The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 958 Breeding Space

Chapter 958 Breeding Space
Hahaha, nonsense.Wei Fanyu didn't believe it at all, thinking that Chu Shinian was just making a good excuse.

In fact, Chu Shinian really learned from his son, his brother Chun is a clever little ghost.I want to rely on his mother to hold her neck and howl, hold her neck and howl, fake cry, real cry, yell, stare at his mother with angry eyes... all kinds of expressions that change flowers, dear mother, you You can't go, you can only stay.If you leave, I'll be really upset.

Compared to Brother Chun, Chu Shinian once thought he had a fake childhood.

He remembers too early, almost from the time he was born, he remembers what happened every day.

Brother Chun also seems to have a very early memory. A maid at home accidentally burned his little hand. Whenever that maid approached him, Brother Chun would howl, scream, and beat people very vigilantly.

Brother Chun was only three months old when he was burned, and his little hands were only slightly reddened.But Brother Chun not only remembers his face, but also his voice.As long as she makes a sound, even if she is not in front of him, but outside the house, he can howl for a while.

For this matter, Aunt Zheng, who was in charge of the courtyard, directly transferred the little maid to another courtyard.

If he had experienced such a thing when he was a child, he would probably start to be wary of the people around him, but Brother Chun didn't. Once the little maid left, he kissed this one and played with that one again, acting cute with all kinds of trust, Don't want to be in a bright mood, there is no haze at all.

Chu Shinian also talked with his wife about the child's personality. Chu Shinian remembered that Taohua thought about it at the beginning and said, "Probably because his parents are by his side, he feels particularly secure. What is he afraid of? Whoever bullies him, he will go back." report to the family."

Chu Shinian thought about it for a while, and it was true, the villain knew that he would file a complaint.

"Master Wei, just tell me what you want from me," Chu Shinian said.

"Someone wants to establish a country, let me ask your opinion." Wei Fanyu said.

Chu Shinian pondered for a moment and said, "Who wants to be emperor?"

Hearing this, Wei Fanyu thumped his thigh and laughed loudly, "I knew you boy never wanted to be an emperor."

Chu Shinian was speechless: Isn't it good to see it for a long time?What kind of emperor?
"I'm not here to test you. I just think they are thinking too much. What kind of country is it? Is the family bad? A group of people are idle and have nothing to do, and they just want to seize power and die all day long." Wei Fanyu went crazy spout.

"The Chu family must continue to develop upwards. Because this is the wish of the Patriarch. As long as the patriarch does not give up on the Chu family, the Chu family must make progress every day. Whoever wants to hold back, then he does not need to exist.

Here's the bottom line. "

Chu Shinian's words immediately made Wei Fanyu's expression serious.

"Back then, I could take action so that none of the elders of the direct line could escape. In the future, I will also take action at those guys who are idle and want to die."

Chu Shinian's words made Wei Fanyu's expression more serious.

"Master Wei, don't get too involved in this matter. The family is not suitable and always hides pustules. Since they want to die, let them send it out. It's better to clean it up at once."

"They're all clansmen." Wei Fanyu glanced at him.

"The entire Chu family now has a registered population of more than 59. After some unsuitable old people die, they can just vacate positions and benefits for the new generation. The Chu family, a new small family, can only forge ahead. Anyone who is out of sync with us No matter who he is or what contribution he has made to the family, he should die."

Wei Fanyu's expression changed slightly.

It took him a long time before he said, "Some people are irreversible. What happens to them depends on your will, the commander. Others are purely confused and bewitched by others. I think we can give them a hand.

At least give them a peaceful old age. "

"Jade Rabbit Island is relatively large, so it's okay to spend your old age there." Chu Shinian looked deeply at Wei Fanyu, and said slowly.

"Okay." Wei Fanyu thought for a while, the place on Jade Rabbit Island is really good. "Is there really a living soil in the underground there? I heard that many upper realm forces are very interested in Jade Rabbit Island."

"It's not a real Xi Soil, but it's also considered a treasure of the soil type. Its characteristics are somewhat similar to Xi Soil. It can be regarded as a mutated Xi Soil." Chu Shinian said.

"As expected, many of those upper realm forces have gone to Yutu Island." Wei Fanyu looked at Chu Shinian and said.

"There are always people who think I'm a soft persimmon." Chu Shinian said, "It's time to wake them up."

When he said this, Wei Fanyu knew that the other party had already made arrangements.

"I called you here because I wanted to ask about Jianguo. Since you know what's in your mind, I'm leaving." Wei Fanyu said goodbye and left, but instead of leaving, he ran to the next room and called out. A table of delicious food, and then eat.

Chu Shinian stood at the door speechlessly watching him eat and drink.

"You called me anyway?"

"Forget it, I'm afraid of indigestion when I'm eating with you. Hurry up and go, I want to enjoy the delicious food by myself." Wei Fanyu ate and drank, and waved Chu Shinian to leave quickly.

Chu Shinian: "..."

After Chu Shinian had completely left, he said to himself at the door, "I hope my old brothers can start well and end well."

Tao Hua sat at home and began to tidy up the Taiyin Stone Pagoda.

This small tower has taken on the big task of storing various items that Taohua has hoarded since the previous life.The nine-story small tower space is almost full now.The nine-story space of the small tower is the kind of inanimate space that can only store things and cannot be planted or cultivated.

The first floor has the largest space, and the ninth floor has the smallest space.

Taohua thought about it, and moved all the things in the ninth floor to the eighth and seventh floors.

Then she first took out the innate water elf and put it into the space.

At first, the little stone tower didn't react at all, and the elf also lay stupidly on the ground of the space, motionless.

But after about a cup of tea, the ninth floor space suddenly moved.After a burst of invisible spatial fluctuations, the elf completely disappeared.Immediately afterwards, the ninth floor space squirmed slightly, as if something was conceiving.

Spirit stones and spars of various attributes in the stone pagoda suddenly flew towards the ninth floor one after another.

Taohua hurriedly used her mind to stop the movement of Lingshi and Jingshi.What a joke, that is her family reserve.

Crystal stones and spirit stones cannot enter the ninth-floor space, and Shita immediately sent a message to Taohua that it needs energy and treasure breeding space.

Taohua directly threw a small bag of egg-yellow soil particles that she had secretly collected and refined from Yutu Island into the ninth floor space.

(End of this chapter)

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