The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 965 My Third Uncle?

Chapter 965 My Third Uncle?
Could it be the third-order peak five-element spirit vein?Or a small cave?
or what?

Taohua thought suspiciously.

"Besides, you said that the person who summoned you was really my third uncle? Wasn't it some disguise?" Tao Hua asked in surprise.

"Yes, it has been confirmed that it is your third uncle. Now your grandfather and your father have been notified of your third uncle's death." Chu Ziyan said.

Taohua frowned with a headache and said, "I see. You guys go down."

After hearing this, Chu Zilan and Chu Ziyan immediately bowed and left.

Taohua went back to the inner room, put on her outer robe, washed it again, and handed Brother Chun to the nanny to take good care of her.I hurried back to my mother's house.

She was not as fast as her grandfather came here.As soon as she entered the door, she saw her fifth uncle awkwardly supporting her grandfather, who was yelling at her father.

"How did the third child die? Didn't he talk about finding a job here? He also said that you arranged that job? Why did he die suddenly? What will happen to the whole family when he dies? You provide for him. ?"

"Why should I support him? When did he come to me to find a job for him? Can I do this kind of thing? I have always hated the two brothers, how can I help them find a job? Isn't it old? Four?"

The fourth child, the fourth daughter-in-law and a group of fourth child's children who came with the third wife and children all looked at Chu Dashan dumbly.

It's like he doesn't know who to trust.

"You didn't find a job for my father, so why did my father work, and why did he die?" Chu's eldest daughter asked bitterly.

"I also want to know this question. Has your father ever been back, or told you who he works for?" Taohua led someone in at this time.

"What do you mean?" The little girl who was only sixteen or seventeen years old had a hostile look on her face.

"Is this your attitude towards your cousin?" Taohua asked coldly.

"Didn't your father say he hated my father to death?" The little girl said angrily, "Since he hates my father to death, then he is still my father's brother, and you are still my cousin?" The appearance of the land.

"It's strange what you said. At the beginning, your family couldn't even afford food. The whole family was like a beggar. They lived in a straw hut with no beds and a thin layer of straw lying on it. After my father made a fortune, he gave it to you. The purchased house, yard, and field. How come it’s not a brother who will send food, drink, and house to your family?”

Some of the servants and the long-term and small workers gathered around to watch the excitement burst into laughter.

The little girl noticed the strange eyes around her, and she was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

Taohua's grandfather Chu Changyuan saw that the situation was wrong, and immediately said, "We didn't mean that. We also know that your father was good to brothers. But your third uncle died for no reason this time, it's too strange."

"I also think my third uncle's death sounds strange, so I asked you if you know any clues? Because according to my investigation, how did my third uncle collude with outsiders to betray the Chu family? ?”

Chu Changyuan and the others were shocked by the peach blossoms.


"Impossible. My father said that he is doing a big thing, as long as it is done, he will get great benefits." The little girl retorted immediately.

"By the way, it's a big deal. Assassinating the head of the family is a big deal. If it's done, I don't know if the benefits will fall on him." Taohua said in a low tone. "At that time, no matter whether it is for the sake of confidentiality, you must let him cool down?"

"No, no, no. My father said it was about establishing the country, not about assassinating the patriarch." The little girl said immediately.

"No, it was the assassination of the Patriarch. They failed to assassinate the Patriarch last night. The principal culprit is dead and the accomplice escaped. If the third uncle participated, he must have been killed outside Xianyang City." Tao Hua said.

"No, it's impossible. My father will not assassinate the Patriarch. If you assassinate the Patriarch, the whole family will be exiled from the clan. How could my father do such a thing?" The little girl roared like a madman.

"It seems that you also know the seriousness of the matter. Who else is your father's accomplice who knows about this matter?" Tao Hua's face became gloomy, and she said coldly.

"But my father didn't assassinate the Patriarch." The little girl said.

"His fourth uncle also knows that every time my husband goes home, he will talk with fourth uncle." Chu's third wife immediately said loudly.


"Sister-in-law." Fourth Chu shouted in panic, he really didn't expect his sister-in-law to confess at this time.

"There are also the eldest son and the second son of the fourth child. They have all been called out to do errands before." Chu's third child's wife continued to speak.

Tao Hua nodded towards the hidden guard behind her.

Chu's fourth son and the two young men of his family were directly dragged away.

It's useless no matter how much they cry about injustice.

Seeing that her husband and child had been dragged away, the fourth daughter-in-law chased and beat the third daughter-in-law like crazy.

"You lunatic, you actually implicated my husband and children, are you still a human being? It is my husband who committed the death. If he hadn't insisted on participating in the founding of the country, how could he be killed in the matter of assassinating the head of the family? If It wasn't that you insisted on dragging my husband to stand up for you, why did we come here?"

"Before you came, it was your man who said that my man died unjustly. You asked the old man to come over and help him, and let Chu Dashan at least pay us enough money so that our family will not lack food and drink for half our lives. But after I came, I realized that my man turned out to be Because of colluding with outsiders, assassinating the head of the family will not be killed.

If I don't confess all of your accomplices, will you really not kill our family in the future? "

"Whoever wants to kill you, you lunatic. My husband absolutely did not participate in the assassination of the Patriarch. If they are arrested on such charges, it will be over. Our family will be exiled from the clan. You will die badly, you lunatic, You ruined our family." The two women started fighting each other crazily.

The children around were dumbfounded.

After a while, they also joined the melee.The adults and children of the two families fought together.

His face was covered in blood.

Tao Hua, who heard the truth about their fight with each other, silently stared at Chu Changyuan.

Chu Changyuan looked at her in embarrassment.

A smile appeared on the corner of Chu Zheng's mouth.Now it's embarrassing to be his father.

"I'm innocent." Chu Changyuan thought for a while, but still defended himself.

"Are you helping them to blackmail my father?" Taohua asked.

"Then how can it be? It's your third sister-in-law, and your fourth uncle said that the family has no money, not even funeral expenses. I thought I'd better ask your father to come to help me. After all, it's only the last time if we are brothers. .”

"Really? Dad?" Taohua turned around and asked Chu Dashan.

Chu Changyuan quickly gave Chu Dashan his eyes.

Chu Dashan felt disgusted, but the third child died after all.

"Okay, I'll give you some money."

 Ask for some collections and recommendation tickets for my new book "The Taoist Lord Is A Little Salty"~

(End of this chapter)

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