fact, I have feelings for your mother, and our purple mansion is almost the same. "

After all, Taohua's parents practiced much later.They can't see it at the beginning of the cultivation stage, but as they get to the end, they can feel more powerless.Potential is indeed somewhat exhausted.

"Father and mother, you don't need to think about that. What potential is exhausted? We have harvested a large amount of earth spirit milk this time. It is enough for you to make up for the potential you lost in the past. If you lack potential, just eat a few more bottles. "Peach Blossom said.

Chu Dashan was stunned.

Chu Qi was also taken aback.

"Father and mother, we are born in this era of spiritual revival, and we will encounter all kinds of incredible things. Therefore, you should not believe that your potential is exhausted and irreparable. It is just that some people give themselves slack It's just an excuse for cultivation.

Some people are born ambitious. Occupying high positions and stealing power are their hobbies. You don't need to pay attention to their demagogic rhetoric. "

Taohua has been the head of the family for many years, and she still doesn't know how some people fight for power.These fellows in the side branch are still active and covert, but the elders of the direct line were the ones who were arrogant, pointing at her nose and scolding her as the hen Sichen.

She gave them too much face back then, and she was really embarrassed to let them die.Of course, she is also to blame. Who made her have a weak sense of belonging to the family since she was a child, and if it weren't for the elders threatening her, she might not have played with the Chu family.

Speaking of which, if she hadn't insisted on playing with the Chu family, she would have developed a small power by herself, and she could actually do well.

"Taohua, you will discuss with Shi Nian more when you encounter problems in the future. How can I listen to you as if you are the head of the family?"

Taohua stared at her mother speechlessly, "Mother, which side do you occupy? Me or your son-in-law Chu Shinian?"

Chu Qi smiled beautifully while clutching her handkerchief. "I was in Chu Shinian. How can a daughter be as filial as a son-in-law. Tell me how many times you have come back to see me since you married. You might as well bring things to see me and your father when Chu Shinian is free. Years, every time I come back from business trips, I come to see us."

Taohua immediately went to see Chu Shinian, and the new guy actually secretly went to check my parents' favorability behind my back?

Chu Shinian laughed awkwardly.Hurry up and slip away with the eldest son.

Chu Qi was extremely speechless, seeing her daughter frighten her son-in-law?
"Be nice to Shi Nian in the future."

Taohua: What's wrong with me?
Looking back, Tao Hua grabbed Chu Shinian at night, "Why did I treat you badly?"

"It's nothing." Chu Shinian, who was lying on the bed with his long hair loose, let his wife threaten him with a smile on his face. "Brother Chun called me Daddy today."

Well, this guy isn't done having fun yet.

"I'm so happy." It seems that he was abandoned in childhood, and the loneliness of being left behind is completely gone forever.Chu Shinian never told anyone about it. His parents felt that he had been cold-hearted and emotionless since he was a child. It was just that he was a little slow to react at that time. He didn't know how to accept his parents' love and how to give feedback. That's all.

If they are persisting, persisting, maybe he can love them like normal children.

(End of this chapter)

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