The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 956 Placement of Harvest Treasures

Chapter 956 Placement of Harvest Treasures

Of course, if there is no parental relationship, there is no parental relationship. Since he was abandoned when he was four years old, he didn't count on them.

When Chu Shinian woke up early in the morning, he ran to the small bed where his son was sleeping, touched his fleshy little hands, and then stared at him.

The little guy always felt something was wrong when he fell asleep, and moved uneasily.It's like a fleshy little bug.

"You'll wake up if you look at him again." Taohua walked over speechlessly, and pulled her husband away. "Little Magic Star should be quiet when he is asleep."

"Actually, Brother Chun just loves to play and make trouble." Before Chu Shinian left, he looked back at him.

"Thank you, you don't need to save him face, just remove that point." Tao Hua said speechlessly. "I heard that the elder brother Xian from my sister's family is sensible and smart. Even the little girl from the third elder brother's family has a good temper. She won't cry with the third sister-in-law easily, and is happy all day long."

Her third sister-in-law Wei Lingshuang is beautiful, and her baby is also pink and cute. Unfortunately, the little baby is not in good health and often gets sick. The third brother and third sister-in-law are often shocked.So their babies are rarely taken out to play.

When my little thing was fostered at my grandfather's house, my mother didn't dare to let Brother Chun come to the little girl's side.

In case someone bumps into her, will the third daughter-in-law be happy in her heart?

"The little girl from your third brother's family is not in good health, is it because of your third sister-in-law?" Chu Shinian asked.

"You mean?"

"Is she from the sea people?" Chu Shinian met Wei Lingshuang a few times, but he didn't realize it before, but later he met too many people from the bottom of the sea, so he vaguely had new guesses about her identity.

"I guess she didn't want to hide us for a long time. After all, there are more and more human races coming out of the sea. It is said that many of the farmers recruited on our island and the big and small employees in the workshop are from the sea. down.

It is estimated that the characteristics of the people under the sea cannot be concealed. "

The skin of the seabed humans is particularly prone to dryness and cracking, so they always add a lot of fresh water and eat a lot of salt.

Although it is not obvious, people who are more careful can still see something strange.

The people living under the sea are difficult to survive, so they are generally tough in nature. Even if they go to the big islands, most of them join the army or join hunting teams everywhere.Most of the farmers and workshop workers are old people and women.

"Yeah, no matter whether she continues to hide the fact that she is a seaman or not, she and your third brother are two real human beings. After all, they have been separated for many generations. The sea people are different from us on land. The difference in blood is also a matter of course. So your third brother probably knows the reason why his daughter's body bones are weak." Chu Shinian said. "If we intermarry with humans in the upper world, will the children we give birth be abnormal?"

Tao Hua was taken aback. Before Chu Shinian said it, she really hadn't thought about it.But thinking about it carefully, no matter whether it was herself or other human beings who married with the upper world in the previous life, it seemed that few had children and were born normally.It's either a direct abortion, or it doesn't grow up at all.And the most common is infertility.

Is the difference in bloodlines the root cause of these incidents?

"I don't know if this physical defect will affect her future marriage and children when the little girl grows up?" Tao Hua frowned slightly.After all, his own niece.

"Why wait until the future, let the pharmacists study more potions in this area. With more and more monks in the lower realm, intermarriage between the two realms will inevitably become common in the future. Let the pharmacists research the potions to solve the problem in advance, It’s better than finding the anomaly and feeling the pain, and then making up for it.”

"Oh, you're right. It's better to have you, I haven't thought about this." Taohua praised her husband.

Chu Shinian smiled and said, "Get it back in your mind and take such trivial things to heart."

Manpower is sometimes exhausted, and the way of heaven is lacking. This is true for both human beings and heaven, so why seek perfection.

"It's slow to study the elixirs and medicines here. Later, you write to Tong Rui to ask if there are any similar medicines. It is said that they have integrated many worlds in the upper world. I don't believe they haven't encountered similar problems." Taohua thought for a while. Think, laughed.

Chu Shinian burst out laughing when he heard this. "That's a good idea."

"By the way, we have obtained a lot of good things from many expeditions, such as Gengjin, Xiguang wheat seeds and purple prison thunder rice seeds, insect lotus seeds, ancient crocodile eggs, innate elves, and primitive yin and yang essences.

I think Gengjin can create a group of magic soldiers for the masters of the family, and let everyone choose what weapons to build.

As for the congenital elves, there are two, both of which were drawn back when pumping water.In fact, at the beginning, I also thought that no matter whether there was any, I would take it away first and then talk about it, but it turned out that there was.

There are four primordial yin and yang essences.

My idea is to give it to Xiaodongtian in two ways to promote its development, and send it to the heavy treasure Taiyin Stone Pagoda in my hand in two ways.It also promotes the birth of a real cave world.

Whether it is a small cave or a small world, after absorbing the original yin-yang essence, the world begins to evolve, and it is very likely that the original yin-yang essence will be born again, and a new innate yin-yang essence will be born again.This kind of treasure, just take it away as a spare later. "

"The Taiyin Stone Pagoda is a companion treasure, right?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Yes." Taohua nodded. "Because it is a companion treasure, it is more troublesome, so I haven't mentioned it to you before."

"Try not to mention it to me in the future." Chu Shinian said seriously. "If you mention it too much, it will be easy to be predicted by the big monks outside."

"Yeah, I'll pay attention in the future." Tao Hua quickly responded.This is a trouble, the external forces have never stopped collecting all kinds of treasures in the world, and the collection is quite bloody.

"The last time it was under our family's rule, all the more than 600 members of that family were tortured and killed. It was because their family was speculated that there was a companion treasure! It was in Changyang City. We investigated the murderer that time, and we collected it several times. The warning and obstruction from the forces of the upper realm almost made me dispatch the Youxianwei army." Chu Shinian still remembers the massacre two years ago, it is really disgusting.Killing is nothing more than a nod, those guys actually tortured and killed the whole family, which made Chu Shinian realize that the people in the upper realm did not regard them as human beings at all, and also realized their paranoid pursuit of companion treasures.

"The companion treasure seems to be too important to them?" Chu Shinian said with a frown.He thought about it many times, but he didn't understand the reason.

Taohua had never been to the Great World of Shenting in her previous life, and she didn't understand why the accompanying treasures from the lower realm were so popular in the upper realm!
(End of this chapter)

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