Chapter 962

In the early morning of the second day, Chu Zilan walked into Chu Shinian's office with a livid face. Chu Shinian had just finished reviewing an official document. When he raised his head suddenly, he immediately frowned, "Are you being tricked?"

"Yes, what should I do?" Chu Zilan said with a gloomy face.

"Wait." Chu Shinian immediately asked the people around him to find Taohua.

As soon as Taohua entered the door, she saw Chu Zilan sitting on a chair by the window with a bad complexion.

"This is?"

"It was calculated." Chu Shinian approached his wife and said softly. "Show me."

Taohua simply used Qi Tianjian to swipe it, and then revealed that it was so.She took out a gray jade cocoon from the storage ring and gave it to him. "Destroy after learning."

Chu Zilan looked at Yu Yu suspiciously, and then put it on her forehead.As soon as he started reading, he was amused.

Then holding the jade cocoon, he ran away with silly joy.

"Why is that guy so silly?" Tao Hua said speechlessly.

"What cocoon did you give him?" Chu Shinian looked at his wife in astonishment and asked.

"It's that Xu Kun's alchemy." Tao Hua said.

"Ahem, cough, that forbidden technique?" Chu Shinian asked in amazement.

"It's the Jade Cocoon of Cultivation Technique recovered from Jincheng. We may have underestimated the value of this Jincheng at first." Taohua said.

"Isn't that Xukun's god refining technique prone to problems and cultivate demons?" Chu Shinian asked with frowned eyebrows.

"Since the Xukun God Alchemy was created by the mysterious person in Jincheng, a total of 890 three disciples have practiced it, and 130 of them turned into demons in the end. It can be seen that whether they become demons or not has nothing to do with the law. I'm afraid it's a matter of people's hearts." Tao Hua said. "It's just that if you really fall into a demon after practicing this exercise, it will cause more harm. Some unscrupulous people who are eager for quick success and quick benefits will cause great danger if they learn this exercise, but people like them learn other powerful ones. Wouldn't exercises cause harm?

This is like some magic skills, the reason why they become so famous is not themselves, but the people who practice them.Of course, there are also problems with magic skills. "

"You think Zilan can control herself after all?" Chu Shinian asked with his head down.

"Zi Lan is a person who is good at controlling herself." Tao Hua said with approval. "Besides, if something happens, get rid of him."

Xukun's alchemy technique transforms the soul into a spiritual young kun, devours the heavens and the earth, and can swallow all kinds of seals, blockades, brandings, spirits, remnants, and various items that contain spiritual power, etc. , It can also devour all kinds of seizing houses and dividing souls.This mysterious art of alchemy can also use Xu Kun to evolve some secret arts of spiritual attack and defense.

Very miraculous.

Of course, if you practice this mysterious soul art, if you can't control yourself, you will keep thinking about swallowing, and finally swallow yourself into a demon of the soul system.

"Have you checked the things in his Sea of ​​Consciousness space?" Chu Shinian asked.

"After a cursory look, there is no alarm. It should be that there is no skill to control God." Taohua said.

"It's amazing to play with this kind of thing right under our noses. People from the upper realm are indeed very courageous." Chu Shinian said with dark eyes.

"Dare to disrespect Guanghan Jianzong like this, it must come from a different force." Taohua said. "Our understanding of Shenting is not very thorough. This time, we can take the opportunity to find out the details."

Chu Shinian went back and took his magic sword, "I'll make arrangements."

"Then I'll go back first, brother Chun should wake up, if we're not here again, I'm going to cry again." Tao Hua said.As soon as she finished speaking, the loud cry of a baby came from the backyard.

Taohua: I'm just a little short.

Chu Shinian also frowned: Brother Chun's little voice was carved by a magic weapon, right?I can shout too much.

Chu Shinian walked out for most of the day, and when he came back, he came back with Chu Zilan.Chu Zilan's face was full of spring, and when she saw Brother Chun, she happily hugged her and teased her.Brother Chun doesn't reject him, he can hug him any way he likes, but he can't hug him outside the room where his parents are.

"Commander, your Brother Chun really looks like you, he's like your smaller version." Chu Zilan looked at Brother Chun and Chu Shinian at the same time, comparing each other.

Chu Shinian twitched the corners of his mouth feebly, "Brother Chun is still young and hasn't opened his mouth yet."

"But look at this little face, it's just a copy of you."

"Brother Chun does look like his father, the more he grows up, the more he imagines." Tao Hua also echoed. "But brother Chun's temper is not as good as his father's, and I don't know who he has followed. He is very naughty."

There are still many narrow-mindedness, and there will be vengeance.

"Have you solved that problem?" Chu Shinian asked.

"It hasn't been completely resolved yet, but it has a direction." Chu Zilan said confidently. "But at the party I went to yesterday, there were a total of six masked people. Excluding the one who plotted against me, and the one or two people who played the game with him.

In the end, the other two remaining, I'm afraid they are the same as me and don't count.He must have used something to imprint on our souls. Even though we changed clothes, I deliberately used spells to clean up my body, and asked others to cast spells on me to clean up my body, and finally fell asleep. road. "

"Are you worried that more people will fall into their schemes?" Chu Shinian asked.

"I have this idea."

"Then let me teach you a way." Chu Shinian thought for a while, and let Chu Zilan listen to him.The two muttered for a while, and Chu Zilan left excitedly.

While playing with her son, Taohua said to her husband, "Are you planning to startle the snake?"

"The main reason is to try their skills." Chu Shinian smiled.

"Then you arrange it." Tao Hua said, "By the way, let's deal with Jincheng's affairs together tomorrow. It's a bit too crowded. Zhuang Zihan is going crazy."

Ahhh, Chu Shinian nodded.Indeed, dragging Zhuang Zihan all the time was not a problem.

"Find another person to take charge of the excavation at Jincheng?"

"Everyone is busy." Taohua thought for a while, one radish and one pit, there was really no one to use.

"Think about it, if it doesn't work, recruit a few more from the outside again." Chu Shinian said.

Taohua has a headache. "Okay, let me think about it."

Chu Zilan walked out of the commander's mansion and returned to the mansion of the hidden guard system in Xianyang, and secretly let people release the gossip that the master came to inspect the mansion of the dark guard.This news quickly fermented, causing ripples in the dark.

As soon as night fell, a hidden guard with a silver token on his waist walked leisurely into the gate of the dark guard's mansion.

A certain hidden formation above the gate, just after the opponent stepped into the gate, there was a slight fluctuation.

(End of this chapter)

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