The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 963 Forgot to bring an earth escape talisman! ~

Chapter 963 Forgot to Bring an Earth Escape Talisman! ~
A certain dark guard boy, just stepped into the gate, found that the front of him was not a main building, but a long and wide road with high walls on both sides.

He carefully recalled that the buildings here were indeed built in this way.

On both sides of the wide avenue, there is a high gate every other section, and behind the gate is a small branch passage leading to each department.

At a tall iron gate closest to the gate of the secret guard boy, two reserve secret guards, Xiao Maotou, were standing guard with swords, each with a dignified look.A certain dark guard frowned slightly, and continued walking towards the depths of the wide road with a smile.

But before he took a few steps, he felt something was wrong.

He raised his head sharply.

I saw that the tall courtyard walls on both sides of Kuan Avenue were already filled with hidden guards.Each of them was not holding a hand crossbow, even a bow and arrow, and each of them aimed their arrows at him.

The dark guard was startled suddenly, and his whole body was on alert. "What do you mean? Why are you pointing arrows at me?"

"Who are you? Where did you come from? What power do you belong to?"

Chu Ziyan stood up and asked indifferently.

"Who am I? I'm Chu Yunling." The dark guard boy said in astonishment.

"I believe you ate him." Chu Zilan also walked out from behind the hidden guards and stood in front of them.

"'s dare to betray me? Hmph, eh..." The dark guard boy's complexion changed suddenly, following him the corners of his mouth moved silently, and then looked at Chu Zilan in shock.

"Is it because you urged the secret technique and found that you have no connection with your Jishen?" Chu Zilan asked in a good mood.

"Situ E, let's get to know each other formally. My name is Chu Zilan. I am from the Chu Clan's Dark Guard, and I am currently the deputy commander of the Chu Clan's Dark Guard. And you, where are you from?"

"Hmph, how dare you plot against me just because you are a young boy? Do you still want to find out about my heels? Do you think it is possible?" The dark guard boy, oh oh, he ate the soul of a certain dark guard boy and parasitized in On the other side, Situ E suddenly changed his voice, and said in his own voice, a voice like grinding sand.

"Your divine spirit technique is really powerful. When you need it, you can parasitize in the sea of ​​consciousness, manipulating the other party's soul for your own use. When you don't need it, you can also eat the other party's soul to replenish yourself." Chu Zi Lan praised the other party's spirit sending skills.

"Didn't you also escape? What method did you use to silently destroy my divine power?" Situ asked curiously. "As far as I know, my secret technique, even in the court of gods, very few people can break it so easily without alarming me."

"What else can break the secret art of the soul?" Chu Zilan said lightly.

Situ E's expression changed, "Spiritual Secret Art."

"The answer is correct, but there is no reward. You really refuse to tell which faction you are from?" Chu Zilan asked again.

"Hmph, if you want to kill me, you can do it." Situ E rushed towards Chu Zilan as soon as he stepped on the ground aggressively.Since Chu Zilan knows the mystic arts, the danger to their organization is too great, so let's just kill him first.

Isn't it just a physical body, and he doesn't feel bad after abandoning him.

"What a good dog." Seeing that the other party refused to reveal the organization behind it, Chu Zilan simply raised his hand and "shot the arrow."

Immediately, countless light arrows and fire crossbows fired at Situ E.

After Chu Zilan's Xu Kun swallowed Situ E's Jishen, he learned that the other party was called Situ E, but that was all, there was no other news.Situ E is also playing with the soul, so naturally he will not leave too many loopholes in Jishen.

As soon as the first wave of dense arrow rain arrived, Situ E twisted and dodged one after another, avoiding the first wave by sticking to the large area of ​​arrow rain, but the second wave came right after.And the denser Firebolt arrows that came together with the rain of arrows.

The corner of Situ E's mouth twitched, first avoiding the fire crossbow arrow.What the hell, the kind of stuff that bursts will do more damage.

But the light arrow fell on the body.Situ E almost screamed.

What's the matter, these light arrows are actually inscribed with purification charms specially inscribed on them.Light arrows have strong penetrating power, and the soft armor on his body has almost been pierced into a sieve, and with the evil purification talisman, he is like lying in super sulfuric acid water.

It was so painful that even the soul began to tremble.

"Boy, don't think that you won this time, I will come back to find you."

Hearing this roughly, everyone thought that Situ E wanted to run away, and the dark guard boy leaned forward fiercely, looking like he wanted to launch a chase.

Situ E did make a Xu Huang move, and then ran two steps towards the gate.

"Soul Shield." Chu Zilan said immediately.

Just as Chu Zilan was yelling, Situ E suddenly ran back again, and when he approached the nearby wall of his hidden guards' combat power, he suddenly exploded.The surging black stench gas mixed with strange things, shot at the surrounding dark guards.

Fortunately, the clever old dark guards took out a large black shield after hearing the order.

Hiss, sizzling...

There are constantly corrosive things, equipped with soul shields, and a large amount of black gas, as soon as it gets close to the big black shield, it is absorbed.There were no humans who crossed the soul shield and attacked behind the shield.

There were a few boys who were a little slow to react at the beginning, and didn't even raise their soul shields to resist.As soon as the black air and the contents inside came, they turned into worms and entered their bodies, ah ah ah, the boys screamed and were sucked dry of flesh and blood, turning into black mummy.

"Fire Net." Chu Ziyan ordered with his eyes fixed on the source of the black air explosion.

The fiery red light nets were released one by one by the old guards to the source of the black air.As soon as Guangwang rushed forward, the black air suddenly exploded like fire oil meeting water.There was a crackling vibration, the black air continued to dissipate, and the fire net continued to descend towards the ground.

A black dwarf who barely gathered human form twisted and cursed, "Bastard, let me go quickly. Otherwise, your Chu family will be wiped out, and no one can save you. Neither can Guanghan Jianzong."

"Give him an experiment with the real fire of Qianyang. It is said that this kind of spiritual fire is the nemesis of magic, and we haven't seen it before." Chu Ziyan said coldly.

"Bastard, bastard, you're going to die." Situ E could have escaped directly before, but he was not willing to come in vain, at least he would take away some lives that showed his hidden guards.So he chose to self-destruct with soul power.

He planned to use the power of demon souls and demon soul worms that he had accumulated for many years to kill the secret guards carefully cultivated by the Chu family, and give them a big loss for the Chu family.

In the end, neither the power of the demon soul nor the demon soul worm had any success, and his plan to escape while taking advantage of the chaos was lost because the Chu family's hidden guards were not seriously damaged and there was no confusion.In the end, before he could run away, people from the Chu family had already dropped fire nets one after another to catch him.

Damn it, he only cultivated his soul power and forgot to bring an earth escape talisman with him! ~
(End of this chapter)

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