The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 960 Small Cave and Dark Tide

Chapter 960 Small Cave and Dark Tide
Putting away the Taiyin Stone Pagoda, Tao Hua began to think about how to deal with the matter of Xiaodongtian.

No more than the Taiyin Stone Pagoda, you can put it in your own sea of ​​consciousness.Xiaodongtian is stuck there, and it cannot be closed.The blockade is also impossible, even though the Chu family sent heavy troops to garrison near Xiaodongtian.

But there are still people who sneak into the small cave over there to investigate in private.

There are even people who secretly entered various imprints and special items, hoping to take Xiaodongtian as their own in the future.However, there are chubby spirits sitting in Xiaodongtian, and as soon as these things leave, they will be squeezed out and thrown into the Chu army.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about these weird things, the Chu family has already collected a large basket, and now they are stored in Xianyang's large resource library.It's something that's not easy to deal with, and it's not easy to lose face.

The little cave thing has always been coveted.The reason why the Tong family didn't directly ask Chu Shinian for this thing, Tao Hua speculated that there might be several reasons.The first point is that the small cave is really too small.The small cave with only three acres of land can be called the smallest of all kinds of small caves.

It is said that the Guanghan Sword Sect, the old lady of Tong's lineage, went to the cave, which was as big as a continent.Compared with others, my Xiaodongtian is not even a baby.It can only be regarded as an embryo!It has no value at all.

The second point should be the cultivation of the cave, which is too resource-intensive.I heard that the cave of the Supreme Elder of Guanghan Sword Sect has almost exhausted all the resources of their lineage. Even now, the various materials harvested by their lineage are sent to the cave sky over there first.

The Supreme Elder's cave actually does not belong to him completely, but belongs to the entire faction.

Their lineage should not be able to cultivate a second cave.

Therefore, even if his own small cave was discovered, it was abandoned.

The third point is that Taohua feels that it is the feeling of taking care of Chu Shinian. After all, he is the little cave of the future celebrity of the sect. If it is not necessary, why take away his treasure?Even if people can't cultivate them, they can still sell them in exchange for various promotion resources.If they insisted, wouldn't they have become enemies?

Therefore, their own cultivation of Xiaodongtian has to be carefully planned.

Competing with the size of Taishang's cave, that's a fool!But the growth foundation of my own Xiaodongtian is actually the soil system.The majestic air of the earth veins continuously gathers and rushes into the small cave, absorbed by the small cave, and transformed into its own land and various resources.It can be said that if this small cave will give birth to attributes in the future, then this attribute should still be related to the earth element.

So how to plan it?
Taohua decided to think carefully.

When Chu Shinian came back, Taohua hadn't thought about what she was going to plan.But Chu Shinian told Taohua one thing, "Some people are planning to build a country. They plan to unite some people and force you to establish the Chu family's country."

"Why is this so?" Taohua was speechless. "Why is the heart of founding the country so firm?"

"I guess they have thought about being a royal." Chu Shinian narrowed his eyes slightly. "After all, they have seen the majesty of the Zhao royal family before. Although there are many monks in the Chu clan, most of them are young people. For the old people, becoming a royal family and dominating a place can make them feel that they are life. winner.

By the way, those people also contacted your grandfather.Your grandfather has promised to come forward to persuade your father, my father-in-law. "

"My grandfather has been thrown by my father in a small village outside Miryang City for so long, how dare he jump outside?" Tao Hua was puzzled.

"Probably because what they promised was too much for his liking. If the Chu family becomes the royal family and establishes their own country, those people promised that Chu Zheng will be the servant of the household department." Chu Shinian said with a smile.

Taohua was speechless. From Chu Shinian's words, she knew that the hidden guards had been on the move, silently watching who jumped into the water.

"If it's just some old people with no money and power, I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to force me to establish a country. Is it true that among the monks, the important figures in the branch, or the old people who retired from the hidden guards also think the same way?"

Tao Hua's words made Chu Shinian smile slightly. "That's right, you guessed it again. They have not been in touch with the crisis in the clan for a long time, and they always see the flowers of the Chu family. It is inevitable that they are a little impetuous. Besides, the Great Song Dynasty is not dead, and now the small courts everywhere are special. Many, on the one hand, they want to bring the Chu family closer, and on the other hand, they also hope that the Chu family can expand its territory and occupy a large area like the Song Dynasty."

"The Zhao family of the Song Dynasty also worked hard at the beginning, united internally and externally, and paid the price of marriages of many princesses. It took more than 100 years of continuous wars to achieve the unification of the Song Dynasty. From the rise of the Zhao family to the official establishment of the Song Dynasty, Zhao The family has devoted more than [-] years and the unremitting struggle of seven generations of patriarchs.

Only after five generations of patriarchs died in battle and violently did they achieve this achievement.I really don't know what they think, maybe they think that the Chu family can do whatever they want as they become a monk family.The Great Song Dynasty has collapsed, but which of the small imperial courts that are standing up now is not supported by someone? "

During the rising period of a dynasty, many forces only saw it sweeping all directions and suppressing the surnames, but they didn't think about how many sacrifices they made and how much they paid in the process of rising.

"It's just an obsession." Chu Shinian made a summary evaluation for them.

"The establishment of the National Congress has divided the luck of the Chu family. After all, the founding of the country needs to cast altars and cultivate things that suppress the luck. After the founding of the country, they will have a population advantage. Splitting the luck will have a great impact on the entire family. I can't allow this. , the Chu family must continue to rise and develop. If they insist on fighting against me, then I will have to deal with it." Taohua said with a sinking face.

The Chu family has a population of 60 million, plus the affiliated families and the people under the rule, and now has a population of nearly [-] million.

With such a huge population and territory, the Chu Clan has only one or two hundred people who are really powerful.

This simply squeezes the entire authority to its limit.

Compared with the high-level bureaucratic system of the Song Dynasty, which cost tens of thousands, the Chu family is simply extremely crude.

It's because there are too few positions, so those who can't occupy the position and get the benefits of real power are so envious and jealous!
The problem is that if they want a position, they need the consent of the Patriarch.

But the Patriarch of the Chu family, known as the Black Widow by the outside world, killed the elders in power in the direct line. If it is really not easy for her to establish a country, would they dare to warn her?
Taohua's face was gloomy and she fell into deep thought, maybe she can really see what tricks they have?
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(End of this chapter)

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