The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 959 West Loess

Chapter 959 West Loess

Yutu Island has been growing out of the bottom of the sea all the time, and the island grows bigger and bigger.The news that the ground of Yutu Island contains earth-type spiritual treasures similar to the soil, spread farther and farther.

Many people went to the island to investigate the truth.

Many people have also collected some abnormal soil particles, which are the reason why Yutu Island keeps growing.

It is a kind of mutated soil spirit treasure, called West Loess. It is not as powerful as the soil, but it still has a very big role in promoting the growth and development of various spiritual plants.Moreover, it can also continuously condense the aura of the soil attribute, creating soil that can multiply spiritual plants and spiritual things.

There is not so much west loess on Yutu Island and the nearby seabed, but there are also many.They are constantly attracted by the basic array arranged on Yutu Island, and they gather on Yutu Island, causing Yutu Island to continue to grow by itself.

If left alone, after thousands of years, perhaps a new continent will be able to grow here.

However, since the discovery of the West Loess, many forces have come to investigate whether there is a West Loess Spirit Mine here. Of course, it would be nice if they could steal some of the West Loess along the way.

It's a pity that the Chu family guards you very strictly, no matter where you come from.What kind of power is it from the upper realm, as long as you are found stealing the West Loess, you will definitely detain people and things.

If he resists and refuses to listen, he will be killed directly.

The small bag of West Loess that Taohua had just thrown into the ninth-floor space was the spoils of war against illegal mining.

That small bag didn't look like much, but it actually weighed three to four hundred catties.The western loess is very heavy, and a grain the size of a soybean can weigh half a catty.

As soon as the baby in the bag entered the ninth floor, the spatial fluctuations over there stopped for an instant, and then the fluctuations reappeared, this time taking away the West Loess.And in the center of the nine-story space, something seems to be accelerating.

After devouring a whole bag of West Loess, the Taiyin Stone Pagoda was still not satisfied, and continued to send messages to Taohua: more, more treasures and energy to evolve the space.

Taohua was speechless, and simply sent her thoughts back to the Taiyin Stone Pagoda: the space does not need to be too large, slightly larger than the original ninth floor, as long as it can grow and raise living things.

Originally, the ninth floor of the Taiyin Stone Pagoda only had a space of one hundred steps horizontally and vertically.It is indeed a little too small.

The Taiyin Stone Pagoda continues to ask for: Lingshi, spar, and energy.

Unlike Xiaopang, the spirit of Lingmai, who is clever and intelligent, the Taiyin Stone Pagoda is relatively dull.It needs a lot of resources and energy to evolve the space on the ninth floor, so it keeps begging for peach blossoms.

Tao Hua: "..." If you don't give it a guess, you won't be able to sleep tonight.

Taohua thought about it carefully, and finally gave Xiaoshita a million spirit stones and 60 five-element special crystals.

After swallowing so much energy, a small mysterious blue space was vaguely bred in the ninth floor.The ground is black fertile soil, the sky is blue, and there is a spring in the center of the small space.The clear spring water keeps coming out of the spring, forming a small puddle, and then flows along the low-lying place to a larger puddle in the east of the space.

Although the small space appeared, the Taiyin Stone Pagoda did not tell Taohua that it was successfully conceived.

Taohua communicated with Shita again: "I think your small space has already taken shape, why don't you integrate it with the ninth floor?"

Stone Tower: There is no success in breeding, and the life space lacks rules.

"What rules are missing?" Taohua asked.

Stone tower: original yin and yang essence.

Taohua suddenly realized that it was like this.She wondered why the Taiyin Stone Pagoda was so obedient this time, let it breed the evolution space, and it did it.It turned out that he was focusing on the original yin and yang essence.

Taohua quickly sent the two original yin and yang essences stored on the fifth floor to the ninth floor.

The Taiyin Stone Pagoda stopped once again, and then directly disconnected from Taohua, and bounced back her strand of soul.After that, the Taiyin Stone Pagoda was directly closed.No matter how much Taohua contacted it, there was no news.

Only Taohua looked outside and saw that the little tower on the table, which was only as tall as a thumb, had actually grown, from the height of the thumb to the height of the index finger.

The various mysterious lines on its body are also increasing a little bit.

This change lasted for nearly six hours.It was not until late at night that the changes in the Taiyin Stone Pagoda stopped.But as it stopped changing, its size shrank back to thumb height again.

Taohua didn't care much about it, and waited until the next day to arrange her son and send her husband out, Taohua returned to the room and began to communicate with the Taiyin Stone Pagoda.

This time the Taiyin Stone Pagoda did not reject her.

As soon as Taohua's spiritual sense entered the Taiyin Stone Pagoda, she felt that the Taiyin Stone Pagoda was a little different. Although the pagoda was still the same, Taohua still felt abnormal, but the biggest change was that it was more compatible with Taohua's spirit.

Taohua felt that her control over the Taiyin Stone Pagoda had deepened again.

The other eight floors of the stone tower are still the same, but the ninth floor has completely become a small living space.This small space is only about one hundred and ten square meters in size. There is only black soil and no other terrain. There are two large and small puddles, one in the center and the other on the east edge.A mouthful of clear spring water, the water flow is only as thick as a baby's fist, gurgling unrefinedly.

On the blue sky, there are two apple-sized small suns and small moons dotted.

"Why is it so small?" Tao Hua looked at the sky in the small space with some surprise.

Shita: That's it, your space is small, where is the sun and the sun?

Taohua was speechless for a moment, thinking why didn't she know there was such a saying?
"Then can this small space still grow?" Taohua asked.

The stone tower immediately responded: a large amount of energy and treasure fusion.

Taohua immediately realized that she had to continue to invest.But for the time being, such a small space is enough. "This small space eats two primitive yin and yang essences, but still eats so many spirit stones and special crystals, a large amount of earth-type spirit treasure Xihuangtu, and an innate elf. Does it have any special attributes?"

Stone Tower: Life Small Space Attribute: Harvest, all kinds of spiritual plants planted will increase the harvest by [-]%.Attribute: Healthy spring, which can regenerate withered spiritual plants.Drinking by humans can eliminate hidden wounds and poisonous wounds, activate life potential, and rejuvenate people.

After Taohua saw it, she was overjoyed. "The investment of two primordial yin and yang essences this time is really not in vain. The small life space created by the Taiyin Stone Pagoda is indeed a space with special attributes, and the activated special attributes are actually quite good."

In the future, when she has more babies, she can continue to integrate into the small life space of the Taiyin Stone Pagoda. At that time, the special attributes of the small space may also be upgraded accordingly.

 The new book "The Taoist Lord is a Little Salty" has been uploaded, please get some recommendation tickets, collect it~~

(End of this chapter)

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